Igor, parked for the night in the Sierra Gorda Mountains in Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Campestre Pinal in the Sierra Gorda mountains, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Arrived in Cape Town, South Africa!

Well, I bet there's not many of you who have already been in two countries this year!

Just a short note to say we've arrive in Cape Town, safe and sound.

We left Windhoek Namibia yesterday, New Years Day at 5:00pm. It was scheduled to be a 21 hour bus ride to Cape Town, and the bus was almost exactly on time, arriving at 2:00pm this afternoon, January 2nd.

Windhoek to Cape Town, 1,500 kms (930 miles).

It was a fancy bus, with two drivers and a host, and a separate trailer for the luggage.

Intercape Sleepliner.

We didn't get any half decent pictures of the interior, but the seats recline to about 150 degrees and for a bus ride, it was pretty comfortable. The only thing a little odd was the religious connotations. They warn you in advance on the website, but there was a prayer when we left, and a prayer when we arrived. And the programming on the televisions was "Christian". Don't have a problem with that, but we just thought it was a little odd.

We paid N$850 ($92.00) each for our tickets. Only thing you have to watch is that ticket prices change constantly and you are more likely to get a better price the further in advance that you book. 

Anyhow, we arrived right on time, and our couchsurfing host Mark was there to greet us.

A little tired, but there's a big Minstrel Parade happening downtown tonight, so I think we're going to try and make it to this annual event.

Happy to be in South Africa...can't wait to show you some pictures of Cape Town over the next few days!


  1. A long journey on the first day of the year. Sounds about right for you two! Can't wait for the next update. :)

  2. What a nice looking bus! And the reclining seats sound great.

  3. Interesting bus. Definitely not like the Greyhound I used to ride in my 20's. Hope you get a little rest before you head out to party.

  4. Welcome to your 2nd county on the 2nd of the year.

  5. Heck it used to almost take me that long to get home on the bus when I was in college, of course that bus stopped everytime a cow wagged its tail :-) ...cant wait for updates

  6. Now thats once fancy looking bus, glad you had a nice journey, enjoy Capetown.

  7. That bus would make an amazing RV! Happy New Year!

  8. What are you seeing in regards to Mandela's passing? Anything?

  9. Oh how I wish for reclining seats like that on the long flight to South Africa.

  10. Off to a great start - bus is snazzy looking - can't wait to see Cape Town photos - enjoy!!!

  11. Just been catching up with your posts. Enjoy Cape Town. Happy New Year, may it be full of exciting adventures for you both. Tony and Helen xx

  12. Hope you got some rest in to help recover from your extreme traveling (so far)!

  13. Happy New Year Ruth & Kevin!!!! :)

  14. I would only be real nervous if the prayers were thought to be necessary for the bus to arrive safely:)

  15. Wow you are WAY down there on the bottom. HA! Glad you arrived safely. Guess the prayers worked. :-)


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