Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Busy day with some wildlife sightings!

Wow. Long blog post today. Nothing to do but to start at the beginning! We left the Regent Casino on the eastern side of Winnipeg as soon as we got up Thursday morning. That way, the engine heat warms things up for us and we don't need to use any propane. We did the short drive out of the city and to the small town of Ste Anne, only 43 kms (27 miles) away.

I had checked online to find a place that would top up Sherman'a propane tank, and there was a Co-op store in Ste. Anne that had a propane fill station for both tanks and automobiles.

It was fairly busy there at 7:30am, but the guy came right over to help me out. I saw the propane price on the pump, at $0.91 per litre (about $2.65 USD per gallon). Normally, propane is well over $1.00 per litre although the price varies widely and it pays if you can shop around.

He filled us up, and gave me a slip to go inside to pay. The girl inside rang it up, and it was a couple of dollars more than the pump had said it was. I assumed maybe they add tax after the fact, and didn't think much of it. Back outside, I looked at the receipt and it didn't have any extra taxes, simply saying that the price per litre was $0.98.

So now, I thought she made a mistake and I went back inside and pointed out the difference.

"Oh", she says. "They just leave the price at the pump at $0.91 no matter what the price is. Right now, the price is $0.98. I don't know why they do that. Here's a number you can call to ask", As she points to the top of the receipt.


It was only $1.75 or so difference, so I wasn't going to argue with her. But it makes no sense to me. Advertise a price at the pump, and then charge a higher price after you've already filled up when you go inside to pay?

Even at $0.98, it was still a decent price so I didn't bother to follow up. Strange business practice though.

We carried on through town and found a church to park beside while we had some breakfast and got on the internet.

The Catholic Church in Ste. Anne, Manitoba.

We got back on the Trans Canada highway, heading east towards the Ontario border. Came upon a 30 km (18 mile) section of road repairs...

Fortunately, our side of the road was already freshly paved for quite a bit of it.

But, we did have a little of this to deal with as well.

We carried on to the summer resort town of Falcon Lake just before the Ontario border. This is where the northern lake district starts and the scenery is now definitely not in the prairies. Filled up with gas one more time before Ontario even though it only took $60 worth. Gas is more than $0.10 a litre ($0.40 a gallon) more expensive in Ontario, so better to top it off with the cheaper stuff.

We stopped and went for a walk at Falcon Lake. It's a nice beach and I bet the place is a zoo on a beautiful summer weekend.

Ruth, on the beach at Falcon Lake, Manitoba.

Out for a walk on the Marsh Trail.

Funny looking bug.

Or is it some kind of cockroach??

Back on the road, it was only a short distance to the Ontario border.

Ontario is a BIG province.

Americans think that Texas is big. Ontario is bigger. It would take 22 hours of nonstop driving to make it through Ontario from west to east. Which means that it's pretty much going to take us a week!

We stopped for lunch in the town of Kenora, then carried on. Ruth spotted a bald eagle sitting in a tree at one point, but by the time she pointed it out there was no point in stopping. I would have had to walk back to try and get a photo and then he probably would have flown off anyhow.

We were driving along, when we both saw an animal run across the highway in front of us. It took a second to clue in as to what it first I thought it was a dog of some kind, but knew that it wasn't. It was a big cat!

Canada has a lot of lynx, but neither one of us have ever seen one in the wild. This was a first! Ruth grabbed the camera, but it was all too late...

Yep, that's the best we could do! 
You can click on the photo to enlarge it, but it won't do you much good. Sorry.

This is what we saw.

Despite the poor photo, that was very cool. Canada's three large cats (mountain lion, lynx, and bobcat) don't show themselves to humans very often out in the wild.

Northern Ontario scenery.

Further on, we spotted another bald eagle, and this time Ruth insisted I stop and try and get a photo. And I'm glad she did! I pulled over and walked back to where he was sitting high on top of a tree. I took one photo, and then as I pressed the shutter to take the second photo, he took off in flight! Both photos turned out really well. I took a third one too, but it was blurry.

Posing for the camera. 
How about that mean look on his face!

Take off!

At the town of Vermilion Bay, Ontario they have a small airport landing strip just north of town on the way to Blue Lake Provincial Park. We had boondocked there overnight when we were heading west though this area 9 years ago! So we headed right to that same spot. But we passed by it and went to Blue Lake Provincial Park to go for a walk first.

The park itself is closed, and the gates were locked but there's nothing stopping you from walking in.

At Blue Lake Provincial Park.

Never seen so many different types of mushrooms!

After our walk, we backtracked to the Vermillion Bay airport and parked up for the night. Exactly the same place we parked almost nine years ago!

Sherman boondocking at Vermilion Bay Airport GPS 49.879400, -93.428405

And, in the same spot nine years ago!

Yesterday's drive, 301 kms (187 miles).

Good deal on an ultra wide angle lens for various DSLR cameras...

And in Canada, the Mega Blocks set is on at a good price, today only. Good for ages 1-5.


  1. My grandparents (fathers side) are buried at that church. Never met them. They had passed by the time my Dad was 14!

    1. We would have said hi to them, if we had known that is where they were buried. It is very pretty there so I am sure they are happy with their final resting spot.

  2. Nice eagle shots. When we are going from point A to B we drive 7 - 8 hours per day so it wold only take us three days. I would rather get to where I was going and spend more quality time there than meander along the way. Eveyone does things differently.

    1. Thanks Contessa! Yes, it is good that everyone is different. We have a very hard time traveling that much in a day, plus for us the trip isn't just about the destination but all the little hidden gems along the way and enjoying every moment and place as we travel along.

  3. A nice day of travel. That area of Ontario sure is pretty.

    1. It was a beautiful day and yes, it is very pretty in this part of Ontario. I think this time of the year is the best because it isn't busy, there aren't any mosquitoes/bugs and the trees are turning. :-)

  4. I've spent many hours on Northern Ontario back roads and have never seen a lynx.

    1. Well it certainly was a first for us, guess we just got lucky. Haven't seen any moose or bear though!

  5. Wow, I'm amazed at all the lakes in that area! Looks like beautiful country. It's always fun to see wildlife along the way, too. Safe travels :)

    1. Lots and lots of lakes up this way! The fisherman love it here. Hopefully we will see more wildlife in the next week or so.

  6. I have been through there quite a few rimes years ago love the scenery.
    Propane here is southwest Ontario we have been paying .52 cents a litre, sure can't complain about that, Enjoy more travels.

    1. Do you have any problems filling your tank, or do you have a sticker that says it has been inspected? We have the original tank still and I believe by law in Ontario if we want it filled we have to have it inspected! Unless of course we find someone who either doesn't care or doesn't know.

    2. I had that same idea but I checked last year and if the tank is permanently installed in a chassis, inspection is not required. I was looking for someone who would inspect it and that's what I found on an Ont Gov website.

    3. See now that makes sense. But when they made all the new propane rules in Ontario back in 2010, I think it was...there was an awfully lot of confusion. Hopefully they've straightened things out.

  7. Your bug is called "giant water bug" and yes that is its real common name

    1. Thank you John! By the way from reading about them, they give a very nasty bite that is excruciatingly painful, and one of the worst inflicted by any insect but has no medical significance.

  8. Saw many bald eagles when we were near Comox, B.C.

    1. Nice! We never thought that we would have been lucky enough to have seen two on the very same day. I was really kicking myself when I didn't make Kevin stop for the first one so I was in heaven when I saw the second one and I made him stop because I didn't figure we would be lucky enough to get a third chance.

  9. Beautiful area and pictures! I'll bet it was exciting to see the Lynx!

    1. Yes, we were very excited! Wish we could have had a chance to have gotten a better picture though.

  10. I love bald eagles!!!
    I have never heard of not changing the pumps to reflect the correct price. That is so strange.
    Those mushrooms are gigantic!
    A lynx is one of the most beautiful animals....IMHO.

    1. It was a great day! Couldn't have ask for much better, other than the problem with the propane price but even that wasn't a bad price so Kevin didn't push the issue.

  11. I know the looks on your face and I bet I would have cracked up when the clerk said, "they always leave the price that way". The Eagle shot is incredible! Truly, you should enter that in a pay to win contest.

    1. I'm pretty sure Kevin was just shaking his head when the clerk said that!

      Thanks Chris, it is a great shot but we have seen better when it comes to photo contests!

  12. Gorgeous Bald Eagle photos! Wish we could get one like that!

    1. I think Kevin was just lucky with the shot of it flying because he was originally just taking another picture of it perched at the top of the tree when it suddenly took flight. We were so pleased that it came out so well. And it was my eagle eye that first spotted it in the tree as we were driving along. ;-)

  13. Looks like beautiful drive, thanks for the GPS co-ordinates..haha Enjoy your trip and travel safe.

    1. You are most welcome Sue! We also stayed at another airport just outside of Ignace last night. :-)

      Safe travels to you both as well. Enjoy your time with the family.

  14. You two in sweats and jackets already - wow! Great 'shroom pics and that posing-eagle shot is terrific. Yup, we agree, Ontario is HUGE!

    1. It was cool down by the water but once we started walking we warmed up and were almost too warm with our sweatshirts on. Don't forget we are in northern Ontario now! ;-)


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