Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year

Monday December 31...12:00pm

Went for a long walk this morning along the shoreline following an old path that we were told used to be the road through here before they built the main highway in 1973. We were gone about 3 hours, and I'm guessing we walked about 7 km's. It's still really windy on this part of the coast.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

A new beach

Sunday December 30...11:00pm

We decided we were due for a change of scenery today. We've already got reservations at the restaurant a few beaches over for New Years Eve (I think they charge $9 each!) so we decided to head over there a day early to

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Somebody stole my shoes...

Saturday December 29...10:30pm

I've been leaving my shoes and sandals outside the front door to help with keeping the sand out of the motorhome. This morning, as I go outside for the first time, my shoes have disappeared! Somebody took them. These were

Friday, December 28, 2007

A typical day...

Friday December 28...9:45pm

We didn't do anything special today, so we thought we'd give you an idea of what a typical day is like around here.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

On the beach (day 7)

Thursday December 27...9:15pm

We've been doing a little bit of route planning today. We still want to continue south to Cabo San Lucas, the very southern tip of the Baja Peninsula. But that means doing another 1,000 km's (600 miles) of driving before getting on

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

On the beach (day 6)...Climbing a hill

Wednesday December 26...9:45pm

Since we arrived at this spot, we had wanted to climb the biggest hill in the area, which happens to overlook the bay. By the time we set off, it was already 10:30am. There wasn't much of a trail, so to speak, but you could

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

Tuesday December 25...9:15pm

Waking up on Christmas morning to the sound of waves breaking on the beach outside your doorstep is definitely a good thing! Not a cloud in the sky again this morning.

Monday, December 24, 2007

On the beach (day 4)

Monday December 24...10:00pm

Today was probably the nicest day we've had so far. There was no wind this morning, and by mid day the temperature had reached around 25 and it was sunny. Ruth did her "christmas exchange" haircut this morning, and around

Sunday, December 23, 2007

On the beach (day 3)

Sunday December 23...9:45pm

Sure enough, they never came to collect the camping fee for yesterday...and they haven't come today either. We're hearing that the guy doesn't always stop in to collect the fee...and so we're hoping that $6 a night may actually end up being maybe $24 for the week...I guess we'll see. This is Mexico. Things are pretty laid back here.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

On the beach (day 2)

Saturday December 22...11:00pm

Whiskey got us up just in time to watch the sun rise this morning at around 7:05am. It was really pretty. Not a cloud in the sky the whole day, but there was a really strong wind that made it not as nice. I'm sure we won't get any

Friday, December 21, 2007

On the beach

Friday December 21...10:30pm

We ended up having to pay $8 to stay over last night...definitely not worth it, but we had already stayed, so would have had a hard time arguing this morning. Paid it...and we're on our way.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

San Lucas

Thursday December 20...10:00pm

Didn't sleep the best last night. We parked under a tree, and although it didn't rain last night, it was really humid and the dew dripping from the tree onto Sherman's roof was like the Chinese water torture!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Vizcaino, Baja California Sur

Wednesday December 19...11:00pm

Left the campsite at Bahia de los Angeles and drove into town to try the internet, but couldn't get connected. We planned a bit of a longer drive today because there's not much to see in the desert between here and San Ignacio.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bahia de los Angeles (day 2)

Tuesday December 18...9:00pm

Relaxed for the morning. Clear and sunny...temperature about 22 degrees. Spoke to one of the regulars here...an older guy from Alberta who says that the last week here has been terrible weather. Hopefully today is the start of a

Monday, December 17, 2007

Bahia de los Angeles

Monday December 17...9:15pm

Up early again this morning. It was going to be about an hour drive to the turnoff towards Bahia de los Angeles, a little rustic beach community that apparently has abundant sea life and nice scenery. The road is mostly flat in

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Sunday December 16...10:15pm

Up and on the road by 8am this morning. We figure on doing no more than 3 hours driving on the days that we do drive, so by getting on the road early we can be pretty much set up by lunch hour or thereabouts. Plus, it gives lots of time if anything unforseen happens along the way.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

San Quintin (day 2)

Saturday December 15...10:00pm

The guy two doors down had his generator running at 7:55am. Now we were already up and awake...but that doesn't matter. It's just not good campground etiquette to be running your genset when others might be sleeping. Some people's kids...! But despite that, we had pretty much already decided we were going to hang around here for another night.

Friday, December 14, 2007

San Quintin

Friday December 14...9:30pm

On the road by 9am, and it turned out to be a good thing. The road south has some twisty windy parts, and overall it's pretty slow going. I'd think we probably averaged about 60 km/h if you took into consideration our checking

Thursday, December 13, 2007

La Bufadora (day 2)

Thursday December 13...10:30pm

Another nice sunny day today. Gets a little chilly at night though...we figure it went down to around 10 degrees. Back up to about 22 around lunch hour, and then it starts cooling off fairly quickly during the afternoon. Still, it was

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

La Bufadora, Baja, Mexico

Wednesday December 12...10:00pm

Woke up around 7am and took Whiskey for a walk on the beach. She really seems to like walking on the beach...lots of different sniffs and smells, and she can run around with no problem. It was a beautiful clear blue sky this morning, Temperature about 10C.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ruth's post - Meeting up with Kevin

Ruth and Colin's Day - Tuesday December 11

I am only writing my day up until I meet up with Kevin as he has written the journal for today. We had breakfast and cleaned up, moved into the parking lot so that we could fill the water tank up before heading across the border.

Kevin's post - Finally back together!

Tuesday December 11...9:00pm

I was up early this morning....around 6:30am because my couchsurfing host David was going to drive me up to the main border crossing at San Diego and Tijuana. We dropped his son off at school first, and made our way

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ruth's post - Shelter Island, San Diego (day 2)

Ruth and Colin's Day - Monday, December 10

We had a nice relaxing kind of morning, Sherman was moved to the parking lot off the street where we will stay for the day, before going back to the street tonight. You can`t park overnight in the parking lot, they only allow parking between 6am and 10pm, but there is no problem parking on the street at night.

Kevin's post - Tijuana, Mexico

Monday December 10...10:30pm

I didn't sleep well last night. No alarm clock, and no wake up call service...so I was all worried about not getting up in time to get the bus from Manzanillo to Colima. So after a tossing and turning type of sleep, I got up at 7am.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Ruth's post - Shelter Island, San Diego

Ruth and Colin's Day - Sunday, December 9th

It's 3am when I wake up, I wake Colin and see if he feels like driving yet or not. We check at the truck stop to see if they know if the pass is opened, it's not so this means another detour. Luckily this isn't a very big detour,

Kevin's post - Mexico Resort (day 6)

Sunday December 9th...11:00pm

Still no word from Ruth...so no idea what's going on there! Doesn't matter, I suppose...either way I have to take my flight to Tijuana tomorrow.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Ruth's post - Lost Hills, California

Ruth and Colin's day - Saturday, December 8th

Woke up this morning to sunshine, what a nice change. It was a little on the chilly side, needed to put the furnace on for a short while just to take the chill out of the air.

Kevin's post - Mexico Resort (day 5)

Saturday December 8th...11:00pm

Another lazy day. Read my book and had a nap this afternoon. Never did make it into town today, but will make an effort to do that tomorrow morning because it's my last full day and I really want to see the shipping yards.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ruth's post - Redding, California

Ruth and Colin's day - Friday, December 7th

Woke up in yet another Wal-Mart parking lot as they are the easiest place to find for the drive down. This one is in Springfield, we had stopped at one, at the exit before, but it was smaller and didn't allow RV overnight parking.

Kevin's post - Mexico Resort (day 4)

Friday December 7th...

Kind of a lazy day today. Walked too much yesterday, so taking it easy today.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Ruth's post - Springfield, Oregon

Ruth and Colin's day - Thursday, December 6th

Woke up in the Richland, Washington Wal-Mart parking lot, in what is classified as a desert zone which has on average 300 days of sunshine, of course we got one of the other 65 days, it is spitting rain, and it doesn't really stop raining all day.

Kevin's post - Mexico Resort (day 3)

Thursday December 6th...11:30pm

I made my blister worse today. It actually felt fine, so I decided to walk into town. There's a new Walmart "Super store" in Manzanillo, so I was curious as to how different a Mexican Walmart is. Apparently Manzanillo has had very little new construction over the last 20 years,

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Ruth's post - Big Detour!!!

Ruth and Colin's day - Wednesday, December 5

A new day begins and what a day! A little late starting but only about 19km from the border crossing, Colin was happy we drove that first bit last night when the roads were quiet.  Anyways on the road again, "bombing" down the road, when I mention that the speedometer

Kevin's post - Mexico Resort (day 2)

Wednesday December 5th...11:15pm

The beach at Manzanillo is broken into 2 different bays. The section that this resort is on is at the south end of the first bay. So you can walk the beach to the north end of the bay which is about 3 km's each way. So I went and bought some sunscreen from the little shop on the

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ruth's post - Back in Vancouver

Ruth's day - Tuesday, December 4th

Rather than repeat what Kevin has already said about our early morning I will continue with my day. By the way it was dark and rainy this morning.

Kevin's post - Mexico Resort (day 1)

Tuesday December 4th...10:15pm

Sure enough, the alarm went off at 5am. It didn't take us long to get ourselves ready to head to the airport. Seems like forever that Sherman has been parked at this casino...yet it's really only been 3 days. We made it to the airport by 6:30am...with lots of time to spare for my 8:40am flight.

Monday, December 3, 2007

50 nights sleeping in a motorhome

Monday December 3rd...11:00pm

Everything went very smoothly today. Got our tourist visa's for Mexico valid for 180 DAYS! Got Whiskey's certificate of good health. Got some U.S. money and some Mexican pesos. Everything is coming together.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Boulevard Casino (day 2)

Sunday December 2nd...9:30pm

If it hadn't been for the snowstorm outside, we probably would have had a really good sleep at the Casino. But we think the guy operating the little bobcat plow was having more fun than anything else when he was plowing the parking lot for what seemed to be all night long. And

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Boulevard Casino

Saturday December 1st...9:15pm

The Walmart in Burnaby is open from 7am to 11pm every day. So when it got close to 11pm last night, I went into the store and asked at the customer service if it was normal practice for RV's to park overnight at this particular lot. Because there were signs put up by the shopping mall

Friday, November 30, 2007

Burnaby Wal-Mart

Friday November 30th...9:30pm Ruth had her first driving lesson with Sherman this morning. The industrial area we were parked in the night before was perfect for a little practice session. The streets were empty. Anyhow, I think she'll do fine. The toughest thing about driving

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mission, BC

Thursday November 29...9:30pm

After breakfast, we decided to put off the hot springs until after our hike. So we left Sherman parked where he was and walked down the road a bit to the start of the Campbell Lake Trail. We had read that this trail was pretty steep, and even the sign at the bottom said it was for

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Harrison Hot Springs

Wednesday November 28...9:30pm

Lazed around this morning for a bit just getting things sorted in Sherman to get on the road again. Walked to the post office to get a U.S. money order for Alex so that he can go play baseball in Tennessee next June and July. It's an elite wood bat league designed for college

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Othello Tunnels

Tuesday November 27...11:45pm

Ruth's birthday today! She's been wanting to get her hair done, so she found a spot here in Hope that would do it without an appointment...she just happened to show up at the right time.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Still in Hope...we like it here!

Monday November 26...11:30pm

Went for a hike up to the Hope Mountain Lookout. The guidebook said it was a 3 hour hike return trip, but we've learned that the guidebooks are not usually very accurate with hike times, and we can usually knock an hour or so off that. It did say it was a "steep" hike though,

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hope, B.C.

Sunday November 25...11:30pm

It did get cold last night! Didn't go to -13, but when I got up at 3am to turn the furnace on, it was -10.4! That is too cold to be in a motorhome! But now that we are in Hope, we are pretty much done with sleeping overnight in the mountains.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

E.C. Manning Provincial Park

Saturday November 24...8:30pm

Took a couple of hours this morning to putter around and get things ready to go on the road again. Emptied and cleaned the tanks one more time, did the vacuuming, checked the tire pressure, cleaned the windows, got the bikes back on the bike rack.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 6)

Friday November 23...11:00pm

Another lazy day. It was cloudy and kind of chilly, we think it only went up to -2 or so today. Took Whiskey for a long walk along the road into town. People don't tie their dogs up around here, so we had several encouters with them coming running down their driveways. Turned out

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 5)

Thursday November 22...11:00pm

Didn't do too much today. Kind of a lazy day, actually. Took the dash apart a bit and fixed a speaker wire that was bothering us, and a heater cable that wasn't working properly. Emptied the holding tanks and refilled the fresh water tank. We don't

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 4)

Wednesday November 21...10:30pm

Temperature was -7 when we got up this morning. A little chilly! We thought this was supposed to be the desert? Turns out we're just getting an abnormal cold spell. In fact, the record cold for today was -10, so it wasn't that far off. C'mon global warming! Oh well...it was still nice and sunny, and hardly any wind, so we went for a bike ride.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 3)

Tuesday November 20...10:30pm

Made it up to the Nk'Mip Desert Indian Culture Centre today. It was okay, but at $11 each, it was a little overpriced. Because we're staying at their RV Park, we got a 25% discount off that price. Saw their historical displays of the Osoyoos Indian Band, watched a 20 minute movie, and had a little walk on their trails. Not bad for something to do, I suppose.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 2)

Monday November 19...9:30pm

The Nk'Mip RV Park is one of the 9 businesses in the area that are owned by the Osoyoos Indian Band. The chief of this band is a business savvy guy who claims that other native bands should be more proactive in managing their economic affairs.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park

Sunday November 18...11:00pm

Went for a swim this morning and planned on having a shower afterwards...until we found out the showers are $1 for 5 minutes and we didn`t bring money with us! So we went back to Sherman, and Ruth was going to use the shower tub to wash her

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Saturday November 17...11:30pm

It was about a 10 minute drive from our overnight spot into the town of Oliver this morning. Found the tourist info building...and it was closed! Only open from Monday to Friday. Now when do you figure most people are travelling at this time of year?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Near Oliver, B.C.

Friday November 16...8:10pm

Peachland is billed as having a 7km long beach. After a quick breakfast, we went for a walk and I think by the time we finished we had pretty much done that 7 km's! But other than their beachfront road and the lake, there really wasn't that much to see or do there. So we figured we'd drive on to Summerland and look for some wine tours.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

On the road again...

Thursday November 15...9:15pm

Woke up this morning in a cabin on top of a mountain! It was so peaceful...not a sound to be heard. Ellen and Ben have a really nice little spot up there. We're not so sure we'd want to live in a place like that in the winter, but it was sure fun to spend

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On top of a mountain

Wednesday November 14...11:15pm

It got a little cold last night. They were calling for -6. Not sure if it got that cold, but it may have...because it was 2.5 on our bedside thermometer this morning! No worries, we put the furnace on and it didn't take long to warm up nicely.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Went for a hike...

Tuesday November 13...11:00pm

Drove about 25 km's to a fairly steep dirt road that we had to do another 4 km's on in order to get to the trailhead for Bluenose Trail. It's about a 2 ½ hour hike that takes you to 2 different lookout points. Temperature was about 9 in Vernon, so out

Monday, November 12, 2007

Still in Vernon

Monday November 12...10:30pm

Still in Vernon. Found my Aunt Barbara's place...sure enough it was a 5 minute walk from where we are parked at Walmart. Finished doing laundry and spent some time on the internet researching our trip to Mexico. Ruth's brother is going to fly to

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Vernon, B.C.

Sunday November 11...9:00pm

Went for a walk around Enderby this morning, and then just sat around with everyone at Cindy's house and just chatted. Did some laundry and had showers. Everyone was leaving after lunch, so we decided we'd head down to Vernon for the evening and get in touch with Aunt Barbara.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Enderby, B.C.

Saturday November 10...11:00pm

Up before 7am once again, and hit the road right away. This highway 33 is quite a windy road with some steep sections as well, so it's nicer for us to drive on it when there's no traffic because we tend to average about 70 km/h or less. It's a cloudy

Friday, November 9, 2007

Middle of nowhere...near Beaverdell

Friday November 9...7:00pm

Sure enough, we didn't need the furnace last night. Woke up and it was still 9 degrees inside. We're at the point now that if it's over 5 degrees inside when we wake up, then we're doing just fine! Got up and drove the 20 minutes or so back

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Syringa Provincial Park...near Castlegar

Thursday November 8...7:15pm

Today was a fun day! We got up fairly early and hit the road right away. Drove for an hour or so and then stopped for coffee and breakfast. As we entered Creston, B.C., we noticed the sign advertising tours at the Columbia Brewing Company...the makers of Kokanee Beer!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Near Cranbrook

Wednesday November 7...9:00pm

When we woke up this morning, it was already 5 degrees outside. So after breakfast we decided it would be a good day for me to fix the furnace. The RV park we were at didn't mind if we did some repairs, plus the place where I bought the switch was

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fernie, B.C.

Tuesday November 6...10:00pm

We were only a few minutes from the Frank Slide, and so after a quick breakfast we headed to the interpretive centre they built at the site of the disaster. If you don't know about the Frank Slide...it's when millions of tons of limestone rock came

Monday, November 5, 2007

Bellevue near Crowsnest Pass and the B.C. border

Monday November 5...8:45pm

Well today was yet another interesting day! It's never boring, that's for sure!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Waterton Lakes National Park

Sunday November 4...8:10pm

What strange weather we had last night. It was supposed to go down to about 2 degrees so we left the electric heater on. We woke up around 2am to a loud crash that sounded very close to us. There was a lot of wind, yet it was 22 degrees inside

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Lethbridge, Alberta

Saturday November 3...10:15pm

Woke up this morning to a deer standing out in our campsite. They don't seem to be very shy, that's for sure.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park

Friday November 2...10:10pm

Never got on the internet today, so yesterday's journal entry was posted at the same time as this one, in case you missed it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Foremost, Alberta

Thursday November 1...11:05pm

Got up and after something to eat we headed for a laundromat. We were pretty much the only ones there except for the woman working there. Nice enough morning, so I took Whiskey for a walk while Ruth sorted out the laundry.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Medicine Hat, Alberta

Wednesday October 31...8:20pm

Well, we had a good sleep last night, but we found out that if you leave the furnace running on the lowest setting for the whole night, the battery doesn't last as long as the night does! So around 3am I got up and turned the furnace fan off so it didn't

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Maple Creek, Saskatchewan

Tuesday October 30...8:00pm

Got up this morning to the motion of Sherman rocking back and forth in the wind. Not that cold though. We think it only went down to about 5 last night, so we were comfortable without having to put our newly repaired furnace on. But the wind was

Monday, October 29, 2007

Swift Current, Saskatchewan

Monday October 29...10:10pm

Up early again this morning. I don't think we're quite adjusting to the time changes, and we'll be going through another one tomorrow when we get into Alberta. And then the time changes again with daylight savings time...oh, who cares! The one

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Sunday October 28...9:00pm

Sure enough, our furnace is out of commission. When we got up this morning at around 6:45am, it was only 3.5C at our bedside, and the thermometer in the front read about 2C. Heard on the radio that it went to about -1 in Weybrun, and it was a

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Weyburn, Saskatchewan

Saturday October 27...8:30pm

With Sherman hooked up to hydro, we had our little electric heater on for part of the night. That sure makes a big difference in keeping the chill off. There was some frost on the ground, and we're pretty sure it went below zero overnight, but we were comfortable sleeping.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Brandon, Manitoba

Friday October 26...10:05pm

Had a good nights sleep at the Wal-Mart. Whiskey woke us up around 6:45am, so I took her for a little walk while Ruth put the kettle on for coffee and tea. Couldn't access the internet from the parking lot, so drove around to a nearby park where

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Still in Winnipeg

Thursday October 25...11:10pm

Laundry day again today, and we wanted to spend some time looking around downtown Winnipeg. The GPS unit found a laundromat a few kilometres from where we had been parked at the casino. The guy running the place allowed us to use their electricity to charge up the laptop, and we had no problem connecting to the internet while we waited for laundry to be done.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Wednesday October 24...10:30pm

Didn't get as cold outside this morning as they said it was going to. Only down to zero instead of the minus 4 they were calling for. Good thing, because it was 3.5C on the digital thermometer we have by the bed.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just west of Dryden

Tuesday October 23...9:45pm

It was a little chilly waking up this morning... 4.4C on the digital thermometer beside the bed. Even Whiskey didn't want to get up. The problem is that it's nice and comfy in bed even at that temperature...but you definitely don't want to get

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thunder Bay...still

Monday October 22...9:45pm

Decided to stay around Thunder Bay one more day. And yeah...we still feel that Thunder Bay wouldn't be a bad place to live. It's got everything Ottawa does (except the language issue), and housing is half the price. A quick flight to Toronto, and you

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thunder Bay

Sunday October 21...8:45pm

Made it from White River to Thunder Bay today. It was about 400 km's. That's a fair bit of a drive when you're only doing 80 km/h and stopping to see the sights. Oh, about 20 km's outside of White River there's a section where there was a big forest

Saturday, October 20, 2007

North of Wawa

Saturday October 20...9:00pm

Sure enough, nobody bothered us last night. But the rain never stopped. If there is one thing I am glad of, it is that our motorhome has ZERO problems in the way of leaks! It is totally leak free, and with the rain we had last night, if it was going to

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pancake Bay Provincial Park

Friday October 19... 7:30pm

We had a huge thunder and lightning storm last night. We were playing cribbage at about 9pm when there was a big crack of lightening and that sent us towards the back window looking out the at the lightening flashes while watching the rain pour

Thursday, October 18, 2007

At the Sault Ste Marie locks

Thursday October 18...8:10pm

Slept in this morning! Didn't get up until 8am. Haven't done that for a long time, but we think it was because it was just so peaceful at Julie and Pat's rural property. Didn't hear a sound all night long, excpet for a few drops of rain in the early morning.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Near the Soo

Wednesday October 17...10:15pm

Sure enough, we had a great night sleep at the casino. It was fairly warm too...still 10 degrees inside when we woke up. Didn't even have to put the furnace on. Grabbed a quick coffee and a bite to eat and made our way to a nearby town where

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Casino night

Tuesday October 16...10:15pm

Woke up at 7 o'clock this morning and there was frost on the windshield. Turned on the radio and they said it was 1 degree in North Bay. We had gone to sleep last night knowing it was supposed to get a little cool, but we decided to see how well

Monday, October 15, 2007

We're cookin' with gas now...

Monday October 15...9:15pm

We are finally on the road!

Despite finding several more minor motorhome maintenance items that need attention, we left Arnprior this morning around 11:30am. A little later than we planned, but we aren't too worried about not following "the plan". Life will go on, as they say.