Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Medicine Hat, Alberta

Wednesday October 31...8:20pm

Well, we had a good sleep last night, but we found out that if you leave the furnace running on the lowest setting for the whole night, the battery doesn't last as long as the night does! So around 3am I got up and turned the furnace fan off so it didn't

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Maple Creek, Saskatchewan

Tuesday October 30...8:00pm

Got up this morning to the motion of Sherman rocking back and forth in the wind. Not that cold though. We think it only went down to about 5 last night, so we were comfortable without having to put our newly repaired furnace on. But the wind was

Monday, October 29, 2007

Swift Current, Saskatchewan

Monday October 29...10:10pm

Up early again this morning. I don't think we're quite adjusting to the time changes, and we'll be going through another one tomorrow when we get into Alberta. And then the time changes again with daylight savings time...oh, who cares! The one

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Sunday October 28...9:00pm

Sure enough, our furnace is out of commission. When we got up this morning at around 6:45am, it was only 3.5C at our bedside, and the thermometer in the front read about 2C. Heard on the radio that it went to about -1 in Weybrun, and it was a

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Weyburn, Saskatchewan

Saturday October 27...8:30pm

With Sherman hooked up to hydro, we had our little electric heater on for part of the night. That sure makes a big difference in keeping the chill off. There was some frost on the ground, and we're pretty sure it went below zero overnight, but we were comfortable sleeping.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Brandon, Manitoba

Friday October 26...10:05pm

Had a good nights sleep at the Wal-Mart. Whiskey woke us up around 6:45am, so I took her for a little walk while Ruth put the kettle on for coffee and tea. Couldn't access the internet from the parking lot, so drove around to a nearby park where

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Still in Winnipeg

Thursday October 25...11:10pm

Laundry day again today, and we wanted to spend some time looking around downtown Winnipeg. The GPS unit found a laundromat a few kilometres from where we had been parked at the casino. The guy running the place allowed us to use their electricity to charge up the laptop, and we had no problem connecting to the internet while we waited for laundry to be done.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Wednesday October 24...10:30pm

Didn't get as cold outside this morning as they said it was going to. Only down to zero instead of the minus 4 they were calling for. Good thing, because it was 3.5C on the digital thermometer we have by the bed.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just west of Dryden

Tuesday October 23...9:45pm

It was a little chilly waking up this morning... 4.4C on the digital thermometer beside the bed. Even Whiskey didn't want to get up. The problem is that it's nice and comfy in bed even at that temperature...but you definitely don't want to get

Monday, October 22, 2007

Thunder Bay...still

Monday October 22...9:45pm

Decided to stay around Thunder Bay one more day. And yeah...we still feel that Thunder Bay wouldn't be a bad place to live. It's got everything Ottawa does (except the language issue), and housing is half the price. A quick flight to Toronto, and you

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thunder Bay

Sunday October 21...8:45pm

Made it from White River to Thunder Bay today. It was about 400 km's. That's a fair bit of a drive when you're only doing 80 km/h and stopping to see the sights. Oh, about 20 km's outside of White River there's a section where there was a big forest

Saturday, October 20, 2007

North of Wawa

Saturday October 20...9:00pm

Sure enough, nobody bothered us last night. But the rain never stopped. If there is one thing I am glad of, it is that our motorhome has ZERO problems in the way of leaks! It is totally leak free, and with the rain we had last night, if it was going to

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pancake Bay Provincial Park

Friday October 19... 7:30pm

We had a huge thunder and lightning storm last night. We were playing cribbage at about 9pm when there was a big crack of lightening and that sent us towards the back window looking out the at the lightening flashes while watching the rain pour

Thursday, October 18, 2007

At the Sault Ste Marie locks

Thursday October 18...8:10pm

Slept in this morning! Didn't get up until 8am. Haven't done that for a long time, but we think it was because it was just so peaceful at Julie and Pat's rural property. Didn't hear a sound all night long, excpet for a few drops of rain in the early morning.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Near the Soo

Wednesday October 17...10:15pm

Sure enough, we had a great night sleep at the casino. It was fairly warm too...still 10 degrees inside when we woke up. Didn't even have to put the furnace on. Grabbed a quick coffee and a bite to eat and made our way to a nearby town where

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Casino night

Tuesday October 16...10:15pm

Woke up at 7 o'clock this morning and there was frost on the windshield. Turned on the radio and they said it was 1 degree in North Bay. We had gone to sleep last night knowing it was supposed to get a little cool, but we decided to see how well

Monday, October 15, 2007

We're cookin' with gas now...

Monday October 15...9:15pm

We are finally on the road!

Despite finding several more minor motorhome maintenance items that need attention, we left Arnprior this morning around 11:30am. A little later than we planned, but we aren't too worried about not following "the plan". Life will go on, as they say.