Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Burnaby Wal-Mart

Friday November 30th...9:30pm Ruth had her first driving lesson with Sherman this morning. The industrial area we were parked in the night before was perfect for a little practice session. The streets were empty. Anyhow, I think she'll do fine. The toughest thing about driving

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Mission, BC

Thursday November 29...9:30pm

After breakfast, we decided to put off the hot springs until after our hike. So we left Sherman parked where he was and walked down the road a bit to the start of the Campbell Lake Trail. We had read that this trail was pretty steep, and even the sign at the bottom said it was for

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Harrison Hot Springs

Wednesday November 28...9:30pm

Lazed around this morning for a bit just getting things sorted in Sherman to get on the road again. Walked to the post office to get a U.S. money order for Alex so that he can go play baseball in Tennessee next June and July. It's an elite wood bat league designed for college

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Othello Tunnels

Tuesday November 27...11:45pm

Ruth's birthday today! She's been wanting to get her hair done, so she found a spot here in Hope that would do it without an appointment...she just happened to show up at the right time.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Still in Hope...we like it here!

Monday November 26...11:30pm

Went for a hike up to the Hope Mountain Lookout. The guidebook said it was a 3 hour hike return trip, but we've learned that the guidebooks are not usually very accurate with hike times, and we can usually knock an hour or so off that. It did say it was a "steep" hike though,

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Hope, B.C.

Sunday November 25...11:30pm

It did get cold last night! Didn't go to -13, but when I got up at 3am to turn the furnace on, it was -10.4! That is too cold to be in a motorhome! But now that we are in Hope, we are pretty much done with sleeping overnight in the mountains.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

E.C. Manning Provincial Park

Saturday November 24...8:30pm

Took a couple of hours this morning to putter around and get things ready to go on the road again. Emptied and cleaned the tanks one more time, did the vacuuming, checked the tire pressure, cleaned the windows, got the bikes back on the bike rack.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 6)

Friday November 23...11:00pm

Another lazy day. It was cloudy and kind of chilly, we think it only went up to -2 or so today. Took Whiskey for a long walk along the road into town. People don't tie their dogs up around here, so we had several encouters with them coming running down their driveways. Turned out

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 5)

Thursday November 22...11:00pm

Didn't do too much today. Kind of a lazy day, actually. Took the dash apart a bit and fixed a speaker wire that was bothering us, and a heater cable that wasn't working properly. Emptied the holding tanks and refilled the fresh water tank. We don't

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 4)

Wednesday November 21...10:30pm

Temperature was -7 when we got up this morning. A little chilly! We thought this was supposed to be the desert? Turns out we're just getting an abnormal cold spell. In fact, the record cold for today was -10, so it wasn't that far off. C'mon global warming! Oh was still nice and sunny, and hardly any wind, so we went for a bike ride.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 3)

Tuesday November 20...10:30pm

Made it up to the Nk'Mip Desert Indian Culture Centre today. It was okay, but at $11 each, it was a little overpriced. Because we're staying at their RV Park, we got a 25% discount off that price. Saw their historical displays of the Osoyoos Indian Band, watched a 20 minute movie, and had a little walk on their trails. Not bad for something to do, I suppose.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park (day 2)

Monday November 19...9:30pm

The Nk'Mip RV Park is one of the 9 businesses in the area that are owned by the Osoyoos Indian Band. The chief of this band is a business savvy guy who claims that other native bands should be more proactive in managing their economic affairs.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Nk'Mip RV Park

Sunday November 18...11:00pm

Went for a swim this morning and planned on having a shower afterwards...until we found out the showers are $1 for 5 minutes and we didn`t bring money with us! So we went back to Sherman, and Ruth was going to use the shower tub to wash her

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Saturday November 17...11:30pm

It was about a 10 minute drive from our overnight spot into the town of Oliver this morning. Found the tourist info building...and it was closed! Only open from Monday to Friday. Now when do you figure most people are travelling at this time of year?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Near Oliver, B.C.

Friday November 16...8:10pm

Peachland is billed as having a 7km long beach. After a quick breakfast, we went for a walk and I think by the time we finished we had pretty much done that 7 km's! But other than their beachfront road and the lake, there really wasn't that much to see or do there. So we figured we'd drive on to Summerland and look for some wine tours.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

On the road again...

Thursday November 15...9:15pm

Woke up this morning in a cabin on top of a mountain! It was so peaceful...not a sound to be heard. Ellen and Ben have a really nice little spot up there. We're not so sure we'd want to live in a place like that in the winter, but it was sure fun to spend

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On top of a mountain

Wednesday November 14...11:15pm

It got a little cold last night. They were calling for -6. Not sure if it got that cold, but it may have...because it was 2.5 on our bedside thermometer this morning! No worries, we put the furnace on and it didn't take long to warm up nicely.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Went for a hike...

Tuesday November 13...11:00pm

Drove about 25 km's to a fairly steep dirt road that we had to do another 4 km's on in order to get to the trailhead for Bluenose Trail. It's about a 2 ½ hour hike that takes you to 2 different lookout points. Temperature was about 9 in Vernon, so out

Monday, November 12, 2007

Still in Vernon

Monday November 12...10:30pm

Still in Vernon. Found my Aunt Barbara's place...sure enough it was a 5 minute walk from where we are parked at Walmart. Finished doing laundry and spent some time on the internet researching our trip to Mexico. Ruth's brother is going to fly to

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Vernon, B.C.

Sunday November 11...9:00pm

Went for a walk around Enderby this morning, and then just sat around with everyone at Cindy's house and just chatted. Did some laundry and had showers. Everyone was leaving after lunch, so we decided we'd head down to Vernon for the evening and get in touch with Aunt Barbara.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Enderby, B.C.

Saturday November 10...11:00pm

Up before 7am once again, and hit the road right away. This highway 33 is quite a windy road with some steep sections as well, so it's nicer for us to drive on it when there's no traffic because we tend to average about 70 km/h or less. It's a cloudy

Friday, November 9, 2007

Middle of nowhere...near Beaverdell

Friday November 9...7:00pm

Sure enough, we didn't need the furnace last night. Woke up and it was still 9 degrees inside. We're at the point now that if it's over 5 degrees inside when we wake up, then we're doing just fine! Got up and drove the 20 minutes or so back

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Syringa Provincial Park...near Castlegar

Thursday November 8...7:15pm

Today was a fun day! We got up fairly early and hit the road right away. Drove for an hour or so and then stopped for coffee and breakfast. As we entered Creston, B.C., we noticed the sign advertising tours at the Columbia Brewing Company...the makers of Kokanee Beer!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Near Cranbrook

Wednesday November 7...9:00pm

When we woke up this morning, it was already 5 degrees outside. So after breakfast we decided it would be a good day for me to fix the furnace. The RV park we were at didn't mind if we did some repairs, plus the place where I bought the switch was

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fernie, B.C.

Tuesday November 6...10:00pm

We were only a few minutes from the Frank Slide, and so after a quick breakfast we headed to the interpretive centre they built at the site of the disaster. If you don't know about the Frank's when millions of tons of limestone rock came

Monday, November 5, 2007

Bellevue near Crowsnest Pass and the B.C. border

Monday November 5...8:45pm

Well today was yet another interesting day! It's never boring, that's for sure!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Waterton Lakes National Park

Sunday November 4...8:10pm

What strange weather we had last night. It was supposed to go down to about 2 degrees so we left the electric heater on. We woke up around 2am to a loud crash that sounded very close to us. There was a lot of wind, yet it was 22 degrees inside

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Lethbridge, Alberta

Saturday November 3...10:15pm

Woke up this morning to a deer standing out in our campsite. They don't seem to be very shy, that's for sure.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park

Friday November 2...10:10pm

Never got on the internet today, so yesterday's journal entry was posted at the same time as this one, in case you missed it.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Foremost, Alberta

Thursday November 1...11:05pm

Got up and after something to eat we headed for a laundromat. We were pretty much the only ones there except for the woman working there. Nice enough morning, so I took Whiskey for a walk while Ruth sorted out the laundry.