Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park

Friday November 2...10:10pm

Never got on the internet today, so yesterday's journal entry was posted at the same time as this one, in case you missed it.

Well it did get cold last night...we have a remote digital thermometer to monitor the temperature in the fridge, so we put it outside this morning just to see...it was -8. But we were fine...with the little electric one running all night, we only had to put our propane furnace on for a half hour or so to warm things up when we awoke. But it hadn't snowed any more, and now there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

Mountains of Montana in the distance

Nice drive down to Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park. Absolutley nobody on the road. When we got to the park we stopped in at the brand new visitor centre. This park isn't very big and so we think it was neglected over the years, but they've recently injected some money into fixing it up. Up until this new visitor centre was built, they used a couple of portable ATCO type trailers for that function. This park is known for it's Indian drawings on the soft sandstone walls of the hoodoo's. It's not very busy, and the park is open year round so we decide to shell out $17 for another overnight stay with hydro. We haven't been driving much the last few days and figure the $17 or so doesn't get us very far with Sherman, so it's easy to justify. However if things were warmer, we'd be quite happy to find a free spot somewhere.

Went for a 5 km hike today to explore the hoodoo's and the Indian drawings. A little windy, but a good day for a hike. As much as it would be nice to have it be a little warmer, it's really nice doing this exploring when there's nobody around. There are only 3 other campsites taken and we think they are all hunters who camp here for the night but are off doing their thing during the day. Anyhow, we saw the Indian drawings, most of which seem to date from the mid 1800's. We laughed about the fact that this was just Indian graffiti from that era. I wonder if people 100 years from now will wonder at the graffiti that kids draw today. I thought that some of the Indian drawings looked like they were done by a 10 year old. Of course they have no idea...maybe they were.

Wild Whiskey Dog!

Milk River and the Hoodoos at Writing-On-Stone Provincial Park

Kevin and Whiskey in among the Hoodoos

Kevin and Whiskey coming down from the lookout at Writing-On -Stone Provincial Park  

Saw some more wildlife today. As we were starting our hike I looked over at one of the signsposts in the campground and we thought there was a fake owl on it. As we got closer, the fake owl turned around and looked at us before flying away. That was kind of neat. And then when we got back, Ruth went out the door to find a deer less than 30 ft away standing there munching on some grass. Also, we were fortunate to get a photo of the extremely rare Hoodoo Whiskey Dog...a smart little animal that only comes out when someone's got a treat for her!

Headed for Lethbridge tomorrow, and then into British Columbia.

Total Nights Sleeping in the RV... 20...

November Fuel $ 110.46

November Grocery $ 68.83

November Overnight Costs $ 35

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