Wednesday December 12...10:00pm
Woke up around 7am and took Whiskey for a walk on the beach. She really seems to like walking on the beach...lots of different sniffs and smells, and she can run around with no problem. It was a beautiful clear blue sky this morning, Temperature about 10C.
Where we parked just south of Ensenada
The beach where we were parked for the night
We decided to drive about 10 miles further out the point towards a little touristy town called La Bufadora. It's known to this area because there's a "blow hole" built into the rock formation where if the waves are big enough it causes a huge splash to come wasn't so good, but maybe there will be pictures tomorrow if it gets better. There's a lot of little tourist shops here, but there aren't any tourists so they were all politely harassing us to buy things because there weren't too many others around. They wanted $2 each to park for the day...but we paid $5 each and are parked overnight. We think that we may stay again tomorrow just because it's cheap and we're parked at a spot that has a really nice view.
Waiting for the water to spout at the blow hole
Ruth and Whiskey
Ruth, Whiskey, Glen and Steve
Sat out in the sun this afternoon for a bit, and this evening Glen and Steve came over to our place and we played cards and listened to some tunes. Very relaxing.
Parked for the night...for $5
A different view of our "spot" for the night
Getting caught up on our budget and expenses over the last week when we were separated. Should have things back up to date tomorrow.
Total Nights Sleeping in the RV... 60...
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