Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cancun (day 5)

Wednesday December 31

We relaxed at Carmens house in the morning, just doing some internet and laundry and chatting.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Isla Mujeres for the day

Tuesday December 30…11:30pm

We got up early and took Whiskey for a quick walk before leaving her at Carmen’s house for the day.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cancun (day 3)

Monday December 29…11:15pm

We took Whiskey for a walk this morning, and then left her with Carmen, whose dog and 3 cats seem to get along fine with Whiskey.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cancun (day 2)

Sunday December 28…11:30pm

We left Whiskey with Carmen at around lunchtime, and we rode our bikes to the hotel district. It’s absolutely amazing how you’d almost think you’re back in the US by driving a little way down the hotel zone road.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Saturday December 27…10:15pm

We left the Coba ruins carpark just before 8am. We headed out on the side road that links up to the main road to Cancun.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Coba ruins

Friday December 26…9:30pm

We left the Suytun Cenote at about 7:30am. S&G had left before us, as they wanted to get to the Coba ruins well before the crowds.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Mexico

Thursday December 25…10:30pm

Ruth put a chicken in the oven this morning, in order for us to have our Christmas meal at lunchtime. She made stuffing, and roast potatoes with it and it was really good. We shared with Steve and Glen, and they shared with us. We had such a feast, and then only needed a snack early in the evening.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Near Valladolid (day 3)

Wednesday December 24…9:30pm

We had a relaxing day today, just hanging around the cenote. Ruth did some baking this morning, and I read my book most of the day.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Near Valladolid (day 2)

Tuesday December 23…9.:30pm

We slept well here at the Suytun de Mendoza cenote. But Phillipe’s 9 children get up around 6am, and with 9 children, there is bound to be a little noise. So we were up early as well.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Near Valladolid

Monday December 22…11:30pm

We left the Merida RV park at 8:00am. The rent lady never did show up. So we paid approximately $21.00 for the first night, and got 2 nights free. At $7.00 per night, we figure we got fair value.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merida (day 3)

Sunday December 21…11:00pm

We left the RV Park at around 9:30am and went to park in the convention center parking lot. The woman at the RV park never did come to collect the rent. There is never anybody here and the place is not well maintained. I do not feel guilty getting a night for free.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merida (day 2)

Saturday December 20…10:45pm

We left the RV park at 8am in order to get the tire replaced. Along the way, we dropped off a large load of laundry at the lavanderia.

Friday, December 19, 2008

City of Merida

Friday December 19…9:45pm

We left the Uxmal ruins at about 9am. We were heading for Merida, which is the state capital of the Yucatan. It was only about an hour drive so we weren’t in any rush to leave.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Uxmal ruins (day 2)

Thursday December 18…10:50

Kevin’s taking the day off from writing the blog, my turn today. Got up around our usual time of 7am and had had a great nights sleep.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Uxmal ruins

Wednesday December 17…10:30pm

We got up before 7am and drove to the Walmart supercenter on the outskirts of Campeche. We did a big grocery shop.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

City of Campeche (day 2)

Tuesday December 16…10:45pm

We didn’t have the best sleep last night because it was hot and muggy, and at 5:30am or so we were woken up by workmen painting the curbs in the parking lot. Fortunately, this didn’t last long and we managed to get back to sleep for a bit longer. Steve and Glen joined us at the tourist info carpark in Campeche at about 8am this morning.

Monday, December 15, 2008

City of Campeche

Monday December 15…10:45pm

We went for another walk down our little entrance road, and as we got near the beginning of it, we walked into 4 Mexican marine soldiers with their rifles.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Seibaplaya (day 2)

Sunday December 14…9:00pm

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky all day today. High was about 30C (86F). We expected that because today was Sunday, our spot here would be a little busier, but very few locals showed up.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Saturday December 13…11:00pm

As we were getting ready to hit the road this morning, at about 8am, a bunch of RV’s went by. Most were motorhomes pulling cars, and then one pickup truck with a 5th wheel trailer.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Near Sabancui

Friday December 12… 11:00pm

We made no effort to get up early, however when we did arise, we decided that the weather wasn’t good enough to warrant staying here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another spot near Puerto Ceiba (day 2)

Thursday December 11…11:00pm

It was windy all last night, and it rained on and off. We decided to stay put and ride it out today in the hopes of better weather, but it never showed up. So it was a day of reading books and playing cards.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another spot near Puerto Ceiba

Wednesday December 10…11:00pm

Not a bad nights sleep, but we decided to move on anyhow. It was going to be a really hot day, because the temperature inside Sherman at 8:00am was already 26C (80F).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

A farmers field (day 2)

Monday December 8…9:00pm

Sometime last night, I woke up and Sherman was rocking! Half asleep, I thought maybe it was an earthquake.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A farmers field near Sanchez Magallanes

Sunday December 7…9:30pm

So besides being a dirty beach with lots of bugs, it was also not a nice place to sleep. Quite a few cars drove up with music blaring loudly at all hours of the night. And lots of dogs barking. Oh well.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sanchez Magallanes

Saturday December 6…6:30pm

I’m writing the journal early tonight, because I know I’m just not going to feel like it later!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lake Catemaco (day 4)

Friday December 5…9:30pm

It was pouring rain when we woke up. It never did clear up, and remained overcast the whole day. Not very nice for Glen’s birthday, but we had no control over the weather. However we did have her and Steve over for a nice lunch. Ruth made chicken curry with rice, and then cheesecake for dessert.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lake Catemaco (day 3)

Thursday December 4…10:30pm

We took Whiskey for a nice walk along the malecon this morning.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lake Catemaco (day 2)

Wednesday December 3…10:30pm

We woke up to a beautiful blue sky for our boat trip this morning. We only had to cross the street to get to our boat dock, and our driver Hector was ready to go at 8:45am.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lake Catemaco, Mexico

Tuesday December 2…10:00pm

We woke up to rain dropping on the roof. It rained steadily while we got ready to go, and didn’t let up until mid-morning. We were on the road by 8:30am, having waited a bit in the hope that traffic will have lightened up by the time we got to the bypass around Veracruz.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cardel, Mexico

Monday December 1…9:30pm

We woke up to a cloudy day and had made the decision that if it was cloudy, we would move on. So we packed everything up, and were on the road before 9am.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Coasta Esmerelda (day 6)

Sunday November 30…11:00pm

Spent the morning doing some minor repairs to Sherman. Nothing important, just crossing a few things off the to-do list. Ruth spent the morning cleaning out the oven/stove top area, which she had wanted to do while at her parents, but somehow never got around to it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Coasta Esmerelda (day 5)

Saturday November 29…11:00pm

I rode back to the hotel this morning, and used their internet. It was a different person at the front counter, and I asked if I could use the internet, he said it was okay. Glen and Steve went later in the morning, and they also had no problem using it.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Coasta Esmerelda (day 4)

Friday November 28…9:15pm

I rode my bike back to the hotel this morning and used the internet for a bit. We’re not customers there any more, so I don’t want to overstay my welcome in their lobby, although nobody seems to mind.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Coasta Esmerelda (day 3)

Thursday November 27…10:00pm

At 8:30am, I rode my bike down to the hotel we stayed at night before last. It’s only about half a km up the road, and I could easily see the hydro crews were still working, I checked with the girl at the counter, and she told me the power wouldn’t be working until Friday morning.  I asked her if I could use the internet in the morning, and

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Coasta Esmerelda

Tuesday November 25…10:00pm

We left the El Tajin ruins at about 9:00am. We headed for the Esmeralda Coast, which is a beachfront roadway between Poza Rica and Veracruz. It’s a popular area for Mexicans to come and vacation

Monday, November 24, 2008

El Tajin Ruins

Monday November 24…9:30pm

On the road again by 8:00am. We put in a little more gas, as a thank you to the Pemex station who let us park overnight for free in their lot.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Alamo, Mexico

Sunday November 23…10:15pm

The morning started off cloudy, so we made an early decision to head further south.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Barra Del Tordo (day 4)

Saturday November 22…10:00pm

Cloudy again today, but not quite as cool. High about 22C (72F).

Friday, November 21, 2008

Barra Del Tordo (day 3)

Friday November 21…10:00pm

We had some rain overnight last night, but it had cleared up somewhat by morning. Ruth went for a run down the beach, and Whiskey and I followed shortly after because it looked like a storm

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Barra Del Tordo (day 2)

Thursday November 20…10:30pm

We didn’t sleep well last night, because Whiskey had some kind of reaction to a flea and tick medication that we gave her. She seems

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Barra Del Tordo, Mexico

Wednesday November 19…10:00pm

We were up by 7am, and went for a walk. Yesterday, there was a large bus/coach that was doing some repair work in the parking lot of

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nuevo Progreso, Mexico

Tuesday November 18…10:15pm

We had set the alarm for 6:20am in order to be ready to head across the border at 7:30am. Traffic going through Brownsville was fairly heavy, but by the time we reached the bridge and border it was pretty quiet. We paid the $7.00 US ($8.40 CAN)(for motorhomes) bridge toll and crossed in to Mexico.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Brownsville (day 4)

Monday November 17…10:30

Well the main project today was to get Sherman’s alternator problem fixed. I removed the new alternator and Steve and Glen (hereafter referred to as S&G) drove me over to the auto parts place. They

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Brownsville Walmart

Sunday November 16…9:30pm

I was up at sunrise and after my first coffee I set out to figure out this alternator problem. When started and running, the voltage at the battery reads 11.2 volts. It should read somewhere around 13.5v.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Back in Brownsville

Saturday November 15…9:30pm

Today was not a good day. We’ve learned that sometimes things just don’t go the way you want them to, and so you just accept that, and you carry on. But today was just one thing after another.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Boca Chica Beach, Texas

Friday November 14…10:30pm

Did some shopping at the Walmart. Got oil and filter for Sherman, because I’ll have to do that sometime soon. And picked up a lot of grocery items that we are stocking up on because they may not be readily available in Mexico.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Harlingen, Texas

Thursday November 13…11:00pm

When we checked our email this morning, we had a note from our friends Glen and Steve. This is the couple we spent a couple of months last winter with in Mexico’s Baja. And we will spend

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tilden, Texas

Wednesday November 12…11:00pm

Drove into San Antonio this morning. The only thing we were worried about with getting right into the downtown area was parking. I had been on google maps and found a large parking lot close to downtown, so that is where we put our destination into the GPS unit.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Marble Falls, Texas

Tuesday November 11…11:00pm

We had a heavy rainstorm early this morning. It was about 5am when we woke to what sounded like very big raindrops on the roof, but we think it may have been small hailstones. There was a definite difference in sound when it actually started to rain.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hico, Texas

Monday November 10…10:00pm

We were up at 7am in order to say thanks and goodbye to Joanne, who was going to work and taking son Jefferey to school at the same time. Don left for work around 8am and was taking daughter Jessica to school on his way.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Plano (day 2)

Sunday November 9…11:00pm

Relaxed this morning, and then went for a bike ride around Plano. They have a lot of wide concrete bicycle paths here…winding through a lot of very nice neighbourhoods. Rode around one sports field facility where they have 4 baseball diamonds, a cricket pitch, and about 100 soccer fields of various sizes. A huge place!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Side trip into Dallas

Saturday November 8…11:30pm

We relaxed most of the morning, and then headed to downtown Dallas with Don, Joanne and family. Joanne had planned a walking tour for us.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Plano, Texas

Friday November 7…11:00pm

We were up early, and drove right away for a half hour or so in order to warm things up. Temperature inside Sherman was about 50F (10C) so it was a chilly night. Not a cloud in the sky though, so that usually makes things a little colder overnight.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Paris, Texas

Thursday November 6…11:00pm

We had a nice drive out of the Ouachita National Forest this morning. We stopped at the Old Military Trail and went for a hike. This is hunting season, so we wore our “don’t shoot me” bright orange t-shirts.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Winding Stair Recreation Area

Wednesday November 5…8:30pm

We were up early again, and before going into the casino for breakfast, I had promised myself I would tighten up the serpentine alternator belt I had installed on Sheman in September.  It had

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Sallisaw, Oklahoma

Tuesday November 4…10:15pm

We were up early this morning, and Ruth took Whiskey for a long walk while I spent some time on the internet. Once again, it’s a beautiful sunny day, although a bit windy.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Monday November 3…9:45pm

Got up early enough to see the sunrise. Must have something to do with the time change because I was tired too early yesterday evening as well.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Bernice, Oklahoma

Sunday November 2…11:00pm

We said goodbye to Bob and Donna and left Garnett around 9:45am. Our plan was to drive about 120 miles (200 km’s) to Miami, Oklahoma where there are several casinos and really cheap gas!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Garnett, Kansas

Saturday November 1…10:45pm

We had a good day today!

Got up and drove about 5 miles over to the Clinton Lake day use area. Had some breakfast there, and then took Whiskey on a hiking trail for about an hour.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Lawrence, Kansas

Friday October 31…11:00pm

We got up early and did an uneventful drive of about 75 miles south to Lawrence, Kansas. It’s a small city located in between Kansas City, Missouri, and Topeka, Kansas. They have the University of Kansas here, which has 26,000 students.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Hiawatha, Kansas (day 2)

Thursday October 30…11:00pm

We went for our tour of Hemisphere GPS at 10:30am. They invited us for lunch as they were having their staff chili cook off today. There

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hiawatha, Kansas

Wednesday October 29…9:00pm

We did have a great nights sleep, and it never did get any colder than it was yesterday evening.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hunnewell, Missouri

Tuesday October 28…10:15pm

The temperature outside last night made it down to -3.3C (25F). We have a digital remote thermometer that we normally keep in the fridge, so on nights when I’m curious, I put the remote on the doorstep outside so we can see how cold it got overnight. But we were nice and toasty because of our little electric heater.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rushville, Illinois

Monday October 27…9:30pm

Never did get a shower at the spot in Gibson City. I took those big shower key tags and checked out the facilities, but they looked like they hadn’t been used in weeks, and there were a bunch of dead worm looking things on the floor…it was nasty, so we waited until tonight.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gibson City, Illinois

Sunday October 26…10:00pm

That’s 10:00pm Central time. We went through a time zone today, and so our clocks went back an hour. So it feels like 11:00pm as I write this.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Monticello, Indiana

Saturday October 25…9:30pm

Didn’t have the best sleep at the Elkhart Walmart. We were parked near a bunch of recycling bins, and the truck that came to empty them showed up in time to wake us up way before we should have been awake. Oh well, that’s the problem with overnighting at Walmarts…you never know what kind of night it’s going to be.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Elkhart, Indiana

Friday October 24…9:30pm

Woke up at about 6:20am.

Yes, you’re thinking, this is far too early to be waking up. We thought the same thing. The first thing that entered my mind is that I could hear a generator running. I know that when we went to sleep last

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dundee, Michigan

Thursday October 23…11:00pm

We were up a little earlier this morning, in time to see the sunrise around 7:30am. It was cloudy where we are, but on the horizon it wasn’t, so there was just a strip of sun when it came up. We drove about 30 km’s (18 miles) to the town of Blenheim and had some breakfast. By this time it was getting sunny out, although it was still windy.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Port Glasgow Marina

Wednesday October 22…9:30pm

Woke up around 8am and got on the road right away. We headed first to the barn where Ruth’s sister Lesley looks after some horses. Saw the horses, and filled up our fresh water tank while we were there.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dundas, Ontario (day 3)

Tuesday October 21…10:30pm

Ruth went and did some shopping with her sister this morning while I spent another few hours running anti virus programs through her sister's computer and generally cleaning up old files that were taking up space and running in the background. It’s much faster now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dundas, Ontario (day 2)

Monday October 20…10:00pm

Woke up at 7:30am. We are parked in the far corner of a church parking lot and one side faces the forest so when we open up the blinds on that side it feels like we are in a nice wooded campsite.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Dundas, Ontario

Sunday October 19…11:30pm

It was cold last night! There was frost on the ground when we woke up, and a thick layer of it on our roof as well. I checked online, and the weather site said it was -3C (27F) in Marmora.  We had the

Saturday, October 18, 2008

On the road again!

Saturday October 18…8:00pm

We are finally back on the road!

Given that we now have one complete year of full time motorhome living behind us, we’re going to try and implement some standards into our lifestyle.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New trip starts October 18th...

We plan on beginning our new trip on October 18th. We'll be heading through Ontario to Detroit and then west towards Kansas. Then turning south and going through Oklahoma and Texas. Hoping to arrive near Brownsville Texas around November 15th, and then spend the winter in Mexico!

Don't forget to check in after October 18th...!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Full year of expenses

Wednesday October 2… 12:00 noon

Well exactly one year ago we were running around like mad trying to get everything out of the house before we had to vacate October 5th. Hard to believe a full year has gone by since then. But what a great year it has been.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Back in Galetta

Friday September 26…8:30am

So on Tuesday, we wandered around the Kensington Market area and went to the Red Lobster for supper. Then it was off to the Blue Jays game. We had fun in the $9 seats up in the nosebleed section, and

Monday, September 22, 2008


Monday September 22…10:15pm

We left Ottawa early Sunday morning to drive down to Toronto to meet up with Ruth’s cousin Helen and her husband Tony. They are visiting from England for a few days and we’ve been looking forward to spending some time with them again.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A canoe trip

Saturday September 6…10:30am

Ruth has been busy helping to look after her Mom, and doing some cleaning in her parents home. I’ve been busy looking after our own home, Sherman.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Busy week

Thursday August 28…9:30am

Well the past week and a bit that we’ve been back in Ottawa area have been VERY busy!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back in Ottawa

Well, we made it back to Ottawa. We're going to be staying in the motorhome up at Ruth's parents near Arnprior for the next 6 to 8 weeks, and then we'll be taking off towards Mexico for the winter.

I'll post the odd update here during that time period.

Monday, August 18, 2008

St.-Jerome, Quebec

Monday August 18…11:00pm

We got up at 6am in order to get out of Quebec City area before rush hour began.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Quebec City

Sunday August 17…8:30pm

We woke up in the Walmart parking lot at about 6:30am, and it was pouring rain outside. We figured that the first thing we should do is check the weather forecast, so we got moved down the road to be

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Levis, Quebec

Saturday August 16…11:00pm

Finally had a nice day today! Sunny, with some cloudy breaks and temp about 24C. It was windy though.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Riviere du Loup, Quebec

Friday August 15…11:00pm

Pretty uneventful day today. Drove from Matane, Quebec to Riviere du Loup. Went for a walk along the shoreline just before Riviere Du Loup. Parked up at the Walmart here for the night, along with 19 other RV’s.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Matane, Quebec

Thursday August 14…11:00pm

Had a bit of a difficult time finding internet this morning. Stopped in several villages along the way to the town of Ste Anne des Monts, and couldn’t find any connection. But in the town, they had a visitor

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Madeleine-Centre, Quebec

Wednesday August 13…11:00pm

It poured with rain most of last night. Woke up this morning to a bit of sun though, and so Ruth went out for a run while I did some internet. After, we went for a walk out to the wharf. There’s a small

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chandler, Quebec

Tuesday August 12…9:45pm

We left Campbellton and crossed the big bridge to the beginning of the Gaspe region of Quebec. First thing we wanted to do was to stop at the tourist info place on the other side of the bridge, but we forgot that the time changed back an hour, so we got there a bit before it opened. Waited till 9am, and grabbed a few maps and tour books of the region we will be travelling through.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Campbellton, NB

Monday August 11…10:35pm

Sure enough, we had a very peaceful nights sleep parked at the church in Rexton. Until about 6:20am, anyhow. Then, 2 seagulls were having a contest to see which one of them could squawk the loudest and longest without taking a break. It was one of those situations where you’re lying in bed figuring

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Rexton, New Brunswick

Sunday August 10…9:15pm

It took us a couple of hours this morning to get everything stowed away and ready for the road. As I expected, Sherman fired right up, and was good to go.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Last day at Cavendish

Saturday August 9…10:00pm

Well, another rainy morning. The past week has certainly NOT been early August type of weather. Rain of some kind just about every day, and highs around 20C (68F). That global warming theory is certainly not happening around here!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Monday July 28…1:45pm

This past weekend was about the busiest the campground has been. I think there were 4 vacant sites last night. Management is pretty good at keeping the partiers away and making it a family atmosphere, but there have been

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Thursday July 17…9:00am

Another week of nice weather. Yesterday was actually fairly hot…about 28C and a little humid. Haven’t made it into the swimming pool yet though…gotta be over 30C for me to do that.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Friday July 11…12:30pm

We finally had a great week of weather. Most days it has been up to 25C or slightly better. Although it has also been fairly windy.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Saturday July 5…9:00am

We decided we’ll only do occasional updates until we leave here sometime around August 10th.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Monday June 30…11:00pm

Well we missed a day there somewhere. Actually, we didn’t do anything spectacular yesterday, and it poured with rain all day, so we mostly stayed inside and watched “Friends” and read our books. It was still spitting a bit when we had to go do the wagon ride. But still, a few people showed up so we did it anyhow.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Saturday, June 28…10:30pm

Weather was slightly better today. No rain, but still overcast and cool in the morning. The sun actually tried to peek out in the afternoon a few times, and Ruth put shorts on at one point. Quite a few kids made it into the swimming pool, but that`s not really an indicator of what the weather is like!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Friday June 27…11:00pm

Well it was a cloudy, rainy, miserable day today! We managed to get outside for a couple of walks with Whiskey in between showers.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cavendish, PEI

Thursday June 26…9:45pm

We pretty much repeated our morning activities from yesterday. Visited with Lindsey again, and then after lunch made the 30km drive towards Cavendish, and the KOA campground where we will spend the next 5-6 weeks doing their

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still at Covehead Harbour, PEI

Wednesday June 25…11:15pm

Slept fine in the Covehead Harbour parking lot. Drove the 4 km’s or so back to Dalvay-by-the-Sea, and Lindsey came and had breakfast with us. We tried to do a little hike, but even with some bug repellant on, the mosquitoes were too

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Covehead Harbour, PEI

Tuesday June 24…10:45pm

Said goodbye to Cat and Bryan and the mosquitoes at about 10:30am. I keep forgetting just how small PEI is…we were driving up to Dalvay area where Lindsey is working, and it looks like a long way on the PEI map…but it’s only

Monday, June 23, 2008

Still near Murray Harbour

Monday June 23…10:45pm

We needed to get some paperwork finished up for Alex’s new school. He’s going to Plattsburgh University in the fall, and it’s kind of tough getting everything done with us being on the road, and him being in Tennessee just now. Oh well, we do

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Near Murray Harbour, PEI

Sunday June 22…10:15pm

So we got onto the 9:30am ferry to PEI this morning. We were the only RV to get on, and there weren’t many other vehicles either. We read later that the ferry holds 155 cars on 2 levels. On our crossing, the upper level was totally empty, and there were maybe 25 other vehicles along with us on the lower deck.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Caribou, NS

Saturday June 21…11:00pm

We didn’t get on the road until about noon. Said goodbye to our couchsurfing friends, and headed north towards Cape George. We had read about some good hiking trails that start around the Cape George lighthouse.  There is a

Friday, June 20, 2008


Friday June 20…11:30pm

It was cloudy again when we woke up. Our couchsurfing friends who we had stayed with in Antigonish a week ago had read this journal and noticed we were back in the area and sent an email inviting us back for another night. We had

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back in Antigonish

Thursday June 19th…10:45pm

Had a terrible nights sleep last night. We were parked beside the strip of road next to the harbour and in the middle of the night it became very windy and stormy. There was open water on both sides of the strip of land we were on so there was nothing to shelter the wind. Even Whiskey was tossing and turning and she seemed disturbed by the wind.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Margaree Harbour, NS

Wednesday June 18…10:30pm

Went for a bike ride this morning from Pleasant Bay to the village of Red River. Only about 10 km’s return, but quite a few hills.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pleasant Bay, NS

Tuesday June 17…10:30pm

Yet another sunny day, for the most part. Although it’s funny how th fog rolls in and out of the shoreline throughout the day. When we were on a hike it was clear one minute and shrouded in fog the next. Then about 20 minutes later

Monday, June 16, 2008

Neil's Harbour, NS

Monday June 16…10:30pm

We finally had a blue sky day today. The temperature was still a bit cool…high 18C or so, but at least it was sunny!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ingonish, NS

Sunday June 15…10:30pm

After a very peaceful nights sleep, we continued northeast towards the first large mountain of the Cabot Trail. When we arrived at the base of Smokey Mountain it was drizzling with rain, and very misty. There is a warning at the base that you

Saturday, June 14, 2008

St. Anns, NS

Saturday June 14…10:15pm

We left the campground around 11am and drove on to Whycocomagh Provincial Park. It was a good place to stop for lunch, and afterwards we went for a hike up the mountain behind the campground at the park. For whatever reason, the park

Friday, June 13, 2008

Havre Boucher, NS

Friday June 13…11:15pm

When we woke up, it was nice and sunny, but very windy. We said goodbye and thanks to our couchsurfing hosts, and stopped for a couple of hours at the grocery store in town and used a local internet access point while we waited to see if the wind would die down a bit. It didn’t really, and also by then the sun had

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Antigonish (day 2)

Thursday June 12…11:15pm

We took Whiskey for a walk along a nearby dirt road. It’s really nice countryside, and there was a horse ranch along the way where we stopped and watched the horses. It was overcast, and it looked like it might rain, but we decided to head back and then go for a bike ride.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Wednesday June 11…11:35pm

We drove into the town of Antigonish and went to the visitor centre. We found out some info on trails in the area, but the ones we want to go to are on a point northwest of here, so we’ll head up that way on our way back from Cape Breton

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Tuesday June 10…10:45pm

We drove on to Liscomb Mills this morning. There isn’t really anything there except for a resort lodge type of place. Quite a few of the “communities” along this eastern shore don’t really have very much there to call it a community. The place names are on the map, but you get there and sometimes there isn’t

Monday, June 9, 2008

Port Dufferin, NS

Monday June 9…10:30pm

We drove to Taylor Head Provincial Park. It’s a day use area with no overnight camping, although we likely wouldn’t have stayed there anyhow due to the cost. But they do have a nice beach, and a lot of hiking trails. We had read about the

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Head of Jeddore, Nova Scotia

Sunday June 8…10:30pm

It was very foggy this morning, and quite cool until the sun burned it’s way through about noon. We had to leave the campground by 1pm, and to get our money’s worth, that’s when we left. We drove through Halifax and Dartmouth

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hubbards Beach, Nova Scotia

Saturday June 7

Filled up with gas before leaving for Hubbards Beach Campground. At $1.369 per litre, it took $211.23 to fill the tank, and that was filling up from the quarter tank mark. That’s the most dollars we’ve put in at one time.

Friday, June 6, 2008

New Minas, NS (day 5)

Friday June 6…11:00pm

I took apart all the window and door screens and cleaned them today. I don’t think they’ve ever been done, and even though they didn’t look that bad, it sure

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Minas, NS (day 4)

Thursday June 5…11:00pm

It sure doesn’t feel like June! Temperature never went above 14C today, I think. Where’s that global warming??!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day trip to Halifax

Wednesday June 4…11:00pm

Drove into Halifax today. It’s about an hour and a half drive from New Minas. Went for a walk in Point Pleasant Park. This park used to be a beautiful forest until Hurricane Juan destroyed most of the trees in 2004. You can see where the

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Minas, NS (day 2)

Tuesday June 3…11:00pm

Justin needed the car for work today, so Ruth, Lindsey, and I just hung around the house. Ruth and Lindsey did each other’s hair, while I removed all the old weatherstripping around the side door of Sherman. What a job getting all the old

Monday, June 2, 2008

Visiting Lindsey and Justin in New Minas

Monday June 2…11:00pm

No problems last night. Got on the road fairly early, and made it to Lindsey’s place about 11:00am. She had said she might not be home yet, so we got ourselves settled in her driveway. Justin had the landlord drop off a load of

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Truro, Nova Scotia

Sunday June 1…10:30pm

Got up early and went back to the spot where the low tide was and took a picture of it getting near high tide. See the pictures and compare.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Fundy National Park

Saturday May 31…11:00pm

And we did get an early start this morning…we filled up the gas tank at around 7:15am, and there was no lineup at all to get into Canada. But then who would want to go INTO Canada, when the prices are so much cheaper in America?

Friday, May 30, 2008

Calais, Maine

Friday May 30…10:10pm

Much nicer driving today, and as a result we made it all the way to Calais, Maine. We are right on the border, in fact our parking spot is overlooking the river that separates Canada and the United States.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Farmington, Maine

Thursday May 29…9:30pm

We had a very peaceful sleep last night. It would be nice if more campgrounds offered cheap basic facilities for overnight parking.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lancaster, New Hampshire

Wednesday May 28…10:30pm

Knock, knock, knock…was the sound we heard at 6:45am this morning! And of course Whiskey the guard dog came to attention and began barking furiously. Ruth got up and answered the door. This is the first time ever we’ve had the

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Plattsburgh, New York

Tuesday May 27…10:00pm

It was a windy night last night. And with a forecast high of only 15C (59F), it sure doesn’t feel like the end of May! Where’s this global warming…?

Monday, May 26, 2008

On the road again...

Monday May 26….8:30pm

Well it does feel good to get on the road again! We enjoyed our time at Ruth’s parents, but now it’s time to go visit our daughter Lindsey and her boyfriend Justin who live in New Minas, Nova Scotia. We’re going to take the route through upstate New York to Plattsburgh, and then on through Maine. Both fuel and beer are much cheaper in the United States!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Back in Canada

Saturday May 3

We left Alex’s house in Watertown at about 8am. Drove to the Walmart Supercenter and bought a bunch of groceries and other items that we’re going to need during the month that we know will be more expensive in Canada. Then, we filled up the gas tank for $150. At current exchange rates, it worked out to about $1.02 CAN per litre, so that’s still quite a bit cheaper than we will be paying in Canada.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Watertown (day 11)

Thursday May 1

Lazy kind of a day today…so lazy that I didn’t even write this until the next day!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Watertown (day 10)

Wednesday April 30

It was cold last night! Temperature was 7C (44F) on the bedside thermometer when we awoke. Had to put the furnace on again!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Back in Watertown

Tuesday April 29

A very quiet night at the Lowville Walmart. A little chilly though. We even put the furnace on this morning when we got up. And then we sat and had our coffee

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Herkimer, NY

Sunday April 27

We drove down to Herkimer, NY today. We took the route through the back roads, so it took us about 2 hours and 10 minutes to get there, even though it was only about 90 miles. Had to buy some more gas though, and it is up to $3.76 US a gallon. Still, this equates to about $1.03 CAN per litre, so in perspective, it’s not that bad. I guess.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Watertown (day 8)

Saturday April 26…10:00pm

Another lazy day. We took Whiskey for a walk down by the Black River here in Watertown. It’s still pretty high from the spring runoff. The temperature was warm again this morning, and I ended up putting my shorts on when we got back to Sherman.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Watertown (day 7)

Friday April 25…10:30pm

I said yesterday that I thought the heat wave was over….wrong! We sat out at the baseball games this afternoon and it was hot and sunny again. The long term forecast calls for cold and wet next week, but we know they are never right on these things! Either way, we’ll enjoy it while we can.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Watertown (day 6)

Thursday April 24…10:00pm

Took Whiskey for a walk up in the park this morning. Another nice sunny day, but I think the heat wave is over…temperature about 20C (68F) and it`s getting chilly at night again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Watertown (day 5)

Wednesday April 23…10:30pm

Puttered around Sherman this morning. I had bought some different polish and wax to try on different areas of the finish. It’s such a huge vehicle to polish though, so I’m only going to do a small section at a time. But if I do a little bit every day, it’ll slowly all get done.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Alex's birthday

Tuesday April 22…11:30pm

Alex’s 20th birthday today, so we did some shopping this morning. Got him a digital camera. He had borrowed one from a friend for his Florida trip, so we figured he would like one, and we knew it was something he wouldn’t buy on his own.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Watertown (day 3)

Monday April 21…11:30pm

A very restful day today. We took Whiskey for a long walk at Thompson park, which is just around the corner from Alex’s house. They have a zoo there, and a swimming pool and a park for kids, and lots of walking and cycling paths. And, it was yet another beautiful day.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Watertown (day 2)

Sunday April 20…11:30pm

My Mom and Dad came down to Watertown to visit for the day and watch Alex and his team play. Alex ended up not playing the first game, which they lost 7-1. Alex did play the second game, he had two singles and an RBI and they won 6-4.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Baseball in Watertown

Saturday April 19…11:30pm

We’re looking for a dump station to empty Sherman’s holding tanks at some point over the next week or so. Problem is that 95% of the state parks don’t open until mid-May, and the RV parks usually want to charge a ridiculous amount to

Friday, April 18, 2008

Watertown, NY

Friday April 18…11:30pm

What a great spot we had camped out at the base of the ski hill. Nice and quiet. Forgot to take a picture though.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Playing in the snow

Thursday April 17…9:20pm

Yes, we played in the snow this evening. We’re parked at the base of the Cazenovia Ski Hill, and when we hiked up to the top, there were still some patches of snow on the hill. But it was a totally beautiful day…in fact you couldn’t ask for much better.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ithaca, NY

Wednesday April 16…10:40pm

It was COLD last night. I put our remote thermometer on the outside step overnight, and it went down to -6C (20F). We were nice and toasty, but our electric heater was never shut off all night.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6 months on the road

Tuesday April 15…9:15pm

So we had parked last night at the Walmart at Carlisle Pennsylvania. I got up at about 6:50am and it was chilly…temperature at the bedside was 5C (40F) so I put on the kettle to make coffee and tea, and started getting Sherman ready to move. I pulled back the front curtains and saw a small brown envelope on the windshield and I could read “Carlisle Police Dept” on the front of it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Monday April 14…11:00pm

Got up at 7am and drove to a nearby spot where we could get internet access. It’s starting to get cold in the morning…temperature at the bedside was 8C (46F) when we woke up. So it’s good to drive a little first thing…it warms up Sherman, and then we have our coffee and breakfast without having to put the furnace on.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Greenbelt Park, Maryland (day 3)

Sunday Apr 13…10:00pm

Walked down to the subway station again this morning. Walking quickly, it took about 25 minutes. We took the train to a different area this time, a few minutes walk from the Capitol building. This is Washington’s version of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. And, as in Ottawa, it’s very impressive looking, although on the east side of the building they are building a visitors center, and the construction kind of takes away from it all.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Greenbelt Park, Maryland (day 2)

Saturday Apr 12…7:00pm

We had a big thunderstorm shortly after going to bed last night. And some gusts of wind…the guy near us had his satellite internet dish blow over. Sometimes we miss tent camping, but when it’s raining and windy it sure is nice to be in a motorhome!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Greenbelt Park, Maryland

Friday April 11…10:00pm

I slept with no problems last night, but Ruth said she heard the traffic a fair bit. Either way, we were up at 7am, and on the road pretty much right away. We stopped at around 9am for breakfast and internet. Our goal was still to get to Greenbelt Park outside of Washington, and because we travel on the side roads, we don’t make very good time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina

Thursday April 10…11:00pm

Left Kinston this morning at about 8:30am, and sure enough, there wasn’t anybody around to collect our money. Funny system….we would have been only too happy to pay, but they don’t even provide a box or some system of paying when you arrive or leave after hours. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kinston, North Carolina

Wednesday April 9…11:15pm

Sitting having breakfast this morning, and I’m looking out the window at the new water hose the guy across the way had given us…and it’s leaking! At the same spot the last one was! As I sat drinking my coffee and wondering how it could

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Myrtle Beach State Park

Tuesday April 8…10:45pm

Today we drove the 100 miles or so to Myrtle Beach. The state park is on the far south side of town. It’s a large park, with over 350 sites. We didn’t have a reservation, which turned out to be okay, although this park does get very busy at times.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Charleston, South Carolina

Monday April 7…11:00pm

Katherine lent us one of her cars for the day. We drove about 12 miles south to the “Angel Oak”, which is a huge oak tree that they figure is 1,200 to 1,400 years old. It’s absolutely amazing. See pictures. Then, we went into Charleston.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Folly Beach (day 3)

Sunday April 6…11:00pm

Woke up to the birds singing and the dogs barking. No wind this morning, and the sun was shining, so being a Sunday it’s going to be busy on the beach. Katherine had gone surfing early this morning, and so we walked with Whiskey

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Folly Beach (day 2)

Saturday Apr 5…11:00pm

Took dogs for a walk this morning…two at a time. Then went for a nice bike ride about 4 km’s out to the point of the island where there is a lighthouse. Some people fishing out there, but it’s cloudy and windy so not many sunbathers or swimmers.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Folly Beach

Friday Apr 4…10:30pm

We drove from Hilton Head Island to Folly Beach, which is very close to Charleston, South Carolina. Folly Beach is on Folly Island. Uneventful drive…the scenery of marshy swampland doesn’t do much for us. If you’re a bird lover, you’d probably appreciate that kind of scenery…but birds don’t do anything for me either.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Thursday Apr 3…11:00pm

Drove to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina today. There’s no really easy way to get here, and we don’t like the scenery on the interstate highways, so we ended up going right through Savannah, Georgia and taking some backroads

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Brunswick, Georgia

Wednesday Apr 2…11:00pm

Left Huguenot Park at about 8am. They have nasty noseeum flies there…other than that, it was a nice park. Those little sand gnats bite you one day…but the bite doesn’t start to itch until a day or two later. And I find the itch worse than a typical mosquito bite. So I’m sure we’ll pay for it tomorrow or the next day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Huguenot Park (day 2)

Tuesday April 1…9:45pm

Went for a long walk along the beach this morning. The tide was out and the sand seemed to go on forever. This park has a day use area where the cars can drive right onto the beach, so we walked the entire length back around to the campground. As the morning went on, a lot of cars went into the day use area. We never did wander back over there, but it looked really busy.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Huguenot Park

 Monday March 31…10:45pm

We slept in this morning…we didn’t get up until 8am because we didn’t get to sleep until late last night. After breakfast, we went and parked near a condo building where I could get internet access. It was calm and warm already so Ruth went for a bike ride along the beach.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sterling Casino Cruise

Sunday March 30…11:55pm

Got up fairly early and went for a bike ride. We have to do this kind of thing either very early or late in the day because of having to leave our dog Whiskey locked up in the motorhome. And it gets too hot in the Florida sun to be able to do that during midday. Anyhow, we did 17 km’s (10 miles) and made it back by 9:45am in time to say goodbye to Alex before he left for Watertown.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last day at West Palm Beach

Saturday March 29…9:30pm

This morning, Alex’s team played their last game before they fly home tomorrow at 1:30pm. But they ended their spring training in a good way. They beat the Fort Lauderdale Superstars 4-2. Alex played a great game, making a fantastic catch near the foul pole in left field, and also went 2-4 at the plate with a single, a double, and an RBI.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Back in West Palm Beach

Friday March 28…10:00pm

We had a really nice stay at John Prince park. We’ll have to remember to keep our eyes open for more of these county run parks while we’re heading north over the next few weeks.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

John Prince Park Campground

Thursday March 27…9:00pm

Well Kevin’s taking a break from the journal tonight, so it’s my turn to give you today’s news. Despite the campground being beside a small airplane airport we had no problem with noise last night. This is really a pretty park.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back in West Palm Beach

Wednesday March 26…11:45pm

Finally made it across to the Palm Beach mall this morning. It’s a big mall right across the street from the Best Western on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd where Alex’s team is staying. They have a Macy’s and a Dillards, and a

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Miami Beach

Tuesday March 25…10:30pm

We had an uneventful night at the Micosukee Casino. Slept well though as it was fairly cool…temperature at the bedside in the morning was 14C (58F), so it was comfortable.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Back in Miami area

Monday March 24…7:00pm

Got on the road about 10:00am for the approximately 2 hour drive to Miami-Dade College. It’s back closer to Miami where the casino was that we stayed at a few days ago. So we’ve already been to this area and we’re backtracking now, but it gives us a chance to go into Miami Beach area which we never got to do earlier.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Sunday March 23…10:30pm

Well it rained…all day today! We manged to get out of the motorhome for all of about 45 minutes to take Whiskey for a walk. Obviously Alex’s baseball games were cancelled. So we read our books and relaxed. Taught Alex how

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Saturday March 22…9:45pm

Alex’s team played a double header today. They won the first game 3-1, and lost the second game 2-0. Their team hitting was terrible. In 14 innings, they got just 1 hit….a solo home run. Alex went 0-1 at the plate in the first game

Friday, March 21, 2008

Back in West Palm Beach

Friday March 21…9:30pm

Went for a nice bike ride before leaving. Went in behind where those expensive houses and yachts were parked in the pictures I posted from yesterday. I figured that if your house and boat are so expensive, there’s got

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back in Fort Lauderdale

Thursday March 20…9:45pm

Quiet day today…got ourselves back up to Fort Lauderdale and parked in our free spot near the beach. Spent an hour or so in the sun, and then walked down the main drag to have a closer look at how the rich people live.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Miccosukee Casino

Wednesday March 19…9:35pm

Very quiet night last night. Didn’t hear any road noise, and it was totally peaceful until we were awoken by some strange sounding bird.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Midway Campground

Tuesday March 18…10:30pm

Another great sleep. Headed out about 10:00am and tried to get internet at the nearby Indian “village”, but nothing available…so we headed further west towards the Midway campground on the road back towards Naples. Still no

Monday, March 17, 2008


Monday March 17…7:45pm

Had a great sleep last night. We’re thinking that Ruth and I might stop back at this nice little parking spot in Fort Lauderdale on our way back through to see Alex later this week.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Sunday March 16…11:00pm

Not a very good night for sleeping. At least 3 different dramatic incidences of people getting upset at their boyfriends or girlfriends…and so we once again confirm that trying to sleep next to a Taco Bell isn’t the best scenario…but it was better than nothing.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

West Palm Beach

Saturday March 15…10:30pm

We watched the rocket take off at exactly 2:09am as scheduled. It was funny watching all the people with their cameras thinking the picture was going to look any better than a flash of light in the sky. But watching it live was really kind of neat, even though it was all over in about a minute and a half.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Friday March 14…11:30pm

We had an uneventful nights sleep at the Cocoa Expo Sports Center. We’ve now learned that it’s not easy to find inexpensive RV parking in Florida, espescially as we head further south. So parking at a baseball complex is

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cocoa, Florida

Thursday March 13...10:30pm

Again, we slept in till 8:00am. We're having a hard time getting any kind of an early start. By the time we got on the road it was about 9:30am, and then we stopped for internet and coffee for a while...and then a lunch stop not long after that!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Alexander Springs

Wednesday March 12...10:30pm

We didn't wake up this morning until almost 8:00am. And when we looked outside, the gate was still shut. It turns out that the other guys who were camped here had the combination to the lock, and they had been told to

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lake George State Forest

Tuesday March 11...10:30pm

Whiskey hasn't got used to the time changes yet, so we didn't get up until after 7:30am. Looked like it was going to be a nice day, because it was already 19C inside Sherman.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Huguenot Park

Monday March 10...11:00pm

We were the only RV's in the Walmart lot last night.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jacksonville, Florida

Sunday March 9...9:50pm

Had to actually put the furnace on this morning when we got up. Temperature at the bedside was 6C, and normally we would do some driving for an hour or so to let things warm up and then park for coffee, tea, and breakfast, but we wanted to relax for a bit. Looks like a nice sunny day, and the wind has died down as well.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Osceola National Forest

Saturday March 8...9:40pm

A little noisy at the Walmart, but we still managed to stay in bed until 8am. Of course we went through a time change yesterday, so it still felt like 7am. Really windy when we sat and had our tea and coffee though.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Live Oak, Florida

Friday March 7... 10:51pm

Sure enough, nobody bothered us last night. Had a good sleep, and it's fairly warm this morning with the temperature inside Sherman of 19C.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

De Funiak Springs, Florida

Thursday March 6...10:25pm

Slept great last night. We were a little concerned because we were parked across from a bar...but didn't hear any noise from that at all. Also, we had heard quite a few train horns blasting before going to bed, but all was quiet after that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mobile, Alabama

Wednesday March 5...9:45pm

Sure enough, it got fairly chilly last night. When we woke up, it was 6C degrees on the bedside thermometer. And when I took Whiskey out first thing, there was some frost on the ground in spots.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Last day at Bayou Segnette

Monday March 3...9:00pm

Well I'm back home from the north! Going up there to visit made me remember just how much I don't like the cold!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 6 at Bayou Segnette

Sunday March 2...10:15pm

Well the noise last night from the "drive-in" ended sometime between 10:30 and 11pm, and it was nice and peaceful after that. Had another great nights

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 5 Bayou Segnette

Saturday March 1...10:20pm

Beautiful day out today, just a little wind and mostly sunny, feels like it will be a pretty warm day. Took Whiskey for a walk around the campsite, and found that it was quite full. There are 100 sites and there were about 20 that were

Friday, February 29, 2008

Day 4 at Bayou Segnette

Friday February 29...9:30am

Had another quiet night, but the construction noise started sometime between 7am - 7:30am. It was cloudy and windy out, but when I went to take Whiskey for a walk later in the morning, it was actually warmer than I thought it would be. I had my jacket on, but ended up having to take it off.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Third day at Bayou Segnette Park

Thursday February 28...10:25pm

Well Kevin's morning didn't start off the way he had planned. He got up at 4am, had his coffee and a quick bowl of cereal and was ready and waiting for the taxi to arrive, which he had booked in advance yesterday, making sure

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New Orleans (day 2)

Wednesday February 27...9:00pm

Very peaceful here at Bayou Segnette State Park. Considering we're pretty close to New Orleans, we didn't hear a thing last night. And I don't think it got quite as cold as it was supposed to, but we still put the little electric heater on as soon as we got up this morning.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Orleans, Louisiana

Tuesday February 26...10:15pm

No problems at the Walmart last night. We had a bit of rain overnight, but it was still 21C inside the motorhome when we woke up this morning, so it didn't cool off much. That could change though...they are calling for a cold spell for tonight.

Monday, February 25, 2008

New Iberia, Louisiana

Monday February 25...9:45pm

Left the casino at around 8am and went and bought some gas. $3.059 a gallon, so it's still not bad around here. I figure that's equal to about 81 cents per litre. A little more expensive than Mexico, but a whole lot cheaper than

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Vinton, Louisiana

Sunday February 24… 11:00pm

Had a great sleep at Walmart. One of the quietest Walmart’s we’ve ever parked at. You’d never have known it was open 24 hours a day. But we got up early anyhow and drove towards the port area of Galveston to go for a

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Galveston, Texas

Saturday February 23…10:30pm

No problem with the tide this morning…water was still well away from Sherman. We got on the road right away and made it to Galveston about 10am. The Walmart here is right on the main drag which is called Seawall Blvd. There are signs saying there’s a city ordinance preventing you from

Friday, February 22, 2008

Bryan Beach, Texas

Friday February 22…9:30pm

Woke up to a cloudy windy morning. Used the free internet from the RV park across the road and contacted the Formosa Plastics Co. They have a huge plant across the causeway in the town of Point Comfort. We had read that they do free factory tours, so decided this was something to do. Made our appointment for 1:30pm.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Magnolia Beach, Texas

Thursday February 21…10:00pm

Got up early and moved right away to be able to use the internet. Booked Lindsey and Justins flight to visit us in Florida March 8-17. Not easy to get good prices during March break, so we ended up using a combination of Air

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Victoria, Texas

Wednesday February 20…10:00pm

Woke up this morning to the sound of a few raindrops on the roof. I haven’t seen any precipitation since December 4th…about 10 weeks.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Beeville, Texas

Tuesday February 19…10:00pm

Although we both slept well last night, we both woke up early this morning. There was quite a bit of truck traffic around the Walmart we were parked at in Laredo, Texas but most of it was other truckers who were sleeping. Not

Monday, February 18, 2008

Laredo, Texas!

Monday February 18…9:15pm

Set the alarm for 6am this morning. We wanted to get through the town of Garcia well before morning rush hour traffic started, so got up early and had our coffee and tea while on the road. Drove around Monterrey and then

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Garcia Caverns

Sunday February 17…8:30pm

Up around 7am this morning and got Sherman ready for the road again. Used the electricity to do a quick vaccuum, and emptied the holding tanks and filled the fresh water. We’re happy campers again.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saltillo (day 2)

Saturday February 16… 11:00pm

All our neighbours disappeared early this morning, so never got a chance to speak with them. License plates were from Quebec though. We didn’t get up until almost 8:00am, and by then they were packed and leaving. We relaxed

Friday, February 15, 2008


Friday February 15…11:40pm

Woke up this morning feeling great! Stomach better, and slept like a baby. Well, except for the truckers coming and going. But even they were not bad considering it was a busy truck stop and it was open 24 hours. Anyhow, bottom line is that I feel fine!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Near Torreon

Thursday February 14…9:15pm

Lots of trucks driving by, and still a bad stomach meant that sleep wasn’t very consistant last night. Still, we didn’t get up until 8am. (Which really was still 7am, because we went through another time change yesterday). Felt better though, so got ready to start driving.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Twisty road to Durango

Wedneday February 13…9:30pm

A bit of a late start, having caught up on sleep from the lack of it last night. By the time we said our goodbyes to Lee, it was pretty close to 11am. I felt well enough to drive, but still not 100%. I guess it takes a few days for these

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mazatlan (day 3)

Tuesday February 12…8:30pm

Very lazy day today. I didn’t sleep at all last night, and was running to the bathroom all morning. Usually when I get this kind of illness, it only lasts 24 hours or so, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mazatlan (day 2)

Monday February 11…11:00pm

Malcom and Claire went on their own back to old town Mazatlan. Lee took the rest of us by local bus out to a friend who owns a horse riding stable. Ginger is another ex pat originally from Washington who has been operating

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Sunday February 10…11:15pm

Slept better than expected given the rolling of the ship, and the noise from the engines. Actually got out of bed to go to the bathroom at 1:30am, and was surprised to not wake up again until about 6:30am, so that’s not bad. Whiskey slept through the night as well, so that’s good, but she must be just about bursting.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Getting on the ferry to Mazatlan

Saturday February 9…11:00pm

Packed up at Tecolote and drove the 10 minutes to the ferry port at Pichilingue. It was funny because we got to the ferry terminal entrance way right at 10:00am which is when they opened, so got to drive right past all the trucks who had showed up overnight and were parked waiting to get in.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Last day at Tecolote

Friday February 8…11:00pm

Lazy kind of day today. Went for a bike ride by myself today…just 10 km or so. Ruth has started jogging again…maybe I’ll get up enough ambition to start joining her one day. I really like bike riding better though, so will make an effort to start doing more of it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

My birthday

Thursday February 7…11:00pm

Woke up this morning to a birthday “package” sitting outside our doorstep. Glen and Steve and Malcolm and Claire had made up a box with balloons and a bottle of wine and a box with cards and card game instructions. Lots

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Climbed a hill

Wednesday February 6…10:45pm

Today was bright and sunny, but still windy. We did some reading in the morning, and then did a hike up the hill that overlooks the beach. We had done much of this hike last time we were here, but never made it to the top, so this time we went right to the top. Beautiful views in all directions.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Lazy day

Tuesday February 5…11:00pm

Well it was a pretty lazy day today! When we woke up, it wasn’t bad outside, but as the morning went on it got more and more windy. And it had been cloudy most of the morning as well. But the wind blew the sand around so it

Monday, February 4, 2008

Back at Tecolote

Monday February 4…10:00pm

Left the beach at Los Barriles around 9:00am. Glen and Steve had left earlier, so we went to our meeting place at the edge of town so that we could fill up with water and do a quick load of laundry. And so we filled up with

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Los Barriles (day 7)

Sunday February 3...10:45pm

Got the corner of Steve's motorhome painted...the wrong colour! All we were doing is painting it with a spray can. There are already about 4 different shades of white on it, so it didn't really matter if there was one more...but this was a terrible match. The can says "contents are same colour as cap". WRONG. Contents are not even close to same colour as cap. Anyhow, when we find another spray can of white, we'll give it another shot.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Los Barriles (day 6)

Saturday February 2...11:15pm

Ruth went for a jog this morning early, while I once again repaired the rear tire on her bike. The first time, the glue we used wasn't designed for it...the second time, I didn't realize there were two holes, and the third time...it

Friday, February 1, 2008

Los Barriles (day 5)

Friday February 1... 9:40pm

It's never boring, that's for sure. This morning after breakfast, a herd of cattle wandered down the arroyo towards the beach where we are camped. (An arroyo is a dry river bed that only has water in it during the rainy season from September to November) They came right up to our motorhome, and it

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Los Barriles (day 4)

Thursday January 31...11:00pm

End of the month, and in adding up our expenses, we find that this has easily been our cheapest month yet. Including miscellaneous expenses such as entertainment, meals out, propane, booze, laundry, etc, we spent a total of $898 to live for the month.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Los Barriles (day 3)

Wednesday January 30...11:15pm

The wind dies down at night, but it sure picks up during the day. Temperature was down to 12 at night, and 24 during the day. Very comfortable. We watched the kite boarders again this morning. It sure does look like fun. We've decided it would be like a kind of a combination of water skiing and snow boarding. We think Lindsey would be very good at it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Los Barriles (day 2)

Tuesday January 29...10:15pm

Had Steve, Glen, Malcolm, and Claire over for a pancake breakfast this morning. Malcolm and Claire had never tried real maple syrup before, so this was a good treat for them. It was fun having 6 people in the motorhome for a meal.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Los Barriles

Monday January, 28...9:00pm

Up fairly early this morning...around 7am because we are trying to get on the road fairly early. Still had to flush and drain the tanks and fill the fresh water. Got on the road around 9:30am. The only thing we needed to get was drinking water.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cabo San Lucas (day 4)

Sunday January 27...11:00pm

The plan today was to drop off Malcolm, Claire, Ruth, and Whiskey near the dock for the whale watching trip around 8:15am, then drive back and drop off Steve and Glen. After that, I would drop off the car rental back at the hotel we rented it from, and then make my own way back to the marina in time for our 9am boat trip.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Cabo San Lucas area

Saturday January 26...10:15pm

Malcolm and Claire would like to go whale watching with Ruth and I, so we made arrangements to head to the wharf area of Cabo San Lucas early to see what we could book for tomorrow.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cabo San Lucas (day 2)

Friday January 25...11:30pm

Busy day today. Glen and Steve met a fellow Brit and his wife at our campground. Graham and Dee were really nice, and offered to give us a ride to the car rental place.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cabo San Lucas

Thursday January 24...10:30pm

On the road this monring at about 8am. Did the 45 minute drive to Cabo San Lucas and found the Vagabundo's RV park just on the other side of town.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 8)

Tuesday January 22...10:30pm

Went for a nice walk this morning along the dirt paths in between where we are parked and the main highway. We had planned on going for a bike ride along these same paths to the nearby village this afternoon, but when we were ready to do so, I found that both tires on Ruth's bike were flat!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 7)

Monday January 21...10:30pm

Quiet day today. Went for a walk along the beach. Saw some tracks from one of those big sea turtles where it came up on shore and laid it's eggs.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

4x4 fun

Sunday January 20...10:00pm

Got up at 7am and had a quick breakfast. Ruth made us some sandwiches for lunch while I took Whiskey for a walk.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 5)

Saturday January 19...8:45pm

Took Glen and Steve on the hike over to see the dead "thing" down the coast. Met some other people there who said that a grey whale had washed up on the beach a couple of weeks ago and some locals had carved it up a

Friday, January 18, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 4...but different scenery)

Friday January 18...10:50pm

We needed some more milk and fruit juice and a couple of other things so we decided it was a good time to move from the beach club parking lot and rejoin our friends Glen and Steve where they have been parked with a bunch of other RV'ers further down the beach.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 3)

Thursday January 17...9:50pm

Took Whiskey for a long walk along the coast going north from where we are parked. There was a dirt road leading to where they are starting to develop some of the properties and so we walked using that to get to some of the

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Los Cerritos Beach (day 2)

Wednesday January 16...10:00pm

Had fun watching the surfers today. This beach has been a surfers beach for years and there was an old government RV park built here in the '70's. But the RV park was in a bad state of repair and it was sold to developers last

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Been on the road for three months!

Tuesday January 15... 10:20pm

Three months on the road! It feels like a lot longer than 3 months since we left Ottawa!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Tecolote Beach (day 4)

Monday January 14...10:15pm

A bit of a cloudy day today, so Ruth and I went for a bike ride up along the coast. We were trying to get to the next major beach called El Coyote, but we don't think we made it quite that far. The road going out there kind of turned

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Tecolote Beach (day 3)

Sunday January 13...11:00pm

Didn't have a great sleep. There were two dogs barking at about 5am and they kept going for about an hour.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tecolote Beach (day 2)

Saturday January 12...11:00pm

Had a good sleep and woke up listening to the waves crash up on the beach. We're parked about 30 metres from the shoreline and have a beautiful view of the bay out our window. We can watch the different ferry boats coming into La Paz.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Tecolote Beach

Friday January 11...10:40pm

Said goodbye to Phillip and Patricia at around 9:30am. We drove about 3 hours to La Paz. Very boring scenery most of the way...flat, with the odd bit of brush and cactus. Twice, we saw where a truck had rolled over going

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Still at Phillip and Patricia's

Thursday January 10...10:15pm

Walked around the little village this morning. Glen had some educational math games she wanted to donated to the village school, so we stopped in there. Phillip introduced us to the teacher. He teaches about 24 children

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Phillip and Pat's place

Wednesday January 9...10:00pm

Woke up this morning to find that I had left the outside light on all last night. Stupid! So the batteries had pretty much drained what power we had put into them with the driving the day before. But we think we're learning that if you

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crooked cops!

Tuesday January 8...10:00pm

We were on the road about 8:45am this morning. We figured it was at least a 2 hour drive to Ciudad Constitution, maybe a bit more. Considering that we rarely drive any faster than 80 km/h, our average speed when you take into account the slow uphill grades is quite a bit closer to 70 km/h.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Last day at Juncalito...

Monday January 7...9:50pm

The pelicans wake us up in the morning as the sun rises about 7:15am. We're parked pretty close to the water, and as it gets light out, the pelicans can start to see the schools of small fish close to the beach. They feed on

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Still at Juncalito

Sunday January 6...9:50pm

Yet another nice day. About 25 and sunny.

Ruth and I are at the point of running our generator for an hour in the morning to recharge the laptop and the house batteries. Glen and Steve have a solar panel that does a good job of keeping their one house battery

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Coasting along...

Saturday January 5 ...9:30pm

Hottest day yet. Temperature about 28 and sunny with no wind.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Juncalito Beach (day 3)

Friday January 4...9:35pm

Another great day. It started off a little cloudy, but by noon it was sunny and warm.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Juncalito Beach (day 2)

Thursday January 3...9:30pm

What a beautiful day today! The wind has pretty much disappeared, and the temperature was about 26 today. Probably our best day yet. Even had our awnings out for some shade for the first time.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Juncalito Beach

Wednesday January 2...11:30pm

Got up early this morning and hit the road. Nobody had come to collect the rent, so we decided to leave while we could. We see this happening regularly with other RV's...they arrive late and leave early so that they don't have to

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


Tuesday January 1...10:15pm

Whiskey let us sleep in a bit this morning...didn't get up until almost 8:00am. We had drinks last night with Jack and Margaret from New Mexico. They're the people with the satellite internet, and they had said we could log into their network to check emails and stuff at 9:00am this morning, so that was very nice of them. We've found that RV'ers are so very friendly...everyone willing to help and share.