
Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Phillip and Pat's place

Wednesday January 9...10:00pm

Woke up this morning to find that I had left the outside light on all last night. Stupid! So the batteries had pretty much drained what power we had put into them with the driving the day before. But we think we're learning that if you
let the batteries get as low as we did, they take a very long time to totally charge up again. Phillip and Patricia were nice enough to let us plug into their power, so now when we leave here we will have totally fully charged batteries. All we have to do is to make sure they don't drop below a certain point again so that with driving they will get charged up reasonably well. We are also learning why so many people have solar panels on their RV's.

Phillip volunteered to drive us back into town today. Steve and Glen wanted to get their teeth cleaned, and we found a local dentist who did the job, including a checkup for $30 each. I wanted a couple of keys cut, and got a few done for $5. We were looking for a fibreglas repair kit for one small patch on the back of Steve's motorhome, but we couldn't seem to come across something like that. Will check again for something in La Paz. Also checked the internet for a while in town. Couldn't do everything we wanted to because we didn't have the laptops with us, but at least we checked a few things and looked at emails. The internet café cost the equivalent of fifty cents an hour.

While we were in town, Ruth stayed behind to keep Patricia company. Also, Patricia needed a haircut, and Ruth was happy to oblige. Also, we've been fortunate to be able to get our laundry done while here as well. Once again, other RV'ers seem to be more than willing to help us out when we need it most!

This afternoon, Phillip lent us his Mexican cell phone, and we stood on Sherman's roof in order to get a signal. We're kind of in the middle of nowhere's 17 km's from the town and it's over a little hill. So standing on Sherman's roof enabled us to talk to both our parents and our son from the middle of the Baja.

Getting a good cell signal for calling Alex

We made supper for Phillip and Patricia tonight. We all went to Glen and Steve's RV because that's where Glen had made the main course and then everbody moved over to our motorhome for dessert and coffee.

Total Nights Sleeping in the RV... 87...

January Fuel $ 0

January Grocery $146.55

January Overnight Costs $0


  1. Been following your old blogs, from the beginning. Just curious, why did Kevin fly to Mexico when you first went down, while Ruth and Colin drove to the border? If you don't mind sharing?
    Just a nosy blog follower!
    I'm currently reading Wed Jan 9, 2008

    1. Well Shirley if you continue reading on through the blog you should come across a post on it. I do know that Kevin more or less explains it in this post and he may have talked about it more in another one but I am not sure. At the time we he still didn't have the paperwork back so he had to bypass the States and the only way of doing that was by flying and then I would drive down through the States with my brother in the motorhome and then cross into Mexico where Kevin met us at the border.


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