Laguna near Galeana, Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Just south of San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? South!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Climbed a hill

Wednesday February 6…10:45pm

Today was bright and sunny, but still windy. We did some reading in the morning, and then did a hike up the hill that overlooks the beach. We had done much of this hike last time we were here, but never made it to the top, so this time we went right to the top. Beautiful views in all directions.

Looking at the beach on the other side of the hill from Tecolote Beach

Tecolote Beach and our campsite along with the motorhome caravan

Ruth on the top of the hill

View of Balandra Beach

A “caravan tour” of motorhomes and RV’s pulled into this beach today. There are about 21 of them. This is one of these tours where the RV’er signs up to drive in and around Mexico (or Baja) with a group leader and a whole bunch of other motorhomers. We suppose that this is better than sitting on your couch at home, but we couldn’t do it. We find there are too many stupid people when you have to follow a group like that, plus these people pay something like $75 a day to be able to be part of the group. Not for us!

There’s a nice couple from California parked near us who have a satellite internet dish. I approached them with a trade off deal where they gave us their internet pass code and Ruth will do the woman’s hair. We’ve found that Ruth’s hair services are very much in demand amongst some of the RV’ers who come to these beaches and don’t want to be bothered with trying to explain what they want to a Mexican hairstylist.

Sunset at Tecolote Beach

Total Nights Sleeping in the RV… 113…

February Fuel $ 30.00

February Grocery $ 15.30

February Overnight Costs $ 0


  1. Hi guys! My husband and I have been following your blog for about a year now, and decided it was time to go back "into the archives". I must admit we had a good giggle at your description of RV caravans in this post! ;)

    Safe travels and thanks for the excellent blog! Perhaps we'll see you in Lo de Marcos if you're passing through...

    Crystal and James

    1. Ha...that's hilarious. I read it out to the group so we could all get a laugh at my expense!

      Unfortunately Lo de Marcos is not on our route this year.


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