Slept better than expected given the rolling of the ship, and the noise from the engines. Actually got out of bed to go to the bathroom at 1:30am, and was surprised to not wake up again until about 6:30am, so that’s not bad. Whiskey slept through the night as well, so that’s good, but she must be just about bursting.
Had the ferry boat breakfast…scrambled eggs with bacon bits and refried beans and flour tortillas.
Got our first glimpse of Mazatlan from the ship about 7:30am. It was cloudy and hazy, and as we got closer to the port we actually saw rain falling in the distance. We had to wait outside the port and the only reason I could see was that we showed up early. We ended up docking right around 9am. From the boat, I could see that our internet friend Lee was waiting at the terminal for us. As promised, we were among the first vehicles to be unloaded. Ruth had already taken Whiskey down the stairs and outside. The poor puppy had gone 17 hours without going to the bathroom. She was really good about it though…she’s such a good dog. But she wasted no time in getting to a little grassy spot where she could do her business!
Ruth looking towards the coast near Mazatlan
Drove off the ship, and Ruth had already introduced herself to Lee. This is a lady I had contacted through an RV forum who lives in Mazatlan. She and her husband Ken were RV’ers who retired and bought a home here 8 years ago. Ken passed away a year ago, and Lee decided she liked it so much that she would stay. So when I asked her for information about Mazatlan, she volunteered to meet us at the ferry terminal and show us around. It’s so much more fun to have someone local show you the sights. So we walked around the old part of Mazatlan, and drove along the waterfront area. We’re likley to go back there tomorrow for another walk. She then took us to a restaurant near her place where we ate a sort of a pulled pork on a tortilla meal with various onion and salsa type of toppings. Price was about $4 each for a very filling meal with a beer.
Our new friend Lee showed us around this coast road in Mazatlan
Walkway along the beach in Mazatlan
Stopping for some crab on a cracker
Lee then directed us to a major grocery store, the Soriana. We did probably the last major shop we’ll have to do before getting back into the States, and even then, we didn’t really need that much. Went back to her place, and used the internet and relaxed for an hour. For supper, she took us to a local “restaurant” that is really just a person who uses the front of their house to sell meals. It’s a restaurant, but has no sign, with no advertising or anything. Whiskey was allowed in with us, and we brought our own beer. But they present you with a menu, and they serve it to you just like a restaurant. We had chicken with roast potatoes and salad. A really good plate of homemade food…for $4 each.
We’ve decided for sure to stay one more night, it’s so nice having someone show us around.
Total Nights Sleeping in the RV… 117…
February Fuel $ 30.00
February Grocery $ 108.02
February Overnight Costs $ 0
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