The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Saltillo (day 2)

Saturday February 16… 11:00pm

All our neighbours disappeared early this morning, so never got a chance to speak with them. License plates were from Quebec though. We didn’t get up until almost 8:00am, and by then they were packed and leaving. We relaxed
and caught up on internet for the morning, and then took Whiskey for a walk around the neighbourhood to the rear of the hotel where we are parked. We’ve decided to stay here for another night…even though it’s expensive, there’s a good chance nobody will come knocking for the rent for the second night. If they do, that’s fine too. But this way, we can leave the city on a Sunday when there’s very little traffic, and we can get to the border on a Monday…again hoping there won’t be as much traffic.

Ruth with her new Mexican haircut

Later in the day, we left Whiskey in the motorhome, and walked about 4 km each way to the cathedral in the centre of town. Even though I’m not a church going person, I’m always amazed at the architecture of these buildings and how they managed to build something so ornate a long time ago. This church in particular was built from 1745 to 1800.

Catedral de Santiago in Old Centro Saltillo

Scouts were holding a can drive in the square

When we got back to the hotel, there was another RV here…a pickup pulling a small camper trailer, with Manitoba plates. After a while we spotted a couple outside, and Amy and Cal introduced themselves. They’ve camped for quite a few years on the mainland interior of Mexico, and really enjoy it here. They joined us for a while after supper and we exchanged stories.

Tomorrow, we’re looking forward to going to the Garcia Caverns. (Thanks Mom!) About an hour drive northeast of here.

Total Nights Sleeping in the RV… 123…

February Fuel $ 200.00

February Grocery $ 111.62

February Overnight Costs $ 25.00

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