Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Huguenot Park

 Monday March 31…10:45pm

We slept in this morning…we didn’t get up until 8am because we didn’t get to sleep until late last night. After breakfast, we went and parked near a condo building where I could get internet access. It was calm and warm already so Ruth went for a bike ride along the beach.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sterling Casino Cruise

Sunday March 30…11:55pm

Got up fairly early and went for a bike ride. We have to do this kind of thing either very early or late in the day because of having to leave our dog Whiskey locked up in the motorhome. And it gets too hot in the Florida sun to be able to do that during midday. Anyhow, we did 17 km’s (10 miles) and made it back by 9:45am in time to say goodbye to Alex before he left for Watertown.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Last day at West Palm Beach

Saturday March 29…9:30pm

This morning, Alex’s team played their last game before they fly home tomorrow at 1:30pm. But they ended their spring training in a good way. They beat the Fort Lauderdale Superstars 4-2. Alex played a great game, making a fantastic catch near the foul pole in left field, and also went 2-4 at the plate with a single, a double, and an RBI.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Back in West Palm Beach

Friday March 28…10:00pm

We had a really nice stay at John Prince park. We’ll have to remember to keep our eyes open for more of these county run parks while we’re heading north over the next few weeks.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

John Prince Park Campground

Thursday March 27…9:00pm

Well Kevin’s taking a break from the journal tonight, so it’s my turn to give you today’s news. Despite the campground being beside a small airplane airport we had no problem with noise last night. This is really a pretty park.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Back in West Palm Beach

Wednesday March 26…11:45pm

Finally made it across to the Palm Beach mall this morning. It’s a big mall right across the street from the Best Western on Palm Beach Lakes Blvd where Alex’s team is staying. They have a Macy’s and a Dillards, and a

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Miami Beach

Tuesday March 25…10:30pm

We had an uneventful night at the Micosukee Casino. Slept well though as it was fairly cool…temperature at the bedside in the morning was 14C (58F), so it was comfortable.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Back in Miami area

Monday March 24…7:00pm

Got on the road about 10:00am for the approximately 2 hour drive to Miami-Dade College. It’s back closer to Miami where the casino was that we stayed at a few days ago. So we’ve already been to this area and we’re backtracking now, but it gives us a chance to go into Miami Beach area which we never got to do earlier.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Sunday March 23…10:30pm

Well it rained…all day today! We manged to get out of the motorhome for all of about 45 minutes to take Whiskey for a walk. Obviously Alex’s baseball games were cancelled. So we read our books and relaxed. Taught Alex how

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Saturday March 22…9:45pm

Alex’s team played a double header today. They won the first game 3-1, and lost the second game 2-0. Their team hitting was terrible. In 14 innings, they got just 1 hit….a solo home run. Alex went 0-1 at the plate in the first game

Friday, March 21, 2008

Back in West Palm Beach

Friday March 21…9:30pm

Went for a nice bike ride before leaving. Went in behind where those expensive houses and yachts were parked in the pictures I posted from yesterday. I figured that if your house and boat are so expensive, there’s got

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Back in Fort Lauderdale

Thursday March 20…9:45pm

Quiet day today…got ourselves back up to Fort Lauderdale and parked in our free spot near the beach. Spent an hour or so in the sun, and then walked down the main drag to have a closer look at how the rich people live.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Miccosukee Casino

Wednesday March 19…9:35pm

Very quiet night last night. Didn’t hear any road noise, and it was totally peaceful until we were awoken by some strange sounding bird.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Midway Campground

Tuesday March 18…10:30pm

Another great sleep. Headed out about 10:00am and tried to get internet at the nearby Indian “village”, but nothing available…so we headed further west towards the Midway campground on the road back towards Naples. Still no

Monday, March 17, 2008


Monday March 17…7:45pm

Had a great sleep last night. We’re thinking that Ruth and I might stop back at this nice little parking spot in Fort Lauderdale on our way back through to see Alex later this week.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Sunday March 16…11:00pm

Not a very good night for sleeping. At least 3 different dramatic incidences of people getting upset at their boyfriends or girlfriends…and so we once again confirm that trying to sleep next to a Taco Bell isn’t the best scenario…but it was better than nothing.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

West Palm Beach

Saturday March 15…10:30pm

We watched the rocket take off at exactly 2:09am as scheduled. It was funny watching all the people with their cameras thinking the picture was going to look any better than a flash of light in the sky. But watching it live was really kind of neat, even though it was all over in about a minute and a half.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Cocoa Beach, Florida

Friday March 14…11:30pm

We had an uneventful nights sleep at the Cocoa Expo Sports Center. We’ve now learned that it’s not easy to find inexpensive RV parking in Florida, espescially as we head further south. So parking at a baseball complex is

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cocoa, Florida

Thursday March 13...10:30pm

Again, we slept in till 8:00am. We're having a hard time getting any kind of an early start. By the time we got on the road it was about 9:30am, and then we stopped for internet and coffee for a while...and then a lunch stop not long after that!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Alexander Springs

Wednesday March 12...10:30pm

We didn't wake up this morning until almost 8:00am. And when we looked outside, the gate was still shut. It turns out that the other guys who were camped here had the combination to the lock, and they had been told to

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lake George State Forest

Tuesday March 11...10:30pm

Whiskey hasn't got used to the time changes yet, so we didn't get up until after 7:30am. Looked like it was going to be a nice day, because it was already 19C inside Sherman.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Huguenot Park

Monday March 10...11:00pm

We were the only RV's in the Walmart lot last night.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jacksonville, Florida

Sunday March 9...9:50pm

Had to actually put the furnace on this morning when we got up. Temperature at the bedside was 6C, and normally we would do some driving for an hour or so to let things warm up and then park for coffee, tea, and breakfast, but we wanted to relax for a bit. Looks like a nice sunny day, and the wind has died down as well.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Osceola National Forest

Saturday March 8...9:40pm

A little noisy at the Walmart, but we still managed to stay in bed until 8am. Of course we went through a time change yesterday, so it still felt like 7am. Really windy when we sat and had our tea and coffee though.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Live Oak, Florida

Friday March 7... 10:51pm

Sure enough, nobody bothered us last night. Had a good sleep, and it's fairly warm this morning with the temperature inside Sherman of 19C.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

De Funiak Springs, Florida

Thursday March 6...10:25pm

Slept great last night. We were a little concerned because we were parked across from a bar...but didn't hear any noise from that at all. Also, we had heard quite a few train horns blasting before going to bed, but all was quiet after that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Mobile, Alabama

Wednesday March 5...9:45pm

Sure enough, it got fairly chilly last night. When we woke up, it was 6C degrees on the bedside thermometer. And when I took Whiskey out first thing, there was some frost on the ground in spots.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Monday, March 3, 2008

Last day at Bayou Segnette

Monday March 3...9:00pm

Well I'm back home from the north! Going up there to visit made me remember just how much I don't like the cold!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Day 6 at Bayou Segnette

Sunday March 2...10:15pm

Well the noise last night from the "drive-in" ended sometime between 10:30 and 11pm, and it was nice and peaceful after that. Had another great nights

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Day 5 Bayou Segnette

Saturday March 1...10:20pm

Beautiful day out today, just a little wind and mostly sunny, feels like it will be a pretty warm day. Took Whiskey for a walk around the campsite, and found that it was quite full. There are 100 sites and there were about 20 that were