Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Watertown (day 10)

Wednesday April 30

It was cold last night! Temperature was 7C (44F) on the bedside thermometer when we awoke. Had to put the furnace on again!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Back in Watertown

Tuesday April 29

A very quiet night at the Lowville Walmart. A little chilly though. We even put the furnace on this morning when we got up. And then we sat and had our coffee

Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Herkimer, NY

Sunday April 27

We drove down to Herkimer, NY today. We took the route through the back roads, so it took us about 2 hours and 10 minutes to get there, even though it was only about 90 miles. Had to buy some more gas though, and it is up to $3.76 US a gallon. Still, this equates to about $1.03 CAN per litre, so in perspective, it’s not that bad. I guess.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Watertown (day 8)

Saturday April 26…10:00pm

Another lazy day. We took Whiskey for a walk down by the Black River here in Watertown. It’s still pretty high from the spring runoff. The temperature was warm again this morning, and I ended up putting my shorts on when we got back to Sherman.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Watertown (day 7)

Friday April 25…10:30pm

I said yesterday that I thought the heat wave was over….wrong! We sat out at the baseball games this afternoon and it was hot and sunny again. The long term forecast calls for cold and wet next week, but we know they are never right on these things! Either way, we’ll enjoy it while we can.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Watertown (day 6)

Thursday April 24…10:00pm

Took Whiskey for a walk up in the park this morning. Another nice sunny day, but I think the heat wave is over…temperature about 20C (68F) and it`s getting chilly at night again.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Watertown (day 5)

Wednesday April 23…10:30pm

Puttered around Sherman this morning. I had bought some different polish and wax to try on different areas of the finish. It’s such a huge vehicle to polish though, so I’m only going to do a small section at a time. But if I do a little bit every day, it’ll slowly all get done.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Alex's birthday

Tuesday April 22…11:30pm

Alex’s 20th birthday today, so we did some shopping this morning. Got him a digital camera. He had borrowed one from a friend for his Florida trip, so we figured he would like one, and we knew it was something he wouldn’t buy on his own.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Watertown (day 3)

Monday April 21…11:30pm

A very restful day today. We took Whiskey for a long walk at Thompson park, which is just around the corner from Alex’s house. They have a zoo there, and a swimming pool and a park for kids, and lots of walking and cycling paths. And, it was yet another beautiful day.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Watertown (day 2)

Sunday April 20…11:30pm

My Mom and Dad came down to Watertown to visit for the day and watch Alex and his team play. Alex ended up not playing the first game, which they lost 7-1. Alex did play the second game, he had two singles and an RBI and they won 6-4.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Baseball in Watertown

Saturday April 19…11:30pm

We’re looking for a dump station to empty Sherman’s holding tanks at some point over the next week or so. Problem is that 95% of the state parks don’t open until mid-May, and the RV parks usually want to charge a ridiculous amount to

Friday, April 18, 2008

Watertown, NY

Friday April 18…11:30pm

What a great spot we had camped out at the base of the ski hill. Nice and quiet. Forgot to take a picture though.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Playing in the snow

Thursday April 17…9:20pm

Yes, we played in the snow this evening. We’re parked at the base of the Cazenovia Ski Hill, and when we hiked up to the top, there were still some patches of snow on the hill. But it was a totally beautiful day…in fact you couldn’t ask for much better.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ithaca, NY

Wednesday April 16…10:40pm

It was COLD last night. I put our remote thermometer on the outside step overnight, and it went down to -6C (20F). We were nice and toasty, but our electric heater was never shut off all night.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

6 months on the road

Tuesday April 15…9:15pm

So we had parked last night at the Walmart at Carlisle Pennsylvania. I got up at about 6:50am and it was chilly…temperature at the bedside was 5C (40F) so I put on the kettle to make coffee and tea, and started getting Sherman ready to move. I pulled back the front curtains and saw a small brown envelope on the windshield and I could read “Carlisle Police Dept” on the front of it.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Carlisle, Pennsylvania

Monday April 14…11:00pm

Got up at 7am and drove to a nearby spot where we could get internet access. It’s starting to get cold in the morning…temperature at the bedside was 8C (46F) when we woke up. So it’s good to drive a little first thing…it warms up Sherman, and then we have our coffee and breakfast without having to put the furnace on.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Greenbelt Park, Maryland (day 3)

Sunday Apr 13…10:00pm

Walked down to the subway station again this morning. Walking quickly, it took about 25 minutes. We took the train to a different area this time, a few minutes walk from the Capitol building. This is Washington’s version of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. And, as in Ottawa, it’s very impressive looking, although on the east side of the building they are building a visitors center, and the construction kind of takes away from it all.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Greenbelt Park, Maryland (day 2)

Saturday Apr 12…7:00pm

We had a big thunderstorm shortly after going to bed last night. And some gusts of wind…the guy near us had his satellite internet dish blow over. Sometimes we miss tent camping, but when it’s raining and windy it sure is nice to be in a motorhome!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Greenbelt Park, Maryland

Friday April 11…10:00pm

I slept with no problems last night, but Ruth said she heard the traffic a fair bit. Either way, we were up at 7am, and on the road pretty much right away. We stopped at around 9am for breakfast and internet. Our goal was still to get to Greenbelt Park outside of Washington, and because we travel on the side roads, we don’t make very good time.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina

Thursday April 10…11:00pm

Left Kinston this morning at about 8:30am, and sure enough, there wasn’t anybody around to collect our money. Funny system….we would have been only too happy to pay, but they don’t even provide a box or some system of paying when you arrive or leave after hours. Oh well.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Kinston, North Carolina

Wednesday April 9…11:15pm

Sitting having breakfast this morning, and I’m looking out the window at the new water hose the guy across the way had given us…and it’s leaking! At the same spot the last one was! As I sat drinking my coffee and wondering how it could

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Myrtle Beach State Park

Tuesday April 8…10:45pm

Today we drove the 100 miles or so to Myrtle Beach. The state park is on the far south side of town. It’s a large park, with over 350 sites. We didn’t have a reservation, which turned out to be okay, although this park does get very busy at times.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Charleston, South Carolina

Monday April 7…11:00pm

Katherine lent us one of her cars for the day. We drove about 12 miles south to the “Angel Oak”, which is a huge oak tree that they figure is 1,200 to 1,400 years old. It’s absolutely amazing. See pictures. Then, we went into Charleston.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Folly Beach (day 3)

Sunday April 6…11:00pm

Woke up to the birds singing and the dogs barking. No wind this morning, and the sun was shining, so being a Sunday it’s going to be busy on the beach. Katherine had gone surfing early this morning, and so we walked with Whiskey

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Folly Beach (day 2)

Saturday Apr 5…11:00pm

Took dogs for a walk this morning…two at a time. Then went for a nice bike ride about 4 km’s out to the point of the island where there is a lighthouse. Some people fishing out there, but it’s cloudy and windy so not many sunbathers or swimmers.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Folly Beach

Friday Apr 4…10:30pm

We drove from Hilton Head Island to Folly Beach, which is very close to Charleston, South Carolina. Folly Beach is on Folly Island. Uneventful drive…the scenery of marshy swampland doesn’t do much for us. If you’re a bird lover, you’d probably appreciate that kind of scenery…but birds don’t do anything for me either.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hilton Head Island, South Carolina

Thursday Apr 3…11:00pm

Drove to Hilton Head Island in South Carolina today. There’s no really easy way to get here, and we don’t like the scenery on the interstate highways, so we ended up going right through Savannah, Georgia and taking some backroads

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Brunswick, Georgia

Wednesday Apr 2…11:00pm

Left Huguenot Park at about 8am. They have nasty noseeum flies there…other than that, it was a nice park. Those little sand gnats bite you one day…but the bite doesn’t start to itch until a day or two later. And I find the itch worse than a typical mosquito bite. So I’m sure we’ll pay for it tomorrow or the next day.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Huguenot Park (day 2)

Tuesday April 1…9:45pm

Went for a long walk along the beach this morning. The tide was out and the sand seemed to go on forever. This park has a day use area where the cars can drive right onto the beach, so we walked the entire length back around to the campground. As the morning went on, a lot of cars went into the day use area. We never did wander back over there, but it looked really busy.