Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Monday June 30…11:00pm

Well we missed a day there somewhere. Actually, we didn’t do anything spectacular yesterday, and it poured with rain all day, so we mostly stayed inside and watched “Friends” and read our books. It was still spitting a bit when we had to go do the wagon ride. But still, a few people showed up so we did it anyhow.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Saturday, June 28…10:30pm

Weather was slightly better today. No rain, but still overcast and cool in the morning. The sun actually tried to peek out in the afternoon a few times, and Ruth put shorts on at one point. Quite a few kids made it into the swimming pool, but that`s not really an indicator of what the weather is like!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cavendish KOA Campground

Friday June 27…11:00pm

Well it was a cloudy, rainy, miserable day today! We managed to get outside for a couple of walks with Whiskey in between showers.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cavendish, PEI

Thursday June 26…9:45pm

We pretty much repeated our morning activities from yesterday. Visited with Lindsey again, and then after lunch made the 30km drive towards Cavendish, and the KOA campground where we will spend the next 5-6 weeks doing their

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still at Covehead Harbour, PEI

Wednesday June 25…11:15pm

Slept fine in the Covehead Harbour parking lot. Drove the 4 km’s or so back to Dalvay-by-the-Sea, and Lindsey came and had breakfast with us. We tried to do a little hike, but even with some bug repellant on, the mosquitoes were too

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Covehead Harbour, PEI

Tuesday June 24…10:45pm

Said goodbye to Cat and Bryan and the mosquitoes at about 10:30am. I keep forgetting just how small PEI is…we were driving up to Dalvay area where Lindsey is working, and it looks like a long way on the PEI map…but it’s only

Monday, June 23, 2008

Still near Murray Harbour

Monday June 23…10:45pm

We needed to get some paperwork finished up for Alex’s new school. He’s going to Plattsburgh University in the fall, and it’s kind of tough getting everything done with us being on the road, and him being in Tennessee just now. Oh well, we do

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Near Murray Harbour, PEI

Sunday June 22…10:15pm

So we got onto the 9:30am ferry to PEI this morning. We were the only RV to get on, and there weren’t many other vehicles either. We read later that the ferry holds 155 cars on 2 levels. On our crossing, the upper level was totally empty, and there were maybe 25 other vehicles along with us on the lower deck.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Caribou, NS

Saturday June 21…11:00pm

We didn’t get on the road until about noon. Said goodbye to our couchsurfing friends, and headed north towards Cape George. We had read about some good hiking trails that start around the Cape George lighthouse.  There is a

Friday, June 20, 2008


Friday June 20…11:30pm

It was cloudy again when we woke up. Our couchsurfing friends who we had stayed with in Antigonish a week ago had read this journal and noticed we were back in the area and sent an email inviting us back for another night. We had

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Back in Antigonish

Thursday June 19th…10:45pm

Had a terrible nights sleep last night. We were parked beside the strip of road next to the harbour and in the middle of the night it became very windy and stormy. There was open water on both sides of the strip of land we were on so there was nothing to shelter the wind. Even Whiskey was tossing and turning and she seemed disturbed by the wind.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Margaree Harbour, NS

Wednesday June 18…10:30pm

Went for a bike ride this morning from Pleasant Bay to the village of Red River. Only about 10 km’s return, but quite a few hills.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pleasant Bay, NS

Tuesday June 17…10:30pm

Yet another sunny day, for the most part. Although it’s funny how th fog rolls in and out of the shoreline throughout the day. When we were on a hike it was clear one minute and shrouded in fog the next. Then about 20 minutes later

Monday, June 16, 2008

Neil's Harbour, NS

Monday June 16…10:30pm

We finally had a blue sky day today. The temperature was still a bit cool…high 18C or so, but at least it was sunny!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Ingonish, NS

Sunday June 15…10:30pm

After a very peaceful nights sleep, we continued northeast towards the first large mountain of the Cabot Trail. When we arrived at the base of Smokey Mountain it was drizzling with rain, and very misty. There is a warning at the base that you

Saturday, June 14, 2008

St. Anns, NS

Saturday June 14…10:15pm

We left the campground around 11am and drove on to Whycocomagh Provincial Park. It was a good place to stop for lunch, and afterwards we went for a hike up the mountain behind the campground at the park. For whatever reason, the park

Friday, June 13, 2008

Havre Boucher, NS

Friday June 13…11:15pm

When we woke up, it was nice and sunny, but very windy. We said goodbye and thanks to our couchsurfing hosts, and stopped for a couple of hours at the grocery store in town and used a local internet access point while we waited to see if the wind would die down a bit. It didn’t really, and also by then the sun had

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Antigonish (day 2)

Thursday June 12…11:15pm

We took Whiskey for a walk along a nearby dirt road. It’s really nice countryside, and there was a horse ranch along the way where we stopped and watched the horses. It was overcast, and it looked like it might rain, but we decided to head back and then go for a bike ride.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Wednesday June 11…11:35pm

We drove into the town of Antigonish and went to the visitor centre. We found out some info on trails in the area, but the ones we want to go to are on a point northwest of here, so we’ll head up that way on our way back from Cape Breton

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Antigonish, Nova Scotia

Tuesday June 10…10:45pm

We drove on to Liscomb Mills this morning. There isn’t really anything there except for a resort lodge type of place. Quite a few of the “communities” along this eastern shore don’t really have very much there to call it a community. The place names are on the map, but you get there and sometimes there isn’t

Monday, June 9, 2008

Port Dufferin, NS

Monday June 9…10:30pm

We drove to Taylor Head Provincial Park. It’s a day use area with no overnight camping, although we likely wouldn’t have stayed there anyhow due to the cost. But they do have a nice beach, and a lot of hiking trails. We had read about the

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Head of Jeddore, Nova Scotia

Sunday June 8…10:30pm

It was very foggy this morning, and quite cool until the sun burned it’s way through about noon. We had to leave the campground by 1pm, and to get our money’s worth, that’s when we left. We drove through Halifax and Dartmouth

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hubbards Beach, Nova Scotia

Saturday June 7

Filled up with gas before leaving for Hubbards Beach Campground. At $1.369 per litre, it took $211.23 to fill the tank, and that was filling up from the quarter tank mark. That’s the most dollars we’ve put in at one time.

Friday, June 6, 2008

New Minas, NS (day 5)

Friday June 6…11:00pm

I took apart all the window and door screens and cleaned them today. I don’t think they’ve ever been done, and even though they didn’t look that bad, it sure

Thursday, June 5, 2008

New Minas, NS (day 4)

Thursday June 5…11:00pm

It sure doesn’t feel like June! Temperature never went above 14C today, I think. Where’s that global warming??!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Day trip to Halifax

Wednesday June 4…11:00pm

Drove into Halifax today. It’s about an hour and a half drive from New Minas. Went for a walk in Point Pleasant Park. This park used to be a beautiful forest until Hurricane Juan destroyed most of the trees in 2004. You can see where the

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Minas, NS (day 2)

Tuesday June 3…11:00pm

Justin needed the car for work today, so Ruth, Lindsey, and I just hung around the house. Ruth and Lindsey did each other’s hair, while I removed all the old weatherstripping around the side door of Sherman. What a job getting all the old

Monday, June 2, 2008

Visiting Lindsey and Justin in New Minas

Monday June 2…11:00pm

No problems last night. Got on the road fairly early, and made it to Lindsey’s place about 11:00am. She had said she might not be home yet, so we got ourselves settled in her driveway. Justin had the landlord drop off a load of

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Truro, Nova Scotia

Sunday June 1…10:30pm

Got up early and went back to the spot where the low tide was and took a picture of it getting near high tide. See the pictures and compare.