Monday June 23…10:45pm
We needed to get some paperwork finished up for Alex’s new school. He’s going to Plattsburgh University in the fall, and it’s kind of tough getting everything done with us being on the road, and him being in Tennessee just now. Oh well, we do
what we gotta do! So we drove into Montague (about 20km’s) and used the internet and the post office. We were waiting to hear from another couchsurfing host who lives near Montague, and when we got her email, it turned out that she lives just down the road from where we had spent last night, and that we had already driven right by her house when we left this morning for Montague! So we backtracked to her place.
Cat and Bryan are young RV’ers (around 28) who live in their 5th wheel trailer in the winter down south, and are currently parked up at his parents place here in PEI. Bryan’s Dad does lobster fishing at this time of year, so Bryan is helping with that, as well as replacing the carpet in their RV with a hard floor.
We chatted most of the day about RVing and travelling in general. In the evening, we tried to go for a walk through the woods to the beach, and we did, but going through the woods we have never seen mosquitoes so bad! We ran most of the way back, and Ruth and Whiskey literally had clouds of mosquitoes following behind them. At one point I counted 12 on Ruth’s back despite the running and arm waving. Absolutely terrible! And then we sat in Sherman for the evening and they were glued to the outside screens. There were so many, that they are coming in whatever nooks and crannies and a few have made it inside. I am certain we’ll be swatting them through the night.
Total Nights Sleeping in the RV…246
June Fuel $ 480.11
June Grocery $ 519.76
June Overnight Costs $ 58.56
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