Friday November 21…10:00pm
We had some rain overnight last night, but it had cleared up somewhat by morning. Ruth went for a run down the beach, and Whiskey and I followed shortly after because it looked like a storm
was coming up. By the time Ruth was heading back and we caught up to her, it had become very windy, and had started to rain again. It never came down really hard, but the wind was strong all day, and it was cloudy.
Because it was not a great day to be outdoors, we spent the time reading and playing cards. The four of us will be travelling together for several months, so we are keeping a running scorecard of our euchre and canasta games.
There are several small shops on the beach, but they must make all of their money during the summer. We have seen a few people come and go, but for the most part we are the only ones here and we haven’t needed to buy anything. One of the small stores is sponsoring a fishing tournament on the beach tomorrow, so maybe it will be a little busier around here. I hope he gets better weather than it was today.
Total nights sleeping in a motorhome…395
November Fuel $ 464.74 CAN
November Grocery $459.06 CAN
November Overnight costs $ 32.80 CAN
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