Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Ixtlahuacán del Río, just north of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico on Friday!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cancun (day 5)

Wednesday December 31

We relaxed at Carmens house in the morning, just doing some internet and laundry and chatting.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Isla Mujeres for the day

Tuesday December 30…11:30pm

We got up early and took Whiskey for a quick walk before leaving her at Carmen’s house for the day.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Cancun (day 3)

Monday December 29…11:15pm

We took Whiskey for a walk this morning, and then left her with Carmen, whose dog and 3 cats seem to get along fine with Whiskey.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cancun (day 2)

Sunday December 28…11:30pm

We left Whiskey with Carmen at around lunchtime, and we rode our bikes to the hotel district. It’s absolutely amazing how you’d almost think you’re back in the US by driving a little way down the hotel zone road.

Saturday, December 27, 2008


Saturday December 27…10:15pm

We left the Coba ruins carpark just before 8am. We headed out on the side road that links up to the main road to Cancun.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Coba ruins

Friday December 26…9:30pm

We left the Suytun Cenote at about 7:30am. S&G had left before us, as they wanted to get to the Coba ruins well before the crowds.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Mexico

Thursday December 25…10:30pm

Ruth put a chicken in the oven this morning, in order for us to have our Christmas meal at lunchtime. She made stuffing, and roast potatoes with it and it was really good. We shared with Steve and Glen, and they shared with us. We had such a feast, and then only needed a snack early in the evening.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Near Valladolid (day 3)

Wednesday December 24…9:30pm

We had a relaxing day today, just hanging around the cenote. Ruth did some baking this morning, and I read my book most of the day.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Near Valladolid (day 2)

Tuesday December 23…9.:30pm

We slept well here at the Suytun de Mendoza cenote. But Phillipe’s 9 children get up around 6am, and with 9 children, there is bound to be a little noise. So we were up early as well.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Near Valladolid

Monday December 22…11:30pm

We left the Merida RV park at 8:00am. The rent lady never did show up. So we paid approximately $21.00 for the first night, and got 2 nights free. At $7.00 per night, we figure we got fair value.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merida (day 3)

Sunday December 21…11:00pm

We left the RV Park at around 9:30am and went to park in the convention center parking lot. The woman at the RV park never did come to collect the rent. There is never anybody here and the place is not well maintained. I do not feel guilty getting a night for free.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merida (day 2)

Saturday December 20…10:45pm

We left the RV park at 8am in order to get the tire replaced. Along the way, we dropped off a large load of laundry at the lavanderia.

Friday, December 19, 2008

City of Merida

Friday December 19…9:45pm

We left the Uxmal ruins at about 9am. We were heading for Merida, which is the state capital of the Yucatan. It was only about an hour drive so we weren’t in any rush to leave.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Uxmal ruins (day 2)

Thursday December 18…10:50

Kevin’s taking the day off from writing the blog, my turn today. Got up around our usual time of 7am and had had a great nights sleep.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Uxmal ruins

Wednesday December 17…10:30pm

We got up before 7am and drove to the Walmart supercenter on the outskirts of Campeche. We did a big grocery shop.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

City of Campeche (day 2)

Tuesday December 16…10:45pm

We didn’t have the best sleep last night because it was hot and muggy, and at 5:30am or so we were woken up by workmen painting the curbs in the parking lot. Fortunately, this didn’t last long and we managed to get back to sleep for a bit longer. Steve and Glen joined us at the tourist info carpark in Campeche at about 8am this morning.

Monday, December 15, 2008

City of Campeche

Monday December 15…10:45pm

We went for another walk down our little entrance road, and as we got near the beginning of it, we walked into 4 Mexican marine soldiers with their rifles.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Seibaplaya (day 2)

Sunday December 14…9:00pm

There wasn’t a cloud in the sky all day today. High was about 30C (86F). We expected that because today was Sunday, our spot here would be a little busier, but very few locals showed up.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Saturday December 13…11:00pm

As we were getting ready to hit the road this morning, at about 8am, a bunch of RV’s went by. Most were motorhomes pulling cars, and then one pickup truck with a 5th wheel trailer.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Near Sabancui

Friday December 12… 11:00pm

We made no effort to get up early, however when we did arise, we decided that the weather wasn’t good enough to warrant staying here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Another spot near Puerto Ceiba (day 2)

Thursday December 11…11:00pm

It was windy all last night, and it rained on and off. We decided to stay put and ride it out today in the hopes of better weather, but it never showed up. So it was a day of reading books and playing cards.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Another spot near Puerto Ceiba

Wednesday December 10…11:00pm

Not a bad nights sleep, but we decided to move on anyhow. It was going to be a really hot day, because the temperature inside Sherman at 8:00am was already 26C (80F).

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

A farmers field (day 2)

Monday December 8…9:00pm

Sometime last night, I woke up and Sherman was rocking! Half asleep, I thought maybe it was an earthquake.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A farmers field near Sanchez Magallanes

Sunday December 7…9:30pm

So besides being a dirty beach with lots of bugs, it was also not a nice place to sleep. Quite a few cars drove up with music blaring loudly at all hours of the night. And lots of dogs barking. Oh well.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sanchez Magallanes

Saturday December 6…6:30pm

I’m writing the journal early tonight, because I know I’m just not going to feel like it later!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lake Catemaco (day 4)

Friday December 5…9:30pm

It was pouring rain when we woke up. It never did clear up, and remained overcast the whole day. Not very nice for Glen’s birthday, but we had no control over the weather. However we did have her and Steve over for a nice lunch. Ruth made chicken curry with rice, and then cheesecake for dessert.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Lake Catemaco (day 3)

Thursday December 4…10:30pm

We took Whiskey for a nice walk along the malecon this morning.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lake Catemaco (day 2)

Wednesday December 3…10:30pm

We woke up to a beautiful blue sky for our boat trip this morning. We only had to cross the street to get to our boat dock, and our driver Hector was ready to go at 8:45am.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Lake Catemaco, Mexico

Tuesday December 2…10:00pm

We woke up to rain dropping on the roof. It rained steadily while we got ready to go, and didn’t let up until mid-morning. We were on the road by 8:30am, having waited a bit in the hope that traffic will have lightened up by the time we got to the bypass around Veracruz.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cardel, Mexico

Monday December 1…9:30pm

We woke up to a cloudy day and had made the decision that if it was cloudy, we would move on. So we packed everything up, and were on the road before 9am.