The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cancun (day 2)

Sunday December 28…11:30pm

We left Whiskey with Carmen at around lunchtime, and we rode our bikes to the hotel district. It’s absolutely amazing how you’d almost think you’re back in the US by driving a little way down the hotel zone road.

For those who don’t know, the city of Cancun is actually about 500,000 people. But most of the tourists never see the city of Cancun. They land at the airport, take the road directly to the hotel beach zone, and stay there for the duration of their vacation. The beach zone is much like Miami. In fact, I don’t even think half of the tourists even know they’re in Mexico!

LOTS of new construction here. Not sure how they can possibly sell them all

Anyway, we rode 16 km’s there and back. It was a nice day and we got to see the Cancun beach. It’s exactly why we didn’t go there 6 years ago when we visited this area. Having said that, it is a beautiful beach, and the water has that caribbean blue colour to it. I guess we just like a more out of the way place. If you are going to go to Cancun, you might as well just go to Miami.

Looking down the beach towards the hotel zone

 The beach in the Hotel Strip or Zone in Cancun

They do have a cyclopista (bicycle path) that runs a good length of the 27 km long hotel zone. At the beginning of it, we saw a lot of lizards and iguanas sunning themselves. They sure do run funny when you surprise them with your bicycle on the path.

In the evening, Steve and Glen, and Ruth and I shared dinner with Carmen and her friend Patty. It’s interesting speaking with people who actually live here.

Total nights sleeping in a motorhome…431

December Fuel $ 418.00 CAN

December Grocery $ 222.70 CAN

December Overnight costs $ 118.20 CAN

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