Sunday January 18…10:00pm
It was a beautiful day today…sunny with the odd cloud and about 26C (78F). And because of all that solar energy, our batteries were pretty much recharged by noon.
So I puttered around with the generator again for a couple of hours. I couldn’t fix the problem though, so it will have to wait until we get back to the States.
Didn’t do much today…sat and read, played a couple of games, had Kathe over for supper. Ruth made a lasagna and Kathe brought a salad. She put “heart of palm” in the salad. It’s from a young palm tree, and it’s the inner part where the shoots come out of the palm. I thought it tasted a bit like kolrabi.
Kathe had gone into town today, and it was Pablo’s day off. Pablo works here full time, mostly doing gardening and handyman type projects. But Pablo came here this afternoon looking for Kathe, and so Ruth and I tried to have a conversation with him. It was funny, but he eventually understood that Kathe would be back in time for supper. Pablo speaks no English at all.
Total nights sleeping in a motorhome…452
January Fuel $ 45.50 CAN
January Grocery $ 144.91 CAN
January Overnight costs $ 87.36 CAN
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