Monday February 16…10:30pm
When we woke up, it was actually cloudy! First time since we got here really, although you can usually see the odd cloud in the distance or a bit over the mountains behind us.
Mostly, we have had clear blue skies since we got here. Drove over to the Super Che grocery store at about 8:30am and stocked up on a few more things. Then over to the lighthouse near Playa Entrega where the restaurant is that we had rode our bikes to last Friday. There was a small camper van parked in a real good spot that was leaving today. The entrance in is pretty tight, and another motorhome wants to leave tomorrow, so we all consulted with the owner and decided that we would stay parked on the side road to the lighthouse until the camper van left around noon. That way we wouldn’t have to move again tomorrow when the other motorhome leaves. There’s really only room for 5 or 6 rigs in here, and Glen and Steve were supposed to be coming too, but when they got here they checked out the beach below and decided that the car parking area there was better for them.
As we had a couple of hours to wait, I put out the awning and our lawn chairs so we could read outside. It wasn’t really the best spot to do that, but it was hot inside Sherman. After a half hour or so, the lady from the restaurant comes over and invites us to sit on the restaurant patio while we wait, and Whiskey can come too. So we did, and while we were there, she brought us fresh coffee as well! They are a really friendly couple running this place. It’s a coffee shop and restaurant with another building that has 5 rental rooms. They’ve got another floor being added for an additional 4 rooms. It’s not all finished yet, but there is no work being done while we’re here so no noise from that. Then, the area behind is for RV parking. They do have a couple of spots for full hook up, but it’s not set up really well and you’d need lots of extensions to hook up. They also have wi-fi internet but we’ve heard it’s on some kind of timer so not sure how that works yet. It has been on for most of the day, but it’s not on as I write this.
An iguana and an eagle are obviously not mortal enemies!
After we got set up, I stood and enjoyed the beautiful view from our front door. This place is not ideal, but the view makes up for any shortcomings!
Looking down at Santa Cruz, taken from the front door of Sherman at El Faro
The beach is also beautiful and is a 5 minute walk down a steep hill, and then of course maybe a 10 minute walk back uphill later. So we went down with Whiskey and met up with Glen and Steve who were already on the sand. It was pretty busy with locals, and we wondered if it was some kind of holiday because it was so busy. The water was fantastic, and the snorkelling was the best we’ve done in years…I ended up in the water three separate times! Kind of felt like I was swimming in an aquarium at times! Whiskey went in too! Apparently there’s another little cove that we can walk to where there is also good snorkelling so maybe we’ll head there tomorrow.
Playa La Entrega
Whiskey, Ruth, and Kevin taking in some sun
Sunset from the lighthouse
Watching the sunset
Watched part of the 5th Harry Potter movie this evening, but was falling asleep so will finish it off tomorrow night.
Total nights sleeping in a motorhome…481
February Fuel $ 91.00 CAN
February Grocery $175.37 CAN
February Overnight costs $ 56.40 CAN
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