Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Maruata (day 2)

Monday March 16…9:30pm

We went for an early walk along the beach this morning before it got too hot. There were a lot of sea turtle tracks going up to the sandy area of the beach.

The turtles come ashore during the night to lay their eggs. This area is protected, and that is one of the duties of the military base here. Some of the indigenous people who live in the countryside will still try and collect the turtle eggs for food. We saw at least 20 different turtle tracks leading up to the sand.

Then we rode our bikes to the other side of the village. There are three more small bays here, and we saw a couple of other motorhomes parked.

The waves are smaller today, and because it’s a Monday there are not nearly as many people around today compared to yesterday.

Read our books this afternoon, and Ruth made the cookies for the soldiers. She’ll give them to them before we leave in the morning.

Total nights sleeping in a motorhome…507

March Fuel $181.60 CAN

March Grocery $154.08 CAN

March Overnight costs $ 87.90 CAN

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