
Monday, April 27, 2009

Plattsburgh, New York (day 7)

Monday April 27…11:00pm

It warmed up again today, and peaked with another record high, this time at 92F (33C)! Very strange weather.

We just puttered around this morning, and then after lunch Kathy took us to the RV parts place where I had ordered the new heating element for the fridge. Picked that up, and spend much of the afternoon changing this simple little part. Actually, it’s not that easy to get at, but it should have been a simple job anyhow. Whoever installed the last heating element had put in an aftermarket one, and it was about 2 inches shorter than the factory one. So a layer of rust had built up in the tube where the element slides into. It was very difficult to get the new element past this layer of rust, but finally it slipped into place.

So now the fridge works on electric again. Wednesday morning we will fill the propane tank, and then we’ll know for sure if the nearly empty propane tank was the cause of our intermittent problems with the fridge running on gas.

Ruth gave Whiskey a bath and a good brushing….she is all soft now.

Kathy took us for dinner at a seafood restaurant. It was really good, but they sure gave you a full plate of food! It was a charity thing in benefit of the local Legion Baseball club.

Total nights sleeping in a motorhome…547

April Fuel $665.20 CAN

April Grocery $357.40 CAN

April Overnight costs $ 46.50 CAN

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