The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Mexico City.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Back to San Miguel de Allende on Wednesday!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Red Pine Camp

We took the day off work yesterday! I was due for a day aff...hadn't had one since July 1st! And it was Ruth's normal day off on Tuesday anyhow.

So we drove up to Red Pine Camp on beautiful Golden Lake near Eganville, Ontario. It was about a two and a half hour drive each way, and we left here at 7am.

Red Pine is a family camp...sort of a very rustic Club Med...all of your meals and activities are included in one price. You stay in basic cabins, and you bring your own bedding.

My parents brought my two sisters and I up to Red Pine for quite a few family vacations when we were children. The first time was in 1966, and then quite a few years in a row during the '70's. My mother loved it because she didn't have to cook, and there are a lot of childrens programs so she had a lot of time to relax.

I worked on Red Pine for the summer of 1978, and a core group of guys that I worked with that year are still my best friends. A couple of them are up there this week with their own families, so it was nice to see them. I first brought Ruth up there in 1983, the year we met. And we spent a few family vacations of our own there during the '90's. Our daughter Lindsey worked there for the summers of 2003 and 2004.

Kevin, with our friends Shelley and Jeff on the porch of the tuck shop.

Have to go to work...will add more pictures this evening!'s some more pics. By the way, my sister sent me an email to remind me that it was 1964 that was the first year we went to Red Pine...not 1966.

At the waterfront for Water Regatta Games


The main dock

Looking back towards the shore

War canoe races!

Goats crossing the road on the way home. Felt like we were back in Mexico!

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