
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lindsey, Justin and Flying

Yesterday our daughter, Lindsey and son in-law, Justin came to visit us. They left Nova Scotia last Sunday and came to Ottawa via the States, stopping in Bangor, Maine their first night and then stopping a second night
in Plattsburg and spending a night with her brother Alex in his university dorm room and had a nice visit with him. After that they headed to Ottawa to spend a couple of nights with Kevin’s parents. They had her two aunts and her cousin over for supper so they were able to see everyone and catch up on the news. They then headed up to Galetta to visit with my Dad for a night, before heading to Kingston to spend two nights with us. On Sunday they will start heading back to Nova Scotia. Lindsey said there is just too much driving for one week. They are looking forward to just relaxing today and not doing too much.

Yesterday they got here right about lunch time. Kevin left the RV place at 12 noon and got the morning courier guy to do his afternoon run so that he could have the afternoon off and I had my work done in the morning so my afternoon was free too. Kevin had made arrangements for Lindsey and Justin to go up in a small airplane and each have a half hour introductory flying lesson at 2pm at the Kingston Flying Club at the small Kingston Airport.

Lindsey and Justin got married last October 3rd and our wedding gift to them was to have a lasting unique memory, so we gave them the choice of an introductory flying lesson, a hot air balloon ride or skydiving. Kevin and I went skydiving when Lindsey wasn’t even a year old and we loved it and knew that this was something Lindsey really wanted to do but we weren’t sure about Justin, this is why we gave them the choice. They picked the flying lesson. We had tried to arrange it right after the wedding before Lindsey and Justin headed back to Nova Scotia (they were married in my Dad’s back yard) but the weather didn’t co-operate so they never got to do it. So they waited until this year when we could watch them instead of arranging for them to do it out east.

Lindsey and Justin

We arrived at the airport shortly before 2pm and went to the flying club office where we met up with their instructor Matt and his dog Trigger, a black lab who happily welcomed all of us including Whiskey. Matt gave Lindsey and Justin the choice of flying around the Kingston area for a half hour and then landing to switch places (we arranged it so that they both could fly together so that one could sit in the back seat and take pictures of the other piloting the plane as well as the scenery outside) and then the other would have their turn. Or they could fly to another airport about a half hour away and switch places there, this was their choice. So off they went with some instruction as they got into the plane. Justin was going to pilot first because he said if Lindsey went first and crashed the plane then he would never have gotten his chance to pilot!

Ruth, Whiskey and Trigger in the office (this picture is for Rigg's)

Kevin and I watched them take off and once they were out of sight we took Whiskey for a nice walk at a conservation area just down the road from the airport and then would come back to watch them land in about an hour. We missed their landing though as we ended up coming back too late, we got on the wrong trail and it took longer to get back to the car. Oh well, at least Whiskey enjoyed her walk and lots of new smells.

Lindsey and Justin really enjoyed their flying lesson, Lindsey said there was one point where she got scared and almost asked instructor Matt to take over, but she didn’t and was able to continue on. Kevin and I want to try this out now, maybe next year. Their prices are really reasonable, they are really nice people and make you feel very relaxed and comfortable. Lindsey and Justin enjoyed their memory wedding gift,we really wanted to give them something original, I think this was a pretty good choice (at least the handle won’t fall off!).

The plane they are going to fly in

Justin in the pilot seat (left) Matt in the co-pilot seat

Lindsey in the back seat

Taking off from the airport (The Landings Golf Course)

Lindsey in the pilot's seat (left)

View of the countryside

View of Kingston

We then took them into Kingston and walked around a little there before heading over to the Wok-In for supper. We all enjoyed our meal there except Kevin. He tried a different dish (we’ve been trying to go through all their items) he choose #2 and he said it was the spiciest meal he has ever had in his life, so much so he really didn’t enjoy it. We came back to Sherman and played card in the evening before Lindsey and Justin headed off to the cabin that we got for them.

A great day was had by all!


  1. Do it before you decide not to, When I was flying in the US Navy I remember well what one flight instructor told all of us young males. He said" This is the most fun you'll have in all your life " He was right, I loved flying and going all over the world, and especially the excitement of getting a call to rescue somebody, Those things were the most exciting times of my life. being able to do it with your soul mate I am sure will enhance the experience and you two will be telling your grandkids about it, Don't miss the chance. Be safe out there Sam & Donna.

  2. P.S. Thanks for posting the picture of Trigger for Rigg's they look like they could be Canadian Cousins, Also isn't Kingston where the Canadian locomotive Works was located, when they started making the Fairbanks Morse Diesels under license.I loved the sound of those engines, they had a sound all there own. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna & Rigg's..

  3. They call it a "Discovery Flight" here, my old boss gave me one many years ago and I thought that would be a good idea for my dad so I gave him one for Father's day the next year (back in 1994).
    He loved it. It was the best gift I ever gave him.
    It is a magical thing to do. I encourage everyone to do one!

  4. What a great idea for a present - glad you got to join in the fun.

  5. Sam, Donna and Rigg's...Don't worry we won't chicken out. We really want to do it but we have a number of things that will put us over budget in the next month or two, in getting ready to head to Mexico. So we will do it next year when we are back here again.

    Yes, this is the Kingston where the Canadian Locomotive Works was located. There is no sign of the building any more but at Confederation Park in front of city hall they do have "The Spirit of Sir John A., Engine 1095" which is on display and was built here in 1913.

    WBY...Gald you had the opporunity to do it and also past along the gift to your dad.

    Diane...We love the idea of memories that last for a gift idea, we aren't the normal gift giving kind of people.

    Kevin and Ruth

  6. What a thrill it must have been for them.Oct 3 is my sons birthday. We have a black lab named Annie she will be 3 in Nov.

  7. Kenny and Angela...Thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving us a comment. Lindsey and Justin really did enjoy themselves, now they want to try skydiving!

    Whiskey says to say hi to Annie for her!

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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