Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Made it through Toronto!

We were only a few minutes late leaving this morning. We had planned on 9:00am, so when we drove out at 9:40am, we figured "yeah, that's not bad".

Still a little colour left on the leaves an hour east of Toronto.

Roadside colours

There's not really a LOT to see if you're just driving highway 401. It's a typical busy four lane highway similar to just about any one of the Interstate highways in the U.S.

The giant apple near Colborne, Ontario

Our only goal for the day was to make it through Toronto without hitting any traffic problems. We had no ambition to stop and see anything...we've seen it all before. Just wanted to get through the metropolis! We stopped once just before Toronto to let Whiskey do her business, and that was it. When we did that, I checked the Comfort Inn for a wi-fi signal, but you needed a code. Reminder to self...Holiday Inn and Best Western typically have the best unsecured wi-fi!

14 lanes of traffic going through greater Toronto. We were lucky that it wasn't very busy!

And so we arrived at Ruth's sister's place near Hamilton at around 1:30pm. There's no motorhome parking at her place, so we parked at the church down the road where they had let us park exactly two years ago.

Tomorrow, I have to get the Ontario emmisions test done on Sherman because our license sticker expires in February while we are in Mexico.

Here's the drive we did today...

Distance driven today - 320 kms (198 miles)


  1. It looks farther than 198 miles. Loved the fall color. Stay safe.

  2. I'm so excited for you both and Whiskey as well.

    Mojo says he's tired of the RV trips but he's entitled at 16.

    Have fun and let the adventure begin. We're off to Cuba in a few weeks then home for the snow.

    Kelly, Rocket and Mojo

  3. Love the map shot.How many miles is that in Doggy miles????lol.

  4. I stayed in Hamilton on a train photography expedition many years ago , went to Bayview Junction where the Botanical Gardens are. Watched and took pictures of trains, no flowers that trip. I was surprised how close it was to Niagara Falls so we made a side trip for my son to see it. Enjoy your stay. Have a safe day. Sam & Donna.

  5. That's a long enough drive in one day. We'd usually go no farther than to "Ranger Rudy's" (which was the pet name we gave my brother-in-law) in Osgoode, (just past Kingston...but I think you know that) for a night or two before heading east.
    The reason I'm being forward and commenting on your blog is that, I can recommend a place that's not too far from wherever you may be for your cash grab....er, I mean, Emissions Test.
    I'm sure you have something all lined up....but just the same (hey, never hurts to have a back up plan)
    It's Ted's Service Centre, over on Howard Road in Burlington. That's just off Plains Road, almost to the railroad tracks.
    I just googled it and it showed a map as well...

    1176 Howard Road
    Burlington, ON L7R 3X5
    (905) 637-6259

    My wife and I had a class A motorhome up until last May when I finally had to suck it up and sell it. :(
    and I had taken it there for the last test in 08.
    We may have an RV again one day. We (I) hope.

    Fun Times. Meanwhile I live vicariously through the travels of others.

    Have a fine trip.


  6. Pidge...The fall colours are nice, but they are almost over now.

    Kelly, Rocket and Mojo...Whiskey had a great walk today and really enjoyed herself. Mojo may have had enough RVing but I'll bet if you go he is happy to come along as long as he's with you.

    Enjoy the sunshine in Cuba, we loved it there. It is so unique and the people are so friendly. Have a great time.

    Chrissy y Keith...Not sure how many doggy miles...maybe half that because they run on four legs!

    Sam and Donna...We actually are very, very close to the Botanical Gardens. Haven't seen them, but have gone to see the swans on the stream a number of years ago. Niagara Falls is pretty close, we won't be going there though. We have been a number of times and have really had enough of it. It's gotten to touristy for us.

    There are still lots of trains going through the area, saw at least three in the couple of hours we were out. I am sure there were more but that was all that we happened to see.

    Bob...Thanks for the tip. Kevin left a message on your site and is going to do a post on it today.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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