Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dallas, Texas (day 3)

Yesterday was another "do nothing" kind of day, and we were quite happy with that. Went on a walking/biking trail around another neighbourhood. That was kind of nice. And, the sun came out for much of the day, so that was nice too!

The water fountains even have a pet water bowl!

Don and Joanne took us to an Indian Buffet lunch that was really good. In fact, it was so good, that we all ate enough for lunch that we didn't really need to have any supper!

In the evening, they turned the heater on for the hot tub. Don made some fantastic pina coladas, and when the water temperature got up to about 98F (37C) we put our suits on and went outside for a soak. Only problem was, the air temperature was only about 41F (5C) and so while it was very nice in the tub, it was pretty chilly getting out. Ruth and their son Jeffrey were very brave and both had a dip in the chilly swimming pool. Not so much for me! I am chicken when it comes to cold water!

It's a pretty good life! Their dog Abigail likes to try and push her toy into the water, and then pull it out again. She's fun to play with. Whiskey just stayed inside where it was warm.

After the hot tub, Don started a campfire and we sat outside and talked. It was a really good evening, but a little chilly.

No, that's not frost on the ground, although it is wet from the dew. But this morning, there was actually frost on the roofs of the houses. Very early for that to happen here. However the day has quickly warmed up and it has been mostly sunny.

We headed out of Dallas around 10:30am. It was about a 30 mile (50 km) drive just to get out of the metro area, and it was pretty busy even though it was a Sunday morning. We stopped at a Lowes store to look at BBQ's, because we need a new portable unit. Have thought of the Weber Q100 because it has such good reviews, but it's still a little bulky for our liking. Almost bought a stainless steel Masterforge brand, but it turns out they're not easy to get parts for. Will do some more research.

Now at Glen Rose, Texas. We want to go to Dinosaur Valley State Park and see the footprints, however they want $25 a night to camp (plus the day use fee!) and that's over our budget. We're going to find somewhere to park for free tonight, and then enter the park tomorrow and just pay the $5 per person day use fee.

Today's drive. 94 miles (150 kms)


  1. Looks like a great time, I was thinking of you guys the other day in the beer store and I saw a six pack of Moosehead from St Johns. NB. I am going to have a couple tonight, a lot stronger than the Miller High life Light I usually drink. Tell Kevin I'll have one in his behalf. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  2. We have fired up our spa here in Scottsdale as well. We like it at 102-104. Keith does the cold pool dip afterwards, but I too am a big chicken about that. Happy trails! Again, I love the map.

  3. Sam and Donna...We had a great time with our friends. Kevin thought your comment about the beer was a good. He hopes you enjoyed it.

    Chrissy y Keith...The spa was great, especially with the pina coladas in hand. The cold water in the big pool was refreshing but it was nice to hop quickly back into the spa. Glad you like the map.

    Kevin and Ruth

  4. We have a Weber and just love it. It is a lot nicer then a regular BBQ. That is the one to get. Dale & Mary-Lou

  5. Dale and Mary-Lou...We know it is a good BBQ, but it's the size that is stopping us. It is still pretty bulky. Kevin will do more research before we make our final decision.

    Kevin and Ruth

  6. Nothing like sitting in a hot tub outside on a cool night. Looks like you're having a great time in Dallas.

  7. Rick and Paulette...Yes we had a great time in Dallas with our friends. We have never had a chance to use a hot tub on a cool/cold night so it was pretty neat, especially with the pina coladas in hand.

    Kevin and Ruth


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