Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Valle de Bravo (day 8)

Well it was our last day here, and it sure was a good one. First on the agenda was a trip into town with Santiago and his children.

We were there before 10:00am so the town was only just getting busy. He brought us to the Artisan Market where they sell crafts. Most of the stalls were not open yet, but it was still interesting to see all the colorful items.

Next was a stop at the butchers where Santiago bought a bundle of beef to be grilled as he had invited us for lunch. We bought some lean ground beef. Cost was 70 pesos ($5.90) for 1 kg (2.2 lbs). Also stopped at a fruit and vegetable store and bought a few items. Sure is nice buying a fresh pineapple for 10 pesos (80 cents).

Santiago making lunch for us.

After lunch, the plan was to go sailing. Where we are parked is not so much a campground as it is a marina. So there are lots of boats around, and Santiago is a pretty good sailor!

We had a great time sailing!

But unfortunately our time here has come to an end. We are moving on tomorrow morning as soon as we wake up...hopefully before 6:30am. We have to drive right through the town of Valle de Bravo and it's a fairly busy little place. We want to be out of town before the traffic gets heavy. We are heading for the Grutas de Cacahuamilpa, a cave system in one of Mexico's National Parks. It's about 180 kms (112 miles) from here, and it will probably take us about 5 or 6 hours. We're taking the back roads through the mountains in order to avoid driving anywhere close to Mexico City. I'd rather drive on a twisty mountain road than in a busy unfamiliar city! And, we'll be driving close enough to the Toluca volcano that we should be able to get some decent photos.

Should be an interesting drive tomorrow...!!!


  1. Great header PHOTO..what a wonderful time you have had there is on my list for next year, be safe tomorrow, cheers Les

  2. Two of my favorite things in one day-great food and a day of sailing.

    What a great day!

  3. What a great day and how lucky you are to have met Santiago. He seems to be a man with many skills.

  4. Safe travels today! Your sailing day looked like so much fun and very picturesque too.

  5. What a great time you have had. Must have been great to know Santiago. Love the sailing photos.

  6. What a great header photo!

    You guys are sure having an adventure. It's fun following along!

  7. That looks like a blast!!! Can't wait for the volcano photos!!!

    Drive safe!

  8. Thanks for all the comments folks. Yes, we had a fantastic time and Santiago and his family are such fantastic and wonderful people.

    If you are ever in Mexico and make your way to Valle de Bravo, you have to stay at his marina. What a wonderful and relaxing week it was.

    WBY...Sorry no volcano pictures, slight change in plans!

    Kevin and Ruth


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