Igor, parked for the night in the Sierra Gorda Mountains in Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Campestre Pinal in the Sierra Gorda mountains, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Playa Tangolunda (Huatulco, day 16)

Ruth took Whiskey for a walk this morning as I was watching the stock market. It is sure an interesting time for gold, and there is a lot of money to be made with the junior gold stocks. It will be interesting to see how the whole U.S. monetary policy situation ends over the next few years.

When I was ready to go outside, I stepped out onto the mat to put my sandals on…and they weren’t there! That will teach me not to leave them outside. I guessed that some local obviously needed them more than I did!

Everybody loves Whiskey. When we go for walks a lot of people mention how cute she is, and of course most of the Mexicans are surprised just to see a dog on a leash. And when they find out she will be fifteen years old in April, they are really surprised. I would doubt that most Mexican dogs see those kind of years. And Whiskey has long hair whereas almost all local dogs are short haired. There aren’t that many dogs around the resort areas though, so when we saw four almost identical looking dogs cross through the campground this morning, we were a bit surprised. One of them came a bit closer and was interested in Whiskey, wagging it’s tail like crazy but it was pretty shy and couldn’t get up the nerve to come closer. It eventually wandered off with it’s friends. When we were walking on the road the other day, a van drove by and the guy yells out the window “Whiskey”…with a big laugh and a wave. Too funny.

Paul and Rosemary wandered by our site the other day. They are from Brampton, Ontario and are staying at the Barcelo resort next door. They were just out for a walk and stopped by to talk about how we ended up down here in a motorhome. We bumped into them on the beach today and they invited us over to the lobby for a drink this evening. Apparently guests are welcome in the lobby, so I guess we’ll see how that goes.

Today saw some clouds, and it almost looked overcast at one point! I checked the weather and it actually said a 20% chance of rain. It NEVER rains here between December and March, and I don’t think it will this time either.

Spent the rest of the afternoon reading. Whiskey got up enough ambition to chase a squirrel at one point, but otherwise we were coasting through the day.

Around 8:30pm, we walked over to meet Paul and Rosemary. Had no problem ordering a couple of drinks with them, and nobody questioned a thing even though we didn’t have Barcelo wristbands on. Interesting. So we sat in the lobby and enjoyed chatting for a couple of hours. They go back to the cold tomorrow.

Heading back to Sherman, we almost trip over one of my sandals as were walking along the entranceway. We'll maybe come across the other one tomorrow. We're thinking maybe the dogs that passed through were the culprits?

Forgot to take many pictures today. So you’ll have to be happy with a flowery bush, and a termite nest!


  1. Another day, another beach! Tough life! Glad you got to meet some friends from near home and to visit with them. It's funny how our dogs seem to get more attention than we do! Same goes with the muttzo's - everyone knows Rylie and Molly but hasn't got a clue what our names are.

  2. When we walk Mojo he's a magnet for attention here in Whistler. I think he knows when he's in the Village he's on display. It was crazier during the Olympics how many people, cops and athlestes included took pictures of him maybe because he was Canadog and had Canadian Flags on each side of him. He's doing well at 16 1/2 and still likes his long w-a-l-k-s. It's also funny that when people who own or used to have an Eskimo see him they have to tell us all about theirs and how old or long they lived. Day before yesterday Rocket met a guy who's Eskimo lived until he was 21! Glad you're having fun. Kelly& Mojo

  3. We have the same thing with Rigg's wherever we go maybe because he is so big, but he draws a crowd and he loves every minute of it, especially kids, he will take whatever they dish out and comeback for more.Glad to see your luck with the weather is continuing, wish we could join you for a swim at the beach, watching snow flakes again today. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  4. Rick and Paulette...Yeah, I used to find that when I walked her when we had a house. Go to the park and visit with the other dogs and always knew their names but never the owners.

    Kelly and Mojo...I am sure that Mojo must get a lot of attention, especially displaying his Canada flags at the Olympics. So glad his is doing so well. 21 for a big dog is fantastic hope he makes it that far.

    Sam and Donna...I think it is because they are such happy dogs and I am sure that Rigg's just takes it all in and loves the attention. Hope you don't get too much snow!

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  5. Kevin and Ruth - We are dog people as well and like the fact that they are great ways to meet people and be our best friends. You are living our dreams. We to plan on going full time in a few years. Would it be possible to talk a bit about your yearly expenses to help us with our plans?

    Rob and Sherrie Stoutenberg, Alberta

  6. Yup, when we walk the dogs, it makes a nice ice-breaker. Usually it's "ohh look at the big Lassie and the little Lassie!" (collie and sheltie) and then the questions if they are Momma and Baby... (nope they are cousins, two different breeds)...

    but people remember us by our dogs walking... and sometimes we even let kids camped nearby take our dogs for walks around the campground loop!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  7. Karen and Steve...I bet you guys get lots of attention with Duchess and Duke, they are a beautiful pair of dogs.

    Having a dog is certainly an ice breaker with meeting new people.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  8. Hi: Just to let you know we arrived home safe and sound to 0 celsius, snow and drizzle. Don't you envy us? It was really nice to meet you and as soon as I get around to transferring the pictures on to the computer, I will send it to you. Just now dealing with mountains of wash. LOL


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