Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kentville, Nova Scotia

Woke up and turned the thermostat on the furnace higher. When we’re sleeping we just leave it at its lowest setting which keeps the temperature around 10C (50F). And it was a cold clear night, around -6C (21F).

It snowed on and off throughout the day, sometimes fairly hard but because the temperature was around the freezing mark nothing stayed on the road. But Sherman would much rather be coated with sea salt blowing in from a warm ocean than road salt blowing up from a cold highway! We think he’s not giving us any engine heat as a form of protest! He doesn’t like the cold either!

Somewhere in New Brunswick

We pulled over for an internet stop in Saint John, New Brunswick. Also noticed a propane place that was open, so even though we still had well over half a tank we filled it up. We’ll be using a lot of propane over the next couple of weeks and not sure how available it will be where we’re going to be parked up. It cost $28 for 29 litres (7.5 gal). Welcome back to Canada! In Mexico, we paid around $20 for 45 litres (11.9 gal).

Saint John is where there is a ferry to Digby, Nova Scotia. It would cut many miles off our journey, but is just too expensive. I had checked out this option ahead of time, but it would have cost at least $225 to take Sherman and us across on a 3 hour ferry ride. Even with the expensive price of gas in Nova Scotia ($1.29 per litre, $4.88 per gallon) you can’t justify it. So we drove around the Bay of Fundy.

Todays drive 551 kms (341 miles) Notice where the ferry would have taken us!

Stopped and filled up the gas again in Moncton, New Brunswick because it’s a few cents cheaper than in Nova Scotia. Then, we drove nonstop for the next four hours to our destination of Kentville, Nova Scotia.

Terrible New Brunswick highways. They should be embarrassed that their highways are in such poor condition. Having now driven from Texas to Nova Scotia, we can say that Texas has the best highways, and New Brunswick has the worst!

Do I look happy driving in the cold? Nope.

Some areas have little to no snow.

Then a few miles on it is snowing again.

Made it to Lindsey and Justin’s place in time for dinner. It was a long drive today, but since we got into the cold a few days ago I just wanted to get here. We are parked up at a church that is next door to their apartment building. Lindsey had checked with the pastor there, and we are okay to be parked here for a couple of weeks.

Watched the old 1969 version of “True Grit” with John Wayne. We had watched the 2010 remake just last week, but we found the older version to be a MUCH better movie.

Tomorrow, we’ll enlighten you as to what we have planned for the next days, weeks, and months!


  1. You don't look real happy driving in that weather~~~~

  2. Kevin, Ruth, and Whiskey. Very happy to see that you have arrived safely. Other than long driving days, it appears that all went well for you. We are much the same, once we know we will be heading home, we will most likely do so in a quicker fashion than we are accustomed to. Enjoy your family time.


  3. Wow from flip flops to snow boots what a shock it must be. The roads do look pretty bad.

  4. Happy to see you are safe home with family. we sure enjoyed tagging along with you and sharing you trip. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  5. Well I guess the dream is over for now, It was a good ride, I enjoyed it. We have been RVing it for three years part time. Last year our longest trip Calgary AB to Florida. This year in June we start our four month trip to St Johns and area than down to New York, Washington and further south. All the best wishes to you and God bless.
    Calgary RVer

  6. Glad to see you made it "in time". Sucks about the highways, not much better over here in the West either. We are battling huge potholes! Afraid to drive anywhere!

    Good thing you got your toque out. Man you totally look miserable.

    Just think in a month you will laugh at all this cold and misery!


  7. Now you can relax get warm and enjoy your family...that is one long drive you put in there...see you in the summer best wishes Les....see I can post without talking about the hot sunny days!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Those roads look as bad as here in Western New York. Great trip following the three of you. Best to you....keep warm.

  9. Wellcome to the Maritimes it has been the longest and worst winter in a long time . Hope it is the last winter for us to spend here for awhile and that we will be someplace warmer. Enjoy your family and all the best on the new grand.

  10. At the lake today it is 78* with a little cloud cover and very little wind. Wish yall were here. Glad to see yall made it home. Enjoy.

    Pete, Pam and Gracie

  11. Kevin, you look really cold driving that rig. I bet Ruth and Whiskey were all bundled up somewhere... :)

  12. Chris...I think the only other time I saw a face like this on him while driving was going around Toluca.

    Gail...We weren't, glad we're here now though.

    John and Ellen...Stay south for as long as you possibly can.

    Kenny and Angela...The roads looked worst than they were. There was only one spot early in the morning that looked like it might have been icy, the rest of the time it was just wet.

    Sam and Donna...Thanks, we happy to be here. Just not enjoying the weather at the moment. Cold and windy.

    Calgary RVer...Enjoy your trip this summer. If you are out our way stop by and visit. Not sure where we will be, but our base camp should be around the Kentville, NS area.

    WBY...That toque is pretty much a fixture on his head at the moment. Not sure where spring is.

    Les...It was too long a drive for us, but we're happy to see Lindsey and Justin. Looking forward to meeting up with you this summer.

    Michael...We thought the roads in Mexico were bad, now we think otherwise.

    Rick and Elaine...Thanks! Hope you can get away to warmer places next winter too, maybe we will meet up somewhere.

    Pete...We wish we were still there too! Thanks!

    pidge...He was real cold. I think Whiskey was the most comfortable.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  13. Dear Kevin and Ruth,

    I've been reading your blog every day for a few months now and can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed it, especially your adventures in Mexico.

    One question for you when you have the time. When you traveled north to a much colder and even freezing climate do you have concerns of your water lines or tanks freezing Sherman? Especially when Sherman is parked.

    Thank you for your time and your blog.



  14. Hi Bill, thanks for your kind words...we enjoy telling you about our adventures!

    While we're here in the cold, we are still living in Sherman, so we keep the furnace on it's lowest setting so that it is essentially always above 10C (50F) inside. The basement compartments are not insulated, but they are away from the wind and the elements, so I would really only start to get worried if the temperature was well below freezing for longer than 12 hours or so. That hasn't been the case, so we're alright!

  15. did u ever think that the roads are frozen and the bad ones are probably salted down for travel during the winter? Maybe that's why there roads are bad...doesn't pay to repair them.
    from texas


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