Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The next few months

Today was a relax day, and I expect we’ll have a few of those over the next week or so. Ruth went with Lindsey and Justin to the grocery store, and I stayed in the apartment where it’s warm, with Whiskey and the two cats…Husky and Phoebe.

Just to recap the last five months, we did 12,400 kms (7,700 miles) since we left Kingston, Ontario October 21. Here’s the approximate route we did…

So, what do the next days, weeks, and months hold? Well, we’re not just going to sit around. We’re going to explore Nova Scotia! We’re here a bit early for doing that in the motorhome, but only by a few weeks. We’re going to buy a National Parks family pass so that we can go to Cape Breton Highlands and Kejimkujik and do some hiking, and visit the Fortress of Louisburg and with the family pass Lindsey and Justin and yet unnamned grandson can come with us. And there are a lot of Provincial Parks to visit and none of them have day use fees.

Sherman, parked up at the church next door to Lindsey and Justins.

In the short term, I will be flying back to Kingston, Ontario on April 6 and picking up our car which has been parked at the KOA all winter. I’ll drive to Ottawa and visit with Ruth’s Dad along the way. Then I’ll visit with my Mom and sisters and friends in Ottawa for a week or so before driving back to Nova Scotia on my own. My father passed away in November, and I’ll attend the memorial service in Ottawa on April 9.

We know we’re going to spend the summer in Nova Scotia, we’re not sure exactly where though. Justin’s grandfather has some bush property nearby that we’re going to check out and see if Sherman will fit in there anywhere. And, we’ve got an RV park nearby that has expressed some interest in having us work camp there, so not sure if we can come to any agreement on that.

Ruth, Husky, Justin, Lindsey

We’ll stay here in Nova Scotia until early September when we’ll head to Ottawa and visit for a month or so before heading south again.

Yes, we’ll still be updating this blog every day, so if you’re interested in RV’ing in Nova Scotia we’ll be finding all kinds of nice boondocking spots. Hopefully we’ll be able to keep it interesting enough for you all to visit us every day and see what we’re up to.


  1. I'm glad you're back safe and sound, but your new boondocking spot sure isn't as pretty as the ones in Mexico! Hopefully Spring will arrive very soon.

  2. Were still snowbirding here in Dardenne Prairie,got four inches yesterday. So glad you are settled in and might have a summer position at the campground.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  3. Kevin, if you can post GPS positions on possible campsites. Tell the family hello

    Pete, Pam and Gracie

  4. Hi Kevin and Ruth
    Glad to read you made it safely and securely. Lots to do in that neck of the woods. Nova Scotia is so pretty, I want to visit there as well someday.

    The "kids" look happy to see you back too!

    The only thing I miss about your blogs now, is that you don't post your expenses.
    Maybe you can do that again?

    It was good to see how little you spent, and on what?

    Just curious for my budget (rounded figures of course).

    Thanks and give new-to-be mamma a hug from SD and myself!


  5. For certain we'll keep checking in over the summer. I'll be posting as well, it's a great way to diarize our life. Good luck with your plans over the next few weeks and the visits you have planned.

  6. Looking forward to pictures of the parks you mention. Stay safe.

  7. Kevin Ruth and Whiskey,
    Glad to hear you've made it back to Canada, safe and sound. I've enjoyed my morning coffee with you the past few months (and the years before). I'll keep checking in on you. Enjoy your time in NS and your new grandchild. Hope Whiskey is doing well.
    Kelly & Mojo

  8. Karen and Al...Thanks! Our spot is not hot and sunny either, but it is FREE!

    Sam and Donna...I saw your pictures, yuck! When will spring be here? We just woke up this morning to the snowplow in the parking lot.

    Pete and Pam...We will try to remember. You may have to send an email to remind us, lol.

    WBY...Thanks! Kevin has just been posting a monthly expense post at the end of each month instead of the basic expenses each day.

    Contessa...I agree, I think we do the post for ourselves as well. A number of times we have gone back and read over what we did a year or two ago. We will keep our eye on your posts as well. Good Luck with your journey back home.

    pidge...We are looking forward to exploring them.

    Kelly and Mojo...Thenks! We'll keep posting. Looking forward to the little coves and harbours here. They really are beautiful. Whiskey says hi to Mojo, give him a nice pet for us.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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