Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

No grandbaby yet...

False alarm labor pains yesterday, and we are still waiting for grandson to make an appearance. We have a feeling this will be an April Fools baby!

Today was the best day we’ve had, from a weather perspective. It went up to about 9C (48F) and it was nice and sunny. Calling for rain for the weekend though, but Sherman needs a good rinse anyhow!

In case you missed in it the comments section yesterday, we heard back from Nova Scotia Parks…

Thank you for your interest in the Nova Scotia Campground Host program. We have already begun the interview process and scheduling of hosts into our parks. New hosts are required to pass a police background check. In order to initiate a police background check, you would need to report to your local home town police agency to complete the necessary documentation. It is unfortunate that you missed the application deadline. I trust that you will enjoy your stay in Nova Scotia and I hope that you will consider applying to the Campground Host Program upon your next visit to the province.

You know, the illogical thing about these record checks is that they want them for the host, but don't do them for campers. Can't see what good it does. Anyway, once again the people lose because of stupid government involvement. I am amazed that they are able to find enough people to fill the spots for the season, but I bet they really can’t. I expect we will find many parks that have empty host sites when we do a day visit to go for a hike or something.

We drove over to check on some land that Justin’s grandfather owns to see of we can park there, but it’s not really suitable. But we did find another great overnight boondocking spot though…there are a lot of boondocking opportunities in Nova Scotia!

This one is in the town of Scots Bay, overlooking the Bay of Fundy. GPS location 45.300581, -64.398122

Notice the foot bridge on the right

Looking the opposite way on the footbridge, overlooking the Bay of Fundy

Lindsey, Ruth, Justin, Whiskey

And, we checked out another campground. Lookoff Family Campground has seasonal rates at $1,150, so that’s not bad. But we may not even need to do this if we can come and go as we please from Justins uncles place. We’ll probably play it by ear and see how it goes before making a commitment.

The Annapolis Valley, across the road from Lookoff Family Campground.

Had Justin's Dad and sister over for dinner tonight. Ruth made a big pot of jambalaya. Whiskey seems to be improving, but is still not quite back to normal. We have another vet appointment at 5:00pm Friday.

Lindsey, waiting (im)patiently!


  1. Sounds like the Army Hurry Up And Wait..good luck

  2. Hi Kevin & Ruth,
    Hope the baby comes soon and I truly hope Whiskey is feeling better. I can so understand what you're going through. I worry about when we'll have to go through this with Mojo. I'm glad this is happening to Whiskey while you're set for awhile. Keep us posted....I have tears in my eyes as I write. Hang in there Whiskey.

  3. If it is a April 1st baby it will join me, I had to fight all through school because of it, but now I enjoy it. Give Whiskey a pet from all of us, Rigg's and Sadie send some licks.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  4. I have a brother who has a horse farm down in Wilmot (just past Kingston) so that view out over the Bay of Fundy made me do a double take. Actually it kind of looks like the Midas Basin, but I'm not too sure. I haven't been back there in a while.
    See, there's more Blue Nosers out there than ya think!
    The baby will come when ready. Lindsay seems in good spirits.
    Best to you.


  5. wait, seems to me that should be "Minas Basin". Like I said, haven't been back in a while.

  6. A lot of us good folks were born on April fool's day. Like Sam, I have been teased my whole life about it, but on the other hand, it is hard for anyone to forget the date. Praying for her and Whiskey.

  7. Kenny and Angela...You got that right!

    Kelly...Thank you so much for your concern. We are glad that we are in one place for a while too, with her like this. The vet is good and is taking her age into consideration by not giving too much in the way of medication or too fast. We'll see how she does over the weekend and then go from there. Somehow I don't think she will ever get that energy level back to where she was, but she might surprise us.

    Sam and Donna...Happy Birthday Sam. Guess you got a birthday wish for her to have the baby on April 1st because she did. A healthy baby boy. Whiskey says to say thank you to Rigg's and Sadie for her and to you and Donna. She enjoyed the pets and licks!

    Bob...You are right it is the Minas Basin, but it is still part of the Bay of Fundy. It really is a beautiful area. Sure will look better when everything starts to green up.

    pidge...Looks like we have another April 1st birthday, as baby Cameron entered the world at 2:49pm. Everyone is healthy and happy. Hope you had a great birthday. Thanks for thinking of both Lindsey and Whiskey.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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