Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Welcome to the world, Cameron!

Yes, our grandson Cameron entered the world at 2:49pm, Friday April 1st. Seven pounds, nine ounces. Mom and baby are doing great!

Lindsey and Justin had gone to the hospital around 2:30am in the morning, and being her first baby the labor can take a long time. Everything went smoothly though, and we were waiting back at the apartment. Finally got a phone call around 3:30pm telling us the great news!

But we had a vet appointment at 5:00pm, so we decided to go to that before visiting the hospital. We had a consultation with the vet, just to check Whiskey’s heart and breathing again. The raspy sounds coming from her heart are gone, so that is good news. But her coughing hasn’t totally disappeared yet. We’re going to keep her on the same medication for the weekend and go back and check again on Monday afternoon. Her energy level seems to come and go…when we got back to the apartment she went racing up the stairs like there was nothing wrong with her! And her appetite is back, so that’s good news too.

The we went to visit Lindsey, Justin, and Cameron. What a good looking kid! I know we’re slightly (only slightly?) biased, but we think Lindsey and Justin did a great job!

Cameron...about 4 hours old!

Grandma and grandson

It's been MANY years since I held a baby this small!

Funny face, Cameron!


  1. Congratuations to all on Cameron's arrival. Since I'm an "April Fool baby" also, I can say with some certainty that he will probably receive many, many comments/jokes (some very 'unfunny') about his birthday through the years. My standard answer has become "I'm an April Fool. Do you know what kind you are?" & most adults at least realize how unkind it is to make fun of anyone's (out of our control) birthday. It's sort of fun tho to realize many people are also celebrating your birthday with you.

    ~~ Glenda ~~

  2. Great news!! Congrats to Grandma and Grandpa and of course the parents. I think he is a keeper. A real doll baby.

  3. Another April Fool Birthday, We are so happy for all of you, Cameron is a handsome young man.And tell Kevin welcome to the world of Grandpawing.He will really enjoy Cameron as he gets a little older and can go camping and doing guy stuff. Ruth you are a natural born grandma from the looks of the picture, just don't spoil him to bad..Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  4. Congradulations...now you get to spoil him and send him home....

  5. Congratulations - He's a cutie!! We have 3 and #4 on the way - Sooooo much fun!!

  6. Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa. Cameron is a fine looking young man. Enjoy

  7. Congratulations to all with regards to the new addition to your family. He is really precious. Looks nice. Enjoy.

    Good news about Whiskey glad she is getting better and starting to feel better. Dale & Mary-Lou

  8. Such great news! Baby and mom are good, and he's a handsome little devil!

    Have fun being grandparents! I hear it's like having kids all over again, except you can send them home!

    Keep up the good news on Whiskey too, good to hear things are looking up.


  9. CONGRATULATIONS to all!!! Cameron is already a handsome young man. Ellie and I are so happy for everyone there, so much to be thankful for! Glad that Whisky is doing better too, we have been very concerned for her health (she is such a great puppy dog).


  10. What an incredible day April 1st was!!! Best wishes to everyone what a great looking hockey player!!! Good news also about Whiskey!! Cheers Les

  11. Congratulations! What a cutie. I am a sucker for babies, they are so precious.

  12. Well, congratulations to all! What a beautiful baby. A thrilling day! Good news on Whiskey as well. We can't wait ( well we have to ) for the arrival of our first grandchild in September.

  13. Congrats grandma and grandpa! What a beautiful baby.

  14. Congratulations! What a cutie! Newborns are so great to be around. Our granddaughter is now 2 months and we still have to get a daily fix.

  15. Congratulations! Cameron is a cutie and you will have so much fun spoiling him(in a good way)!! Good news about Whiskey feeling better.

  16. Congrats Grandma and Grandpa!!! Now just watch your credit card get "smokin' hot!"

  17. Lindsey's training in the food services industry sure served her well. She knew just how long to bake that "little bun in the oven". Great job, Lindsey! You and Justin made one sweet little boy! Congrats to you, Ruth and Kevin. Can't even imagine how thrilled you both must be! We are looking forward to meeting your grandson when we get back to Nova Scotia. In the meantime, have lots of fun together.
    Paula and Jerry

  18. Thank you everyone so much for all the congratulations sent our way. Cameron is definiely a keeper as Pidge put it, and a very handsome little dude. We are both so happy and proud to have him in our lives and Lindsey and Justin are going too be such great parents.

    Now we want to say a Happy Belated Birthday to Glenda, Sam and Pidge as they all celebrated their birthdays on April 1st as well. Hope you all had a super day.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  19. Congrats on your new grandbaby - he's a cutie - love his little hat! Also, love his name - that's my maiden name, also our son and our grandson's middle name. Grandchildren are simply the best - we love ours - enjoy every minute of it now! Our best to everyone!

  20. Connie,Barry...Thank you! We think the name Cameron is a great one too. Nice that you are able to pass your maiden name along to you son and grandson. We will love every minute we get with him.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  21. Congratulations to all! Welcome to the world of grandparents, Kevin and Ruth! It is so much more fun than parenting, you just send them home!

  22. Corft...Thanks Croft. We have said the same thing. You can spoil them too because that's what grandparents do.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  23. Hi, was speaking to Derek earlier on, he was saying you may have relations in carnoustie scotland, where we live. Be nice to here from you if you did.

  24. are you from Carnoustie Ruth/Kevin? Wow we love Scotland!

  25. Nope, but my grandmother was from there. Send me an email if you can at [email protected]


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