Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


You don't have to be Anonymous. Many of our readers become "followers". Yeah, it does sound a bit like a cult or something, doesn't it? But it's not. It just makes it easy for you to keep up with what we're doing.

And, it enables you to post comments and have other interactive fun with this site, and many others.

On the right hand side of this page, you'll see all the little pictures of people who follow this site. Just click on where it says "Join this site" and you'll be brought to a page where you can sign in. If you already have an account with either Google, twitter, or Yahoo, you can sign in that way.

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You'll notice that I have far too much free time on my hands while Ruth is away. This has allowed me to put some special interest questions for you to answer. Have a look just over there on the right hand side. These are just a few simple questions that I hope you'll answer, and it'll only take a second of your time. A word of warning, that your answers are public, and everybody will be able to see what you answered. But it should be fun, so I'm hoping you'll join in. And of course you need to be signed into your "Follow" account in order to do so.

Any questions or comments....please leave a note for me below. And have a great long weekend!


  1. The travel in Mexico is something I had always wanted to do until all the problems with the drugs and murders down there. Since I am a real worrier (just can't seem to help myself) I decided for my own peace of mind that I really shouldn't subject myself to that much "danger". But that's me.

  2. Okay, so how did you get the picture of Sherman sitting on the bridge?

  3. Kevin, I like the poll. A great idea!

  4. I like polls, and yours was fun. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. Jim and Sandie: Yes, Mexico has some problems, but they are related to the drug trade, not RV'ers. But you're correct that if you're a worrier, then it's not for you.

    Chris: That picture was taken by another RV'er at a rest stop on the other side of the bridge. We stopped at the same place, and she told us she had taken our picture. We got it off her memory card. It was too funny!

    Janie and John, Life's a Journey, and pidge: I like polls too! I'm hoping a lot more people participate and then I'll do a post about the results!

  6. Do you have your Mexico trip plans made for the upcomming winter season?

    We're not sure if we're going to go to the La Penita/LoDeMarcos area because of the park rates being raised so high ($7,000 pesos per month plus electric) Or go to one of the inland parks near Lake Chapala.

  7. Yikes...but we do a lot of boondocking in Mexico. The most we would ever pay at an RV park there would be maybe 3000 pesos for a month. You can get a beautiful 2 bedroom apartment in Puerto Escondido for 5500 pesos per month. If I was going to spend that much money I would just fly down.

    But, to answer your question, yes, we have pretty much decided to head down early this year, probably late September.


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