Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Gaspereau Mountain

We spent the day with Lindsey and Cameron yesterday. He sure is a good little baby, and Lindsey is such a good mom. He’s about six weeks old now, so he’s starting to become alert and smile.

I’ve never been one much for babies though, so I’m looking forward to the age when I can play and communicate with him! Still, he is a cute little guy, even if it's his somewhat biased grandpa that's saying so!

HELLO. My Name Is Stinky McPoopy Pants!

Lindsey drove us over to pick up our little car from our couchsurfer host Tracey’s house. Thanks Tracey! Then I followed Lindsey to drop off her car at the dealer for a little service work. While that was being done, we drove back to Sherman and took him about 20 kms (13 miles) to couchsurfer host Angela and Glenn’s house on Gaspereau Mountain. This is a nice peaceful, forested area where we’re going to stay parked for the next three weeks or so. Ruth leaves for two weeks in Ottawa on May 18, so then it’ll just be me and Whiskey and Sherman for a couple of weeks. But, we’ll have the little car so that we can visit Lindsey and family when we want to.

Then, we drove Lindsey back to pick up her car and went to her place for supper before heading back to Sherman for the evening.

That cat is here somewhere...!

Oh! There he is!

This morning is overcast once again, with an 80% chance of rain today. High expected near 16C (61F) so at least it’s getting a little warmer. Angela and Glenn have a lot of hiking trails on their property so hopefully we’ll get a chance to go for a walk before the rain starts!


  1. Looks like a nice spot, all you need now is some sunshine, hopefully the bugs won't be too bad.

  2. Looks like your weather is the same as ours..

  3. Those little ones can sure stink up the place-that's for sure!

  4. That little guy is so handsome,and yes the fun increase when they start talking and become more mobile, and then you go through the shadow stage where there is a little hand in yours wherever you go. bet you can't wait.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  5. Glad you have a nice spot for the next three weeks. Once you get the sun all will be perfect!

  6. So pretty there, looks like lots of nice trails to check out too!


  7. Nice spot.
    Six weeks eh? Seems like that went fast. I don't have to tell you how fast "it goes" when it comes to kids though. Just the same, I'm with you when it comes to the really little ones. I can hold them no problem, but other than that..., I got nothin'. I'm not much of a one for cooing, or fussing.
    They look at me like I'm supposed to feed them or something? I don't have the right equipment! And I've done my share of dealing with what comes out the other end, a long, long time ago.
    That ship has sailed.
    It's better when they're at the "ball throwing" stage. When at the "teenager" stage?
    Well, that's a different story. It could go either way.
    Here's hoping it warms up.
    Sure hope you're plugged in.

  8. Well, I'm not biased, and I still think Cameron is a so very little cutie pie! :)

  9. George and Suzie...It's sort of a no win situation. If it's sunny warm the blackflies are going to eat us alive, but would rather that then cold, wet and overcast.

    Kenny and Angela...I think a lot of places are having this weather. What can we do?

    Chuck and Anneke...So far so good. He's not on solids yet so that is good!

    Sam and Donna...We are enjoying every moment as it comes. Don't want him to grow up to fast.

    Life's a Journey...Very pretty and very quiet. Been checking out the trails already.

    Bob...Yep, the time sure flys by. You've got us laughing here. Kevin loves your way of thinking, he thinks like that too!

    Phyllis...Thank you so much Phyllis.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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