Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Motorhome repairs

I spent some time yesterday afternoon working on Sherman. You know, that "to do" list that I am going to get done before Ruth returns!

But first, Whiskey and I had to go for a walk in the forest.

Whiskey, leading the way!

Have you ever heard of "treefitti"?

After lunch it was time to get some work done to Sherman. As I explained in an earlier post, Sherman's dash was sagging on the drivers side. I had loosened the screws holding the gauges onto the dash, but still couldn't get a good enough look at what the problem was. So I was going to have to take it all apart. I'm fairly confident about fixing this type of thing...In another life long ago, I used to be a licensed auto body technician and painter so I do a lot of Sherman's repair work myself whenever possible. Saves a lot on repair costs when you put a lot of miles on an older motorhome.

Anyhow, I tore it all apart. Hopefully I can put it back together again!

At least now I have access to everything. Turns out the problem is really related to poor design, however all of the topes (speed bumps) and poor roads we were on in Mexico are sure to have caused part of the problem. Not going to be a big deal to repair, but I need a couple of small pieces of 1/2" plywood and some special screws. Going to have to make a trip to Home Depot over the next couple of days and pick up what I need.

Don't forget to answer our poll questions on the right hand side. After a week or so, I'll go over the responses with you...some interesting ones!


  1. Treefitti an interesting concept for sure. But I thought the nature trails were a way to get away from the urban pollution?
    Good luck with the dash repairs, as a mechanic friend of mine likes to say, you can fix anything, its just nuts, bolts and screws!

  2. I could'nt see where the dash is leaning in the pics. I am anxious to see what you can do to fix it tho. I like learning from what other people do to their motorhomes.
    I get alot of that off the RV Forums too (lots of mods on there!).
    I wonder if some of those people have had the same problem with motorhomes like Sherman?

    Cute treefitti. I hope there's not alot of it however, I like nature just the way she is.

    Go get that "honey do" list done now!!! :)


  3. You really did take it "apart". But I know you can get it all back without too many leftovers. Looking forward to the poll discussion.

  4. that is why you are so handy with Sherman!

  5. Thank u so much for stopping by my page! Yes, I need to explore Mexico a lot more, I've just been so busy seeing the rest of the world, lol.. I have the tendency to leave things nearby for last since I feel it will always be easy to get there, lol. But definitely have plans of seeing all of Mexico eventually :-)

    And Whiskey is such a cutie! I looove animals, used to volunteer at a shelter a few years back also. Wishing Whiskey much health and happiness, and hope her medication does her well!


  6. Thanks for coming by... I have added you to my favorites.
    Have fun & Travel safe

  7. Thanks for following A Camp Host's Meanderings. I look forward to following along with you also!

  8. George and Suzie...Treefitti is some art that Angela did as part of the Common Uncommon Art that they are doing in the area. It is to get people out in the area and look at some of the various art work from local artists.

    Life's a Journey...No you can't really see it leaning in the picture but trust us it was. No this was the only piece of "tree art" on the trail. It is part of a tour throughout the local area looking at various art work.

    Jim and Sandie...Hopefully there won't be any leftover screws or nuts!

    Contessa...It's nice to be able to do some of the work ourselves. Sure saves on repair bills.

    Lorena...We love Mexico but would like to visit many other places too.

    Whiskey says thank you for your nice compliment to her.


    Levonne...Thank you as well.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


There are more comments on our facebook page at