Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

On the road again!

Well we took off yesterday for our two week tour of Cape Breton Island and the Cabot Trail. We didn't make it very far, but that was by choice.

We took our time leaving. By the time we got everything packed up and stored in travelling mode, it was after 11:00am. Then we pulled up beside the house and filled up our fresh water tank. We're leaving the little car parked up there and will pick it up when we get back.

Sherman's fuel tank was pretty much dry, so then we had to go back into New Minas to get some gas before we could head in the direction we wanted to go. Put in $150 worth of gas. At $1.283 per litre ($4.89 a gallon), that gave us just over half a tank.

Then we had to find a dump station to empty Sherman's holding tanks. I had done some research online and found a fairgrounds in the town of Windsor about 50 kms (30 miles) away along our route. They have RV hookups and a dump station. So we pulled in there. They wanted $5 to use the dump station, which is fine. But they wanted $10 to camp overnight without hookups. So we decided that for the extra $5 we would just stay put and do a little longer drive today. With full hookups it's $18 a night. (GPS 44.99205 -64.11646) Besides, we had never been into the town of Windsor.

Not the most scenic, but not bad for one night.

Walked into town, but took the railway route back.

Not much to see in Windsor, and it started spitting with rain. It didn't dampen our walk until right at the end and we got back just in time.

There's a few other RV's parked here because there's some kind of horse show going on, and also a 24 hr cancer relay event. Slept fine last night even though the one or two times I did wake up I did here some noise coming from the relay. 

Only did 60 kms (36 miles) yesterday!

Heading for Antigonish today. There's a couchsurfing family there who's yard we parked in when we came through there 3 years ago so it will be fun to visit with them for a night and see how their three children have grown. It's about 250 kms (155 miles) so we better get going!

Have a great Saturday everyone!


  1. On the road again, looks like Ruth and Whiskey are looking for a train, but the rusty rail says not many use that track anymore. Hope your trip goes well. we are waiting for ours to start on the 16th. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna.

  2. Sam&Donna Weibel - No the tracks don't get used anymore. This stopped I think 2 or 3 years ago. the train goes as far as Halifax now :)

  3. My Dad's name was Sherman so every time I read your blog I think of's been 17 years since he passed and this reminder is always welcome....

  4. Two weeks sitting still, time to move on, even if only a short trip, make sure you have enough fuel for the Cabot Trail we did it an 1994 in our camper van and almost ran out. Travel safe.

  5. My son has done the couchsurfing thing. I think it is a great way to meet people and do some traveling. Excited to follow you next adventure.

  6. Glad you were able to get out and get on the road again for a little while. I always feel better when there's new scenery out the front window. The sun is shining here so I hope you're having beautiful weather today also.

  7. safe travels to you all as you head out on the road!!..

  8. Sam and Donna...Thanks, Sam. Looking forward to reading about your adventures that start on June 16th.

    Lindsey...Thanks for the info.

    mermaid gallery...Glad to help keep the memory alive.

    George and Suzie...Definitely will make sure we have enough gas to go around the Cabot Trail. We did it with Sherman back June 2008 and loved it.

    Janie and John...We love the couchsurfing thing. We have met lots of great people.

    Jim and Sandie...Well the sun was shinning first thing this morning, but it's disappeared now. As long as it doesn't rain, we really don't mind.

    Sue and Doug...Thanks!

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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