Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Port Hood, Cape Breton Island

We said goodbye to our friends in Antigonish, but will probably stop in again on our way back through in a couple of weeks. By the time we left it was after 10:00am. We made a quick stop for some groceries because there won't be any large grocery stores along the Cabot Trail.

Ruth mentioned that some of you may not even know what the Cabot Trail is. It is a 285 km (177 mile) long highway that circles the northern part of Cape Breton Island, which is part of the province of Nova Scotia. Quite a bit of the highway runs through Cape Breton Highlands National Park here in Canada. We are taking the coast road to hook up to the Cabot Trail around Margaree Harbour.

The Cabot Trail

The day started off sunny, but the clouds had rolled in by the time we left, and not long after we got on the highway it started to drizzle with rain. Not bad weather for the end of March. Except that it's the beginning of June.

Looking back on the Canso Causeway that connects Cape Breton Island to mainland Nova Scotia.

We pulled into the fishing harbour at Port Hood. We could easily have parked there overnight, but it looks like a fairly busy harbour and if all the fishermen showed up in the early morning hours it might be a little noisy. There was a pull off spot on the road leading to the harbour, just the right size for Sherman. It's not an ideal location because we're right beside the road, but the view is very nice and we figured it would be totally quiet over night. And it was. We slept fine, except the traffic started coming in to the harbour at around 5:00am so we were up fairly early this morning.

The coast near Port Hood harbour

Looking back on Port Hood. Can you see Sherman blending in with the boats in the harbour? We could have overnighted there but it would have been busy early in the morning.

We ended up overnighting here. (GPS 46.02695 -61.54137)

Whiskey walking on the beach, with Sherman parked in the distance

Port Hood RV Park

There is an RV park here in Port Hood. It's not busy yet, there was only one rig there, and a couple of trailers that looked like seasonals. This park must make all of it's money in July and August. Not sure how it can be a viable business. Maybe it's not. They charge $25 (plus 15% tax) for hookups, or $18 (plus 15% tax) for a parking spot. That's way over our budget though, especially when there are so many opportunities to park for free on Cape Breton Island.

Reader Bob had asked how our new air suspension is working out. Some of you will remember when we installed the air helper springs back in March when we were parked up at friends Pete and Pam in South Carolina. They work great, however I had originally run the lines too close to the exhaust at one point and they developed a leak because of the heat. I spliced the line closer to the airbag and so right now they are only adjustable manually. It won't take much to fix it, but because of the bugs and rain I just haven't got to it. But, I am very impressed. They keep Sherman level no matter what weight we have on the rear axle, and the ride seems fine. 

Yesterday's drive, 105 kms (65 miles)


  1. That's another one on our wish list, air bags for the back of our truck, glad to hear they make for a nice ride. Hope you guys are enjoying your ride around Cape Breton.Looks like Whiskey is enjoying the beach. Be safe out there.Sam & Donna.

  2. Looks like a another fun adventure you guys are on.

  3. This is the best ever. I haven't been back to Cape Breton, lemme think now, 1987? I think I'm going to thoroughly enjoy the vicarious voyage. Thanks.
    Also thanks for the update on the air bags. Our motorhome was on the Ford F53 chassis, and although the engine and drive train ran just tickety boo, the ride was brutally harsh some times, like on some of those roads in New Brunswick? I'm guessing that air bags would have helped a great deal. I also seem to recall that you thought you might also do the front end at some point, or am I making sh*t up? (been known to happen)
    Have fun.

  4. Nice to hear the air bags working out well, and you are enjoying the scenery, such a lovely place to tour.

  5. Love the picture of Whiskey. I hope we can some day get up there and see that area. It looks beautiful.

  6. enjoy the Cabot Trail!..this will be a first for we will sit in the backseat and behave!!..just stop once in a while so we can go to biffy or take a few pictures please!?

  7. Have never done the Cabot Trail and thank you in advance for all the awesome photos you will take. In fact I have begun the sun dance especially in your honour.

  8. Sam and Donna...Whiskey is loving the beach here.

    Kenny and Angela...Thanks.

    Bob...Hope we can bring some memories back for you.

    We took out the factory airbags in the front and put in properly rated springs back in 2009 when we came out of Mexico and Kevin has ordered new shocks for the front which will be at Lindsey's by the time we are back from Cape Breton.

    George and Suzie...We love Cape Breton, the scenery is so fantastic.

    pidge...We think The Cabot Trail should be a must see on any RVer's list. Hope you make it here some day.

    Sue and Doug...Don't worry there will be plenty of stops along the way. We won't be rushing ourselves and there will be lots of pictures. Hope you have your hiking shoes on!

    Contessa...The sun dance isn't working, it is raining as we sit here with our morning coffees! We won't let it dampen our spirits though.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  9. Thank you for the geography lesson. I know absolutely nothing about Canada which is really something I need to remedy. I love your camping spot. What a wonderful view out your window. I especially like the free part. Lovin' the journey.

  10. I will make more of an effort for your sun dance. There is a chance it might be working as our sun has left and we now have a week of rain forecast. I believe our sun is heading your way:))

  11. Jim and Sandie...No problem, I thought there might be some people who didn't know about Cape Breton and the Cabot Trail. We really like the word "FREE".

    Contessa...Please dance rained most of yesterday. Today we want to hike and it would be nice to see some blue sky.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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