Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Attitash Ski Resort, White Mountains National Forest, N.H.

It was another baking hot day. At 10:00am we wandered over to the Mount Washington Science Center. The lady at the front said we could bring Whiskey in, and her immediate boss had said that well behaved dogs on a leash are allowed, especially since it was baking hot outside.

But the "executive director" as he called himself, saw us with the dog and said we weren't allowed. I asked why not, and he came up with this crap about families and allergies and stuff. And I think it is crap. It's interesting that a lot of stores around here welcome dogs in the stores and actually have signs saying so. Then this guy says that he is allergic to dogs and he makes the rules. I told him it was a crap rule, and so one of us waited outside in the shade with Whiskey, while the other explored the Science Center. I know there is probably one in every ten thousand people who really is allergic to dogs, but I think a lot of people say they are allergic simply because they don't like dogs. Besides, if you have an allergy, that is YOUR need to make everybody else change their lives because of your issue. I know that many of you will disagree with me, but that's my opinion on the matter. Anyhow, enough of that. The Science Centre does have some interesting exhibits and it's worth a stop. Besides, it's free.

We relaxed for the morning yesterday, then took the little car for a drive through the mountains of the National Forest up to the town of Gorham. Whiskey came with us, but we left Sherman parked in the sun. Our route took us by the entrance to the road leading up Mount Washington. They want $33 for car, driver, and one passenger to drive your own vehicle up to the top. We are going to hike to the top on Sunday if the weather looks decent.

The start of the Mount Washington Auto Road

Nice scenery along the way

The little car, and more nice scenery.

We stopped at the Walmart SuperCenter is Gorham, and then turned around and came back to highway 302 to find a new overnight spot for Sherman. I have to admit, it is convenient having the car around to do a little scouting out of overnight possibilities. We found a great spot at the Attitash ski hill. Went and asked at the office, and they said no problem at the far end of the parking lot. It's actually a great spot, almost looks like a campsite itself except that it's a little close to the road, and it's a fairly busy road.

So then we went back to North Conway to get Sherman. We had left the two small windows open, with the roof vent fan on and it was still BAKING inside. In fact, the thermometer said 106F (41C)! Of course the outside air temperature in the shade was 97F (36C), so it's no surprise, but our fridge is having a hard time keeping up. The freezer is still frozen though, so we're doing okay.

After we got Sherman cooled down a bit, we drove over to our new overnight spot.

A nice boondocking spot! (GPS 44.08268 -71.23686)

Our view looking away from our overnight spot

We drove a total of about 65 miles (105 kms) but most of that was in the little car.


  1. Looks like a great day, yes the car is very handy to have, we would not be without ours, but thats just us. Looks like a very nice overnight spot that you have there as well.

  2. Some people have no common sense when it comes to pets. Too bad they don't enforce children on leashes in public places. You're right, a crap rule and a p--- poor excuse. Allergies, please!

  3. I have spent some time in Europe and was amazed by their attitude towards dogs. Dogs were welcome anywhere but butcher shops. I really hate the fact that a few can control the majority. I would take my dogs everywhere if they were allowed.

  4. Well the guys was definately NOT kind hearted... who would ever allow a dog to stay out in this horrible heat wave that is all across the nation. Glad you still got to enjoy the center though. Nice looking spot for Sherman!
    Have fun

  5. I wonder if his allergy is immune from Guide dogs, which are allowed by law in any Public place.
    His allergy should disqualify him from that job.

    Q: What are the laws that apply to my business?
    A: Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), privately owned businesses that serve the public, such as restaurants, hotels, retail stores, taxicabs, theaters, concert halls, and sports facilities, are prohibited from discriminating against individuals with disabilities. The ADA requires these businesses to allow people with disabilities to bring their service animals onto business premises in whatever areas customers are generally allowed.

  6. I'm not even a "dog person", and I call "BULLSHIT!". Here in Vienna, dogs are just about everywhere, and like Michael said, only not allowed in certain shops like the butcher, baker (candlestick maker?? sorry, couldn't resist). Most grocery stores I've noticed too, will have you leave your dog outside, where they not only have a place for you to hook up a leash, but quite often a bowl of fresh water!
    But restaurants and cafes? No problem. And I'm sure there are people with allergies to pet dander all over. So? That's why they sell anti-histamines.
    Good thing it was free. Just too bad you didn't have a guide dog is all.

  7. I would be rightly miffed as you were if I was told yes and then had it overruled by Mr. Pompous.We have found that just about any place we go Rigg's is welcomed, only trouble is you need to allow extra time for all the hugs and extra attention people want to give him. Had a store keeper ask if he could have a piece of cold cuts as a treat for being such a good boy in the store. The majority of people love well behaved dogs like Whiskey.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna...

  8. New Hampshire's Motto, "Live Free or Die" does not appear to pertain to dogs! Definitely CRAP!
    However, a lovely area and glad you are enjoying the scenery, even in the sweltering heat. On our way to Quebec, we are headed up that way next week - Squam Lake first, where on a really clear day we can see Mt. Washington - the haze will probably prevent that sight this year! Can't wait to hear if you walked up Mt. Wash - if so, you guys are definite STARS! Best to you both and adorable little Whiskey. Amy

  9. poor Whiskey..banished to the outdoors!..geesh!!..

  10. Whiskey, you'd be welcome in my business (if I had one) at any time. The States are so far behind Europe in their attitudes towards animals. Look at the fact that it took Katrina to make authorities realize that people will not leave their pets behind because they are family.

  11. George and Suzie...The car is handy to have but we still won't tow it. We prefer public transportation, walking or biking. If we really need a car we can always rent one. Maybe in a number of years from now we may feel differently about it.

    Chris...We totally agree with you. We have denfinitely seen many badly behaved children but nobody stops them from coming in.

    michael ultra...Europe definitely has a great attitude towards dogs. Wish we could see that more in Canada and the US.

    Donna...If the centre wasn't free we would have turned around and walked away. There is no way someone with an attitude like that would have received any money from us.

    Mickey...How true! He couldn't refuse then and would have had to deal with it. Not really sure what the difference would have been between Whiskey and a guide dog?

    Bob...I think businesses need to relook their pet policies. If Europe can do it why can't we. Ottawa has to be about the worst place for acepting pets. The actually City of Ottawa has many strict rules about dogs and where they can or can't be, type of dog you can have, picking up dog waste and TAKING IT HOME with you (can't put it into a public garbage can, it's against the law!)

    Sam and Donna...We get much the same reaction with Whiskey. Almost everyone wants to say hi to her and give her a scratch. They say how cute she is etc.

    Aadkins101...I don't think everyone has the same attitude as this guy thankfully. When we were at the Outlet Mall, Old Navy had a sign in their door saying dog were welcome. I think a lot of the stores there figure it's more profitable for you to bring and dog in and spend time looking than to have you rush through the store because the dog is in the store. Looking forward to our hike and good weather.

    Sue and Doug...We survived in the shade.

    Jim and Sandie...Thank you and you would get our business. I think most people that have pets think of them as family.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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