Scenery near Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I'm not big on most charities. First of all, it's probably very easy to find a member of your own family who could use the money more, so why not help out someone you actually know? And, I think that in a lot of cases, registered charities waste a lot of money on administration or fundraising activities, or worse yet it simply goes into somebody's pocket.  How does this relate to Travel with Kevin and Ruth? I'll explain...

On January 30, 2009 we were camped with our friends Bill and Bonnie at Agua Azul in Chiapas, Mexico.

As we were relaxing with beverage of choice, two young guys in their early 20's rode up to us on their bicycles. These guys had their bikes all loaded down with gear and were obviously touring the country on bikes. It turns out that they were from Edmonton, Alberta and that they were on a year long cycling trip. They were doing 20,000 kms (12;400 miles) from Edmonton to Buenos Aries, Argentina! . They completed the trip, and in the process raised $50,000 for a charity operating in Dominican Republic.

They asked if they could pitch their tent between our rigs for the night, and of course we agreed. We also fed them and enjoyed listening to stories of their adventure so far.

Keenan and Jeff Cook on their way to Argentina

Fast forward to today. Now these guys and two of their cycling buddies are raising awareness for another organization. In early August they are going to cycle from Ottawa, Ontario to Halifax, Nova Scotia...a distance of 1,500 kms (930 miles). But they're going to do it in 10 days!

You can help them reach their goal of raising $1,500 worth of loans through .

Kiva is a micro loan organization.

Helping this way through Kiva is not really a charity because you are lending money, interest free to someone who is trying to help themselves usually through a small business venture in a "third world" nation. We think Kiva is neat because you get to choose who you lend your money to. You can do it with as little as $25, and that is what we have done! You get to keep track of the money that is paid back, and then re-lend your money to someone else, or take your money back. We enjoyed choosing which entrepreneur to help and thought it was a fun process. Because we met Keenan and Jeff in Chiapas, Mexico, we wanted to help someone who lives there. We chose to help Amelia to buy chickens!

Go here and click the "Join Team" button. Then choose who you want to lend your money to. Remember, you can do this for as little as $25. It will be fun watching Keenan and Jeff reach their $1,500 goal over the next 6 weeks or so.


  1. i too am a bit disenchanted with most charities and how they spend their money but I like the kiva idea and may just have to sponsor a loan some day soon...

  2. I think KIVA is a great organization as you have a sense of hands on plus you can give as little or as much as you can afford at any given time. I like helping people in countries we have visited. Good for you for posting this.

  3. Yes, we believe it is a great program. It's like the old saying "give them fish and they will have fish for a day. Teach them how to fish and they have fish for a lifetime". With this program they can learn to earn a living for themselves.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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