Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day

For anybody who cares, it's Canada's birthday today. Good enough reason for a nationwide party, I suppose, while the Americans will have their big event on Monday. Personally, I'm not a very patriotic Canadian, so it's not a big deal to me.

It's also the birthday of our cat, Molly. You didn't know we have a cat? Well we don't really, but we had one until we took up this motorhome living almost four years ago. At that point, Molly was getting older and we didn't think she would adjust well to full time motorhoming so my sister agreed to adopt her. Today, she is 19 years old! And still doing very well considering that fact! So Happy Birthday Molly!

Molly, at 4 months old

Taken in May, Molly, at almost 19 years old

We had an active day yesterday, and it was a beautiful summer day to be active! We started the morning out with a 3km bike ride to a hiking trail. Did the 5km hike, and then another 3km bike ride back to Sherman. After lunch, we rented a canoe and went for an hour long canoe ride. Then, took the bikes out again and did another 10km bike ride. If not for the mosquitoes, black flies, deer flies, and horse flies, it would have been a perfect day! Still, we did enjoy ourselves.

Morning hike

Ruth and Whiskey

Getting some sun!

Whiskey still likes going for a swim at 15 years old!

A wet dog!


  1. Beautiful header photo. I am amazed that Molly is 19 years old, happy birthday Molly! Good to see Whiskey too, she sure is a good sport. The park looks and sounds great even with the abundance of bugs.


  2. Happy Canada day, We won't be doing anything for the USA's birthday either, maybe wear some patriotic shirt that's about it.After the holiday is over, Sam will be taking the fiver to the Lake and spend some time with his Grandson. As long as there is water they are happy, Surprised they both don't have gills or webbed feet. Be safe out there. Sam & Donna....

  3. Whiskey is having such a great time, you can see that huge grin. Molly looks very content. Happy birthday.

  4. Happy Canada Day to the entire family!

  5. You are finally getting some sun, and attempting to get your tan back. To bad you had so much fly company sounds kinda crowded.

  6. Happy Canada Day... Looks like you're really enjoying yourselves. And so does Whiskey!
    Happy Birthday Molly
    Have fun & Travel safe

  7. Happy Birthday Molly! And happy Canada Day Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey. John is Candadian and you remind me that I must send him a message at work saying happy happy day! You two take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  8. Hi there. Love the site and your little stories. I just started posting our journey which began in 2006 and I wish I had done this sooner, but it's been fun for both of us recalling the trip. Thank God we kept a journal...check out our site at I'll be adding and editing so be sure to check back often, as I will do for yoursite.

    Cathy and Courtney Cobb and their faithful companions Rock and Ralphie (you can check out their site at

    Happy Trails

  9. Happy Birthday Molly!!..and Happy Canada Day to you all!!

  10. Thank you everyone. We had a great Canada Day, hope those that were celebrating as well, had a good one too. Molly is doing very well and is a spoiled cat with Kevin's sister, Elaine. It is a good fit for them both. We loved Keji and it is definitely a park for those that love the outdoors (and bugs).

    Thank you for following along on our journey Cathy. Looks like you have work cut out for yourself if you start writing from the beginning. Look forward to reading your adventures.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  11. Happy Birthday! Love the blog header pic! You always do such a good job!

  12. where's weaver...Thank you!

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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