Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Riverside-Albert, New Brunswick

We left Rick and Elaines place just before lunch yesterday and made our way down to Hopewell Rocks. We were at Hopewell Rocks three years ago, but the tide was in at the time, and we wanted to see it with the tide out.

The land that Hopewell Rocks is on belongs to the province of New Brunswick, and they charge $9 per adult to get in. But we remembered from when we were here last time that there's a trail that goes down to the shoreline and then you can just walk along the shore to get in. It's a bit of a hike because you have to park pretty far away to even get to the trail, but we are cheap and would rather do a long walk than to pay $18!

It was a nice summer day and the place was busy with tourists.

Hiking on the shore towards Hopewell Rocks you can start to see the tourists.

The whole area is caused by erosion from the tide. The Bay of Fundy has the highest tides in the world and the water level at this area can rise as much as 50 feet!

When the tide comes in, the water would be way over Ruth's head.

Again, when the tide comes in, the water would be way over my head!

The shoreline is very muddy, and these people are in it up to their knees!

Lots of tourists this day!

Here is a pic from 3 years ago with the tide in!

However neat this area is, it's not as nice as it used to be. This year, the government (in all of it's wisdom) has decided that the shoreline is dangerous. No matter that people have been visiting this area for hundreds of years, they have decided once again to protect people from themselves and have erected a whole bunch of ropes and signs saying that rocks might fall on you. I feel that it is totally unsightly and takes away from the natural state of the area. This is just my opinion, and some may not agree with me, but I once again have to say that we have FAR too many rules in this country and it just keeps getting worse. The pics above were purposely taken not to show the unsightly barriers, but the pics below show some of them.

After Hopewell Rocks, we drove on to the town of Riverside-Albert. We actually made a bit of a wrong turn, but it led us to a school and I spotted right away that it would be a great overnight location. We parked Sherman there, and took the little car out to Cape Enrage to see if it was worthwhile taking the motorhome out there or not, but decided it wasn't worth it. Then we carried on the the village of Alma which is right at the border of Fundy National Park.

When we were at Fundy Park three years ago, we had parked overnight at the Alma Lobster Shop. They had a nice large parking area and had said we were welcome to boondock there. We stopped in to see them again and ask if it was still possible, but as soon as we drove up we saw that they had expanded and their parking area wasn't as large as it used to be. Anyhow, we went inside and they were just as friendly as last time and still said we were welcome to overnight there if we wish. We will return there today and buy fresh lobster at $5.99 a pound! Then after they close we will go there to overnight.

Anyhow, drove the little car back to Sherman, and had a very peaceful night parked beside the school.

Great boondocking spot when school is not in session! (GPS 45.748787 -64.732196)

Parked beside the Riverside-Albert Consolidate School, built 1905.

On our drive, we also saw another great boondocking spot beside a small church with a large parking lot. Great for any size rig! (GPS 45.645856,-64.845707)

Today is looking cloudy with some showers. We're in Alma, parked near the skating rink but you can't overnight here. Later in the day, we'll move over to the Alma Lobster Shop for the night.

Only did 50 kms (30 miles) yesterday!


  1. beautiful spot and hey it isn't everywhere that you can get paid 18 bucks to walk...

  2. Always impressed by the Hopewell Rocks saw them in the early 70's and mid 90's want to go back again. And you just have to love short travel days, the friendly local business people and especially the price of fresh lobster!

  3. Those rock formations are really neat. I'm not so sure that they are trying to protect people from the falling rocks as they are trying to protect themselves from lawsuits. I hate it also but when people became "sue" happy this is the result. $5.99 for fresh lobster - wow.

  4. glad you got to see the tide out!!! The signage is due to some people who got themselves 'trapped' out there over the past few years....visitor lack of common sense is what it amounted the signage is to protect the province...costs the province big $$ to rescue people who don't use their common sense :) sorry its rainy today...beautiful pics thanks for posting...great buy on the lobster :) Travel safe..will be following you...I have to keep the front blinds closed...rig sitting in the driveway and we're working on the house...alas I see a light at the end of the tunnel...huggles from tucker and lily to Whiskey:)

  5. Nice shots with the tide out and in. Lovely sites in Canada. Glad you are taking time to see the beauty, so many don't.

  6. The government definitely do not have a photographer's soul! Indeed they are unsightly for such a pretty spot.

  7. heyduke50...It is a pretty interesting place to visit. When the tide is high you can kayak along the coastline.

    George and Suzie...Yep, the shorter the travel day the better. I think part of the reason local business people are so friendly around here, is they want the business as they only see tourists 2 months of the year. Also it's that small town feel and you're in the maritines so everyone is friendly.

    Jim and Sandie...I think you have it right, it is to protect themselves from lawsuits.

    Rick and Elaine...I don't think it is because of people getting trapped more than to stop people climbing on the cliffs and having a possible landslide. Although I am sure that there are enough people who get themselves stuck when the tide is rising. They even have an emergency platform for people to get on to if they get themselves trapped.

    The lobster and scallops were delicious. Less than a month to go and you will be out there in the new RV enjoying life. Whiskey says hi to Tucker and Lily.

    Contessa...Thank you! Yes, many people drive by a lot of gems out there without ever knowing about them. Love to take our time and "smell the roses".

    Sandra...Yep, the government needs to start letting people take care of themselves instead of trying to be everyone's big brother.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  8. Hi,

    I found your blog while looking for hiking trail reviews and have enjoyed reading about your Nova Scotia travels. Can you tell me where the trail starts that would get you to Hopewell Rocks without paying the fee? We may decide to hike this extra bit if we have time. Thanks in advance!

    1. Sure, send me an email to [email protected] and I'll send you a detailed map!

  9. I was born in Mom used to teach at that school (Riverside Consolidated). It was saved from demolition recently by community protests. My Dad used to play dances (accordion) at the Hopewell Rocks in the 1940's. Real estate prices are dead cheap there now...I may move back from California to summer there six months each year before long...cheers!

    1. What a beautiful school your mother got to teach at! I remember even now after 6 years how much we admired that school. They sure don't make schools looking like that anymore.

      That would be a nice place to spend 5 or 6 months of the summer. Hope that you achieve your goal. :-)


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