The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Riverview, New Brunswick

Well, we just never know where we're going to end up from one day to the next.  We had expected to be just outside of Fundy National Park last night but we received an email yesterday morning that changed our plans for the day.

We love meeting the people who follow our travels. Readers Rick and Elaine here in Riverview, New Brunswick noticed that we were going to be driving right by their place and sent us an email yesterday morning. They have a  nice second driveway for Sherman and said we were welcome to use it!

Rick and Elaine have been readers since back in 2007 when we used to use the old mytripjournal website for our blog, so we would have made the effort to meet up even if we weren't driving right by! So of course we accepted their invite!

On our way to their place, we made a stop at the New Brunswick tourist info centre just as we crossed the border from Nova Scotia.

Of course when we parked at the New Brunswick welcome centre, the first thing I did is to check the internet. But the welcome centre doesn't have wi-fi! Get with the 21st century, New Brunswick! I believe that all tourist and welcome centres should have free wi-fi for travellers. And most do, but apparently New Brunswick hasn't caught on yet.

We noticed from where we were parked that we were only a couple of km's from Fort Beausejour, a National Historic Site. So we hopped in the little car and went for a visit. It turns out that there is a fee to this site, but because we have our National Park annual pass, we didn't have to pay. 

Ruth and Whiskey at Fort Beausejour ruins

Some areas of the fort have been reconstructed. Not many tall people in those days!

The museum on the left has a number of interesting artifacts.

Visiting Fort Beausejour was okay, but nothing special. It would not have been worth it to have to pay the entrance fee, but because we had the pass, it was okay.

Then, it was off to Riverview, which is just outside of Moncton. Rick and Elaine welcomed us, and Whiskey met their dogs Tucker and Lily. We got Sherman all parked up, and spent the rest of the afternoon talking about RV'ing and work and retirement. Rick and Elaine have only recently retired and have bought themselves a beautiful new to them diesel pusher motorhome as well. No shortage of conversation, and we seem to have a lot in common. Elaine made a wonderful ham dinner for us all, and then we had a tour of each others motorhomes. You can see their new rig on their blog here.

Whiskey, Ruth, and Tucker


Rick and Elaine

Sherman, parked up beside Rick and Elaine's

And so we enjoyed a great evening sharing stories. It's so much fun meeting people in person who we know from the cyber world.

Today, we don't have very far to drive so we're not rushing off. But, it's looking like a nice day so we'll want to get a hike in somewhere. 

Yesterday's drive, 173 kms (107 miles)


  1. It's so nice to be flexible with your plans and especially meet up with some "cyber world" acquaintances. Looks like a great day was had by all.

  2. Love those 107 mile days and especially new friends at the end of the day. (With a beautiful parking spot.)

  3. nice to meet fellow 'bloggin' buddies'!..enjoy!!

  4. Lovely place your hosts have. Great that you can just go with the flow. I am surprised that the Fort let Whiskey come in.

  5. It is so nice to meet up with cyber friends and be able to make a moments change of plans!

  6. Isn't that just the best part of our lifestyles... flexible plans and meeting wonderful people through our blogging... Have fun & Travel safe

  7. One of the big perks about this make friends all over the world! Glad you made time to stop.

  8. Hi Ruth and Kevin! I thought I'd introduce myself since my hubby and I are young RVers too! I'm 37 and the old man is 42 :P I found your blog when I looked up adsense and then after reading about your hassles, I decided to fuggedaboudit! Anyway, I hope you stop by my blog sometime so we can be blog buds! -Nellie

  9. Thank you again everyone for your comments. It is so nice to hear from our readers. Yes, the is one thing we love about this lifestyle is being able to change our plans when necessary. It isn't always possible but for the most part we are very adaptable.

    Thank you so much Rick and Elaine, it was wonderful meeting up with you and we really enjoyed your hospitality. I really hope we can have a chance to meet up again in the future.

    Contessa...the Fort was pretty basic and as long as your dog is on a leash and you pick up after them they don't mind. It was more of a park then a full fledged fort.

    Nellie...Thank you for stopping by and we will definitely visit your site. Happy to hear you are out there enjoying life at an nice early age.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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