The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Spent some time yesterday morning working on a water leak in my father in law's car. Think we got things fixed, but that pad under the carpet sure does hold a lot of water! Got to let things dry out before putting it all back together.

Put a second coat of stain on my cabinet, and today I'll put some varnish or something on it. Then I should be able to install it tomorrow. Also adjusted the entrance door so that it latches properly. While I was doing all of these things, Ruth was doing some interior decorating by changing the fabric that goes on some of the interior panels that separate the cupboards. We'll show before and after pics when she's done. She also cleaned the front dash area with bleach because we had noticed a little mold that was probably from all of the interior moisture we experienced when we were cold in Nova Scotia.

In the evening, Ruth's Dad had bought us tickets to the Chinese entry in the International Fireworks competition. This has been a popular annual summer event since 1996 in the Ottawa area. It actually takes place at Lac Leamy in Gatineau which is in the Quebec side of the Ottawa-Gatineau Region. Ottawa, the capitol city of Canada is located in Ontario, and right at the Ontario-Quebec border.

The fireworks stage in the middle of Lac Leamy, with the skyline of the city of Ottawa in the background.

Tickets were $20 each which is a little pricey for a 25 minute long show. It didn't help that we had a 50 minute drive each way to get there. But, it was a really good show, and there were some types of fireworks that we've never seen before. And, we made the trip worthwhile by also picking up a case of cheaper beer in Quebec! Thirty bottles of Alexander Keiths (a premium Nova Scotia beer) normally costs $46 in Ontario, but we got it for $37 in Quebec. I shall make an effort to make it last until we get back in the U.S.!


  1. Wow $37 for a 30 pack.. 30 pack Miller light $14.99. Fireworks looked pretty.

  2. Nice fireworks display and a good deal for 30 Alexander Keiths in Canada. Hope you can make it last! We stick with the discount beers $26.55(plus deposit) for 24 bottles, can't wait until we head south, it really helps to keep the budget in line.

  3. Pretty fireworks! Can't wait to see the mod pictures! I bet it will look great!

  4. Can you imagine the extra tax dollars Obama would collect if they charged the same price for beer in the US.

  5. Great fireworks photos! $20 for 25 min. is ridiculous but it seems that people will pay it as there always seems to be a good crowd.

  6. great pics you the fireworks..and the price of the beer..funny how its made in NS and is cheaper in Quebec..go figure...stay safe..enjoy the decorating can't wait to see the pics...

  7. A great end to a productive day!

  8. Can't wait to see the before and after pics!


  9. Great fireworks photos. I don't know if my John could handle those beer prices. He would have to ration out his beer and would not be a happy man.

  10. Good shots on the fireworks, mine or in the hit or miss category.

  11. Kenny and Angela...That's one reason why we like the US and Mexico. Mind you Kevin like the taste of the Canadian beer.

    George and Suzie...He's bought those a few times but just doesn't enjoy them so decided not to buy them anymore.

    WBY...Thanks! Pictures will be up in the next post. They aren't really mods so much, just a bit of recovering.

    Rick and Elaine...I don't think the Americans would let him do that. Yep, we think it is funny to that it is cheaper and not only in Quebec but it's also cheaper by about a $1 or $1.50 in Ontario. Not much of a savings but when you consider that it is made in Nova Scotia and shipped away that Nova Scotia should be cheaper.

    Sandra...Thanks, we enjoyed the show, but I don't think we would have gone if we would have had to buy the tickets. It was very busy so I am sure they are making money. They also had concession stands and stage shows going on before and after the fireworks display for those wanting to fight the crowds.

    Contessa...A very nice end to the day.

    Sue and Doug...Thank you. They definitely had some nice displays.

    Chris...They are coming, stayed tuned!

    Janie and John...That's what Kevin has to do and he's not happy about it!

    Chuck and Anneke...Kevin took lots so that we could be sure of a few good ones. You should have seen the ones we trashed!

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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