Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A little bit every day

Most RV's and motorhomes weren't designed to be lived in, so when they are subjected to that lifestyle they get a lot more wear and tear than they were designed for. Plus, Sherman is a 15 year old motorhome so we need to keep on top of things in the repair and maintenance department so that he will be with us for as long as we need him.

That`s why I have such a long list of things to do here before we leave. I`m pretty handy at fixing things, but it`s not always easy to do repairs yourself when you`re on the road and some repairs need special tools. I`m thankful that Ruth`s father has a fully equipped shop and a lot of specialized tools. If you need it, he`s pretty much got it.

I stained the cabinet I made, and it looks close enough to Shermans interior wood that I may not have to put a door over it.`I`ll put a second coat on it today and if it looks good enough I`ll varnish it and then leave it open without a door on it.

While the stain was drying, I removed Sherman`s main entrance door. I had noticed a couple of months ago that the lower trim on the door was loose and when I went to tighten it up I realized that the entire lower inner structure of the door was rotten. So I took the door off and took it apart to see how bad it was. Fortunately, it was only the lower piece of wood because that`s where any water would sit over time. So I made a new piece exactly the same and replaced it. I don`t have a lot of experience working with wood, however it sure helps having all the right tools!

Bottom section of wood was totally rotten

Brand new lower structure!

While I was doing this, Ruth took apart the oven and cleaned it. We couldn`t live without our gas oven and we use it a lot. It needed a good cleaning and now it sparkles like new!

Nice and clean!

So, what`s on the agenda for today? Well first I'm going to have a look at Ruth's father's car. He's got a water leak somewhere and apparently I used to be a licensed auto body technician, so we'll see if I remember any of that stuff. Then, some more work to Sherman. Then tonight we're headed into Ottawa to see the Chinese entry at the international fireworks competition. Should be fun!


  1. Nice job on the door and Ruth thats an excellent job on the oven. Have a great day guys.

  2. Repairs and maintenance are always an ongoing and necessary thing with any living space especially and rv. And so much easier when you have the time and access to all the proper tools. You are doing a great job getting ready for the road. Oh yeah, enjoy the fireworks!

  3. Your header picture is a great explanation for why you are anxious to go back to Mexico. What a great site!

  4. Love, love your header photo. Good job on the door and cabinet, however I would still put a door on it. Think of stuff spilling out with each tope you ease over!!!

  5. The door and the oven are looking real good!

  6. Ruth, it looks like your oven is ready to produce and excellent winter meal in Potrero Chico! Can't wait.


  7. You are just like Tim the tool time and doing a great job fixing up Sherman.

  8. Rick and Elaine...Thanks! Kevin is working hard. I don't want to use the oven now because I don't want to make it dirty!

    George and Suzie...You are so right and it is an enormous help having all the right tools.

    Chuck and Anneke...It is so beautiful at Valle de Bravo. Last year was our first time there and we want to go back again this year to explore the area more.

    Contessa...Thank you! As for the stuff in that shelf, we will have it in a basket and Kevin put a barrier at the front of the shelf so things wouldn't slide out, so I don't think we will have any issues, even with the topes.

    Randy and Pam...Thank you!

    Sandra...We did, thanks!

    Chris...Start thinking about what you want on the menu. We can't wait!

    Kenny and Angela...Yep, Kevin is working hard and luckily he hasn't made any trips to the hospital like Tim the Toolman guy!

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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