Out for a hike near Etzatlan, Jalisco, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? La Primavera Forest, just west of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Towards San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Plans for 2012

It's difficult to plan too far in advance. Certainly there are things that you want to do in the future and you can have goals you want to accomplish, but a lot can happen to change your plans.

We want to stay in Mexico next year. We can always fly back to Canada for a visit, and of course we are always open to having friends and family come to Mexico to visit us. In fact, we welcome the opportunity to show people the real Mexico, the one you rarely hear about in the media, and the one far removed from the all inclusive resorts of Cancun.

Beautiful property to housesit.

So we've been asked if we're interested in a house sitting opportunity. A friend has a beautiful property on the Mexico-Belize border and she's looking for someone to look after it for about 4 months next summer. We've been there before and really enjoyed the area and we've always wanted to experience Mexico at that time of year. But, it's difficult to make a commitment that far in advance. We've told her we are definitely interested, but that it will be a couple of months before we give her a firm answer.

Anyhow, back to the present. I got the shelf built in where the microwave used to be, and we both like it a lot better that way. Now I just need to find some doors for it. I'm thinking we'll go with the smoked plexiglas, and the same thing on the front cabinet where the TV used to be. And I got that cabinet built as well yesterday, just need to paint or stain it, and then I can install it.

The microwave cabinet, now with a shelf built into it.

Where the TV used to be.

Cabinet I built for the TV space

Apparently I measured properly!

Some of you wondered how we do our cooking. Well, we use the stove top and the propane oven. You know, just like they used to do in the olden days! And of course we now have our Weber grill as well.


  1. Yup, those were the three things we used.
    Nice fit on the cabinet by the way.
    Half the fun I had of owning a motorhome was throwing out some of the junk the manufacturer put in and replacing it with something suitable. Been woodworking for about 25 years, so I'm a pretty good beginner. Took out all the drawers that had been stapled together and installed pine drawers with machined dovetails with full extension drawer slides. Made a huge difference, mostly in the decreased level of my frustration.
    There's still gobs of wasted space in the average North American RV though. It can be mind boggling.

  2. Mexico is beautiful... It is always fun to plan & dream. Sometimes they come true! You're doing a great job in remodeling the cabinets!!!
    Have fun

  3. From the looks of it you are handy enough to make your own door/s for the openings...nice job

  4. Really miss the markets in Mexico, hope to get there again soon. The extra storage sure comes in handy, doing a great job! Even the best plans can change, we had a get together planned for Aug. 13th but find out today that its really tomorrow, hmm so much for those plans.

  5. nice to make 'Sherman' work for you!..and you did a great job on the cabinet!..measure twice cut once is always a good motto!!

  6. The Mexico/Belize opportunity sounds like something not to be missed. I hope your plans work out.

  7. If it works out, the house sitting idea seems great. But you never know details so far in advance. We have been offered an RV area house sitting place in Cabo but prefer to be free to come and go. Yes we stay in Maz for a long time but that can change quickly. If the area seems run down we will
    move on or if we just feel like it we will move. Right now we have been restricted by my health & family health

  8. I will come visit!!!!!!

    We would totally love to house sit somewhere, is there a website we can go on for that? Or just know people?

  9. Nice work on Sherman, the house sitting sounds like it could be a great opportunity.

  10. Bob...You sound like a talented woodworker. We agree, lots of wasted space, but we are working to make it better.

    Donna...Where would we be without dreams? We enjoying making our dreams come true.

    trailcamper...Kevin said that looks can be decieving.

    George and Suzie...The markets in Mexico are so colourful and fun looking. Our plans are never set in stone and we love it that way.

    Sue and Doug...Thanks! That is always a good motto to live by when doing renos!

    Rick and Elaine...Sherman is very happy and we aren't done yet!

    Grace...We hope the plans work out too. It is really a beautiful area there and it should be very interesting with the weather at that time of year.

    Contessa...We think the housesitting should work out great for us. We love the property and the area around and we don't think we will have trouble keeping ourselves busy. I know what you meant though about committing yourself to something because you are then stuck there until you have fulfilled your time, whereas when you are staying under your own steam, you can always leave when you please.

    WBY...You would be welcome providing the owner doesn't mind if we have friends visit. The house sitting website is at the top left-hand side of our blog.

    Chuck and Anneke...Thanks! We think it sounds like a great opportunity too.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey

  11. I, of course, vote for you to accept the house sitting opportunity. And you would be free to travel to other areas for a couple of weeks at a time so you would not be 'stuck'. Also, your friends would be welcome to visit. If you are living in the house, they could stay in the RV or vice versa.

    If you are not able to take the 'job' then if others who are your readers are interested in it, look up the property on http://www.homeexchange.com/ Search on Calderitas. Kathe

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Kathe...You are making it very difficult to say NO. Somehow I think I see us in Chetumal next summer.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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