The spectacular Mexico City Cathedral at night.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Guanajuato on Friday.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Port Allegany, Pennsylvania

We were up early yesterday morning to the sound of raindrops on Sherman’s roof. We said goodbye to John and Ellen and thanked them for their hospitality.

We prefer to stay away from the Interstate highways unless we really need to do a lot of miles in a day. We’re not at that stage yet, so we decided to take the backroads and we headed south towards Ithaca, NY.

Wet...all day!

It rained the whole day. I mean, it may have let up for 10 minutes or so here and there, but it was pretty much none stop. It’s been a long time since we’ve had to put up with a full day of rain. We could tell by the creeks and rivers near the highway that there was a lot more water than normal in them.

Passing through Cortland, NY.

Made it into Pennsylvania and the Alleghany mountain range. Not really mountains, more like hills….but scenic nonetheless. I think at one point we were up around 2,400 ft elevation, but it was so overcast and rainy that we couldn’t get much of a view of anything up there.

Paid $3.59 a gallon (about $0.93 per litre CAN) for gas as we entered Pennsylvania. Better than the $3.85 a gallon we saw in most of New York State.

As it got past 4:30pm or so we started to look for somewhere to stop for the night. Around 5:00pm I spotted a baseball field on the other side of a river and took the next bridge back. The sign said they were part of the Moose Lodge, but I saw a Legion building nearby so I wandered over there and up to the bar and asked if they knew if we could park at the ball diamonds. The bartender lady said I would have to go back into town and go to ask at the Moose Lodge building. Then she says, well why don’t you just park right here! And she pointed me to a corner of the parking lot and said we were welcome to spend the night. We meet friendly helpful people everywhere!

Sherman, parked up for the night at the Legion building.

Whiskey, relaxing.

Yesterday's drive, 242 miles (387 kms)


  1. Looks like you made a nice trip for rainy day, It has been gorgeous here all week with sun and temps in the middle 70's. The week end says an isolated thunderstorm. Have a safe ride. Sam & Donna...

  2. Looks like you are making progress thru some nice countryside, it would be much nicer on a sunny day thou. Its amazing all the friendly people out there especially once you get away from the large cities.

  3. You covered quite a few miles in the rain. People are really nice generally. Sherman and Whiskey both look happy relaxing in PA.

  4. Be careful for all that flooding up that way ~ stay alert!!!
    Keep safe

  5. looks like you two are in a hurry to get south...

  6. wow you covered alot of territory yesterday...too bad it rained all the time..which definitely keeps you on your careful of all the flooding areas...excellent scenery...very nice of the barmaid to give you permission to stay right there...I'm sure you didn't want to travel back into town after the full day of safe my friends..
    Elaine and Rick

  7. Rainy days... you can either drive on through or curl up and take a nap and listen to the rain on the roof. Either way, anyday in a motorhome on the road is a fun day!

    Karen and Steve
    (Our Blog) RVing: Small House... BIG Backyard

  8. I think there was a hurricane in that area, probably why all the wet?

    Glad to see you are staying well and driving safe.


  9. I think I'd rather drive in a light rain than in full sunlight. All the motorhomes I've had are hot in the sun, especially when heading south, into the sun. Besides, the engine runs better with the cool damp air charging the engine. Just be safe on the wet roads.


  10. That was very nice of the barmaid to invite you to park in the lot. There is a nice person right around every corner! Enjoy the ride.

  11. Sam and Donnna...Sure hope the sun stays out and the temperature stays the same, sounds perfect there. See you tomorrow!

    George and Suzie...It would be nicer if the sun was out but we are on the road so that's a good day in our books.

    Jim and Sandie...Yep, we're covering more miles than we would normally like to do but this is only temporary, next week should be more relaxing. We agree most people are nice people.

    Donna...Rivers are high but no problem with flooding.

    heyduke...We're in a hurry to get to Sam's place after that it will be more leisurely. We sure are missing Mexico though!

    Elaine and Rick...We did the same yesterday and more to come today. At least with the wet weather it didn't make us feel so bad that we didn't have time for a hike. Can't wait to have the time for that again. No, we didn't feel like going back to town after all that driving. We had a great night there.

    Karen and Steve...You got that right, sorta like a bad day fishing is better than a good day at the office!

    WBY...I think that storm was more to the east of the country but they still may have had some heavy rain from it.

    Paul...We would still rather drive in the sunshine as long as we don't have to drive into the sun but we do what we gotta do, right? Life is hard sometimes, lol!

    where's weaver...There are nice people everywhere.

    Kevin, Ruth and Whiskey


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