Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Etzatlan, Mexico (day 2)

When we arrived here at Delia's Trailer Park on Monday, a woman came out and welcomed us in Spanish. We said our hello's, and I was quick to explain that I only spoke a little bit of Spanish. She asked if I spoke English, and I said yes. And it turned out that her English is perfect!

Our host Bonnie runs the trailer park and ranch here. It's a kind of an interesting place, and the trailer park area feels like you're parked up in someone's big backyard. We like it here!

It turns out that Bonnie's father was from South Dakota. Way back when, he married a Mexican lady (Delia, I assume!) and bought this ranch. Over the years, he leased building lots to other Americans and now there are 16 homes built on the ranch, most of them used only in the winter. It's still early, so I think only two of them are currently occupied. And Bonnie says the RV area has been here for at least twenty years.

Ruth, with Sherman in the background.

But it's a farming and ranching area, so it's not the type of place a lot of RV'ers would make a point of coming to. But we like it, and it turns out there's a lot to see and do in the surrounding area. Bonnie took us into town in her car to show us around, and it's a bigger town than I had thought. They even have a baseball diamond, and their team plays every Sunday so we're thinking we'll stick around longer than originally planned. And there's a lookout on a nearby hill on the other side of town, so we're going to hike up there this morning.

We were wandering around the property and came across these friendly donkeys.

The entrance road from the highway.

Daily rate here is 150 pesos ($11.70) for full hookups including electricity. We don't need any hookups so we made a deal at 100 pesos per night ($7.80). We're the first customers of the season, and there are no other RV's here.

Sherman is happy here!

Bonnie and her two daughters. Notice the dogs...there are six of them living here, so we get to give them all lots of affection!

This guy was quick to take a liking to us. Can't remember his name, but he's such a friendly guy!

Trying to do some reading, but he just wanted to be petted!

So this morning we're going to go do that hike up to the lookout. Bonnie is going to drive us into town because she works with weight loss patients at the local gym. Then we'll do the hike and maybe do some shopping before taking a taxi back here. It's not far, we would walk it if we didn't have to pick up some groceries. Besides, taxis are cheap here.


  1. gorgeous park..and excellent rates even if you had that you can enjoy their furkids...enjoy....

  2. How do you find these wonderful places? This is the type of rural setting that we love. Looks so peaceful and a bonus of donkeys and dogs!

  3. Even here in Europe, a pair of "cheaters" (reading glasses) doesn't break the bank.
    I'm sure they must be cheaper in Mexico.
    Or maybe you managed to "photo shop" out that one arm on your glasses?
    That must be it.
    Never mind.

  4. Such a nice spot and of course the rates are great as well. Enjoy your the baseball game we loved going to the games in Mazatlan.

  5. Gorgeous flowers and love the fur friends.

  6. Thanks for sharing this little gem with us. The shade looks divine, we don;t have much - yet!

  7. Looks like you kid's are having a great time, we just got home and are catching up, maybe next year we will join you for some of that 100 peso action. Tell Kevin to be careful with the dog, that's how it starts , a couple of pets, then maybe a lick, and the next thing you know they run away with your hearts,Be safe out there, we miss you guys. Sam & Donna...

  8. I enjoy your blog. It would be nice if you posted GPS coordinates for the places you stay.

  9. Love the old school water slide on the pool! Don't forget a bucket of water before sliding! Yikes!

  10. What a super park. Love the header picture! Now you don't see friendly donkeys in most parks...matters of fact, I have never seen them in a RV park. Cute picture.

  11. So that makes you guys the first campers of the season at 2 parks now! I love the donkeys, bring us one when you come back at Christmas. It looks like the kind of place we would like too. Take care. Barb and Sal

  12. I agree with Barb, looks like our kind of place. Quiet, rural and the price is right. Enjoy!

  13. What a relaxing life you live! It makes me somewhat envious that you have such a full but happy life doing what you love to do.

  14. Elaine...We like it here. Definitely good rates even with hookups but you know us, we live on a tight budget so every peso saved helps.

    Donna K...In Mexico we use the Mexican Caming book by the Churches, it is pretty much known as the bible here. Kevin also does lots of research on the internet. We like this kind of setting versus an RV Park/Resort.

    Bob...We wondered if anyone would notice that!

    Sue and Doug...It is and we will, thanks.

    George and Suzie...Thanks!

    Gail...Thank you, we think it is too.

    Jim and Sandie...The flowers are beautiful and the dogs are lots of fun to watch.

    Contessa...To us it is! You will have your shade soon enough I am sure.

    Sam and Donna...We are having lots of fun. Glad that you and Donna had a great weekend. You, two need to get some more of those in. Hope you can get away for a little break this winter.

    Garth...Thank you for commenting and following our blog. Most of our overnight places are in the Churches "Mexico Camping Book" which has the GPS coordinates but Kevin will go back into our posts and put in the GPS coordinates and we will try to remember to put them in from this point on. If we forget send us an email or make a comment.

    Trkdrivinfool...It is pretty funny but I am sure that it does the trick.

    Chuck and Anneke...It is pretty quiet here.

    FULL-TIMERS...The donkeys are in the compound beside us and don't actually come into the part where we are, just the dogs do.

    Barb and Sal...I guess we are special!! Sorry we don't have a toy hauler to bring a donkey back and we're not sharing our bed with it. You would like it here for sure.

    Chris...Yep, you and Juan would like it here too!

    Paul...We really enjoy this life and don't mind doing without all the extras that we used to have in our life. The simplier it is, the better it is for us.

    Kevin and Ruth

  15. Hello!

    My name is Samantha (Bonnie's daughter).
    Thank you for all the nice comments, hopefully we will see you again this year, we have been improving the RV park!

    Unfortunately, the donkeys are gone, and some of the dogs have passed away (from old age). But we have horses, and 3 dogs still!

    Feel free to visit our facebook page (delia's trailer park etzatlan), where you'll find photos, and other interesting info.

    These are the coordenates for our park. 20°46'22.66"N 104°03'52.97"W

  16. You forgot the plaza. It is located in downtown Etzatlan (Etzatlan Centro). It is near the town square and close to Presidencia Municipal. And accross from the church of our father of mercy (el senor de la misericordia). You could have better view in "Las Fiestas de Octubre" (Celebrating of the patron saint our father of mercy) It is held, save the date, Ends of October. I really reccomended. All the bandas musicales (musical bands) play at the same time.

    1. Moises, we didn't forget the plaza, I guess we just didn't put up any pictures of it. It is a lovely plaza and we spent lots of time sitting and watching the children play and the families walk by. Check out our other posts for the days after, we saw lots of things in the area and look forward to returning someday soon, hopefully sometime when they have their fiesta. Thank you for taking the time to comment.


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