Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October, our cheapest month ever!

Well, in keeping with our budget goal of $1,000 a month, we are pleased to report record low spending for the month of October! Living expenses came in at a total of $707.14.

We know from past experience that we can live well in Mexico for $1,000 a month or less, but October came in quite a bit below that. Partly because we were well stocked up on some food items coming off what was a very expensive September. And, it helps that we stayed in one spot for a whole month. It also helps us that the Canadian dollar versus Mexico peso exchange rate is at is best ever value from a Canadian perspective.

We only spent $54.55 on gasoline. Of course gas is cheaper here anyhow, at about $0.74 per litre ($2.80 per gallon).

We finally had to fill up our propane, and that was $27.00.

We only spent $168.69 on groceries. This is partly because we ate out a few times more than we normally do, and also because we were well stocked up on some items we had bought in September. Still, it is exceptionally low.

Spent $108.57 on alcohol, but $50 of that was for a few items we stocked up on while in Guadalajara that we haven't even touched.

Our miscellaneous expenses were a record low $55.38! This is the one category where something always seems to come up, and this month nothing did. This is for our cellular internet access, laundry, and Whiskey's tree...that's it!

$74.55 on entertainment, and this category includes meals out. And we ate out more than we ever do, but eating out can be pretty cheap here in Mexico if you go to the right places.

And, 2,800 pesos ($218.40) for our month long stay here at Hacienda Contreras. We will actually have to pay our electricity bill (all sites are metered) when we leave here, but that's only going to be another 180 pesos ($14.00) or so and will be expensed in November because that's when we'll pay it.


  1. $707.14 a month in the states...unheard of! I am so impressed with how much you two do on so little. IF we go out to eat, we spend $30 without liquor...insane. How much we can learn from Mexico!!!
    Now that we are in Houston for 2 months, our expenses should be waaaaay down. Love the header picture! Enjoy your day.

  2. Gotta love the expenses this month, keep it up guys.

  3. Way to go on the expenses for the month...good job!!! Loving following your days!

  4. Wow, that is good. We spent more than that just on campgrounds.

  5. Great job on getting the most for your money.

  6. Very impressive. Our figures aren't looking too good because of the new jacks and we've been out to eat way too much. Maybe November will be better for us.

  7. Impressive. Well done. Life is great.

  8. My budget got blown out of the water this month with repair expenses. :( Good job on being to so!

  9. You gotta love Mexico! A great place for rvers.

  10. Wow living expenses sure are cheap in Mexico. Sounds like the place to be.

  11. FULL-TIMERS...It is even worst in Canada, that's one of the reasons we come to Mexico, cheaper living and beautiful weather. We have fun trying to do lots with just a little money.

    George and Suzie...We sure do, now we just have to keep them low.

    Sue and Doug...Thank you.

    Elaine...Thanks, Elaine.

    Chuck and Anneke...That's why we tend to do a lot of boondocking in Canada and the States. Campgrounds and gas are usually the top expenses for most people.

    Donna K...Thanks, we like to make a game of it.

    Jim and Sandie...Thank you. Sometimes things are just out of your control and when something breaks it has to be fixed. At least you got the repair done at a better price than the first person who gave you an estimate.

    Contessa...Yes, life is great!

    Judy and Emma...You had a bad month for repairs. I hope you have a great November to make up for things.

    Janie and John...Thank you.

    Chris...We definitely love Mexico and yes we think it is a great place for RVing.

    Paul...One of the many reasons we come to Mexico. Cheap prices, wonderful people and fantastic weather.

    Kevin and Ruth

  12. Well that got me thinking so I checked out our October expenses.
    Grand total £587.43 ($940)
    however £215 was annual road tax so really £372.43 ($595)for the months expenses plus £18 for the share of the road tax plus we had an excellent time. Who says you need money to enjoy life?

  13. Glen and Steve...You have done great as well but then you have had lots of experience. You are right you don't need lots of money to have a good time, it's all about priorities.

    Kevin and Ruth


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