Scenery in the Sierra Gorda mountains near Pinal de Amoles, Queretaro, Mexico.
Where are Kevin and Ruth now? Jalpan de Serra, Queretaro, Mexico.

Where are Kevin and Ruth going next? Not sure yet.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Another fun day at Hacienda Contreras

There is always something going on around here. Never a dull moment. We were just starting our morning walk around the park when we were hijacked by Barb and Sal who were going into town to see Barb's Christmas present. She had no idea what it was...and it turned out to be a burro!

Donkeys are such gentle creatures, and we think this one has probably had a pretty hard life. The last owner used him to carry kids around the neighbourhood for a couple of pesos per ride. Now he can have a good life just eating grass and wandering around the property during the summer rainy season. No idea how old he is, but donkeys can live upwards of 35 years. Sal paid 800 pesos ($60) for the donkey.

Sal and Barb with Don Quixote (Donkey Hotay!)

Then, we went into town with fellow campers Brian and Sue . They have a tow vehicle with them, so they gave us a lift to the market. The Saturday market is the best place to buy fruit and veggies!

How much would all of this cost where you live?? We paid 120 pesos ($9.36)!

Sal's mother and sister came over as they were showing the ladies how to make some special Mexican Christmas food. They made sope (pronounced "SOH-peh") for lunch. They were delicious!

A sope...delicious. I ate three of them!

After lunch, I cleaned the left side of the motorhome. It was getting pretty grungy and I'll have to do some polishing today. While I was doing that, Ruth was helping the ladies make tamales for dinner. 

Juana is mixing the ground corn with the ingredients for the tamales.

Spreading the corn mixture onto the soaked corn husks.

What it looks like with the mixture spread.

Adding the pork filling to the mixture.

Folding the husks.

The pork and chili filling mixture.

In the pot, and ready for steaming.

The cooked tamale, ready for opening.

The finished product...delicious!

This afternoon, everybody at the campground has been invited to a fiesta celebrating the christening of two local babies...should be another fun day!


  1. Always something happening around there to keep you busy. The Burro should make a nice pet, and the tamales look delicious, fun days for sure.

  2. A Burro is what you guys need to get to town on.

    The tammales I bet are real good.

  3. Your friend is so lucky, I'd love to have a burro! Who knows, maybe some day.

    The fresh fruits and veggies look great - I'm about out here in The Palms, and need a good market like yours.

    What a fun day you had - Merry Christmas - Felice Navidad! :)

  4. Merry Christmas to the two of you. We're enjoying following your Mexican adventure!

  5. Burro's are very smart and loving pets Barb is going to love it. You guys have such a great place to spend the holidays. be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  6. The donkey is so cute! And the food looks lovely!

  7. How cute...a burro for a Christmas gift!
    Wishing you a Merry and Blessed Christmas!

  8. I helped make tamales last Christmas since I wanted to learn how... we had fun making the tamales but it is way more work than I thought... makes me appreciate it more when I buy tamales from someone who makes them...

  9. We are absolutely loving donkey Don!!!! What a fabulous Christmas gift. We thought Hacienda Contreras couldn't get any better, but it just did! Can't wait to meet that little fella in a few weeks time.
    Glad you are getting that walking path worn down for us. ;-)
    Feliz Navidad, amigos!


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